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12 hours ago I was listening to the president of Ecuador. Now I'm in baggage claim. Wow. I highly recommend being drunk when leaving Ecuador, but the hangover at US customs isn't as much fun.

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7 of the top 10 in Standard (LTD), including the HOA, were US shooters. Well done! How about TGO - he never stops.

I don't know the whole story, but looking at the Prod scores, it looks like Dave likely had some type of trouble (ammo, gun, or just a really bad stage) that put him into the pack - instead of above the pack where he usaully resides.

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The only reason I have not chimed in with a "+1" is that I was already a fan, so she already had the "1" I can deliver.

Ditto from me. Regardless of any other aspect of this issue, the one thing that is incontrovertably clear is that Julie handled the process and the decision with dignity and class. If I hadn't already been a fan... I'd be one now.

Thanks, Julie, you are truly a credit to your team, your country and your sport.


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Well it's over.

In Production the top two shooters and their support staff manuvered with everything they had to win. The results are now final.

Neither Adam or Dave were warmly welcomed by many at the awards ceremony

That's sad. It does not help our game or the shooting world in general. The Olympics with its extreme nationalism wants nothing to do with our sort of sport. Let's not behave as they do.

There are lots of matches coming up - and rematches. This incident, whoever might be "right", has put a spotlight on a well known problem that no one really wanted to address.

The next time, I am sure someone from the Glock crew will be taking closeup pics of Adam's and anyone else of the top finishers guns. And I would expect that CZ folks would return the favor, in kind, making sure that Dave hasn't sculpted anything and that his ammo makes minor.

It's a game folks.

THE BIG REMATCH IS IN TWO YEARS. It should be a dandy.

For that one, my money is on Angus.

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Vince Pinto have just stated that the gun used by Adam Tyc, was a CZ 85 Combat "II".

That they forgot to state the complete model.

This is what he stated at the IPSC Global Village forum:

"Believe me when I tell you that the word "tired" is an understatement.

Anyway, after checking my notes, the actual gun we examined was a CZ85 Combat II, and I regret failing to include the full model designation in my initial report. For the benefit of those who have not seen one, the CZ85 Combat II has a short dust cover and rails, whereas the CZ75 SP01 as used by Angus Hobdell etc. has a full length dust cover and rails."

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I was next to a Latin American contigent at the awards ceremony. I was very surprised when they started booing Adam. Actually, they were the loudest boo'ers. My wife looked at me and we both agreed that was surprising. Fortunately, "I" did not see any U.S. Shooters booing.

As for screwing up the "shooters" concentration for asking to take a picture of his gun, what a load of *#$@! I have approached all of the top US Shooters at one time during my shooting "career" and asked to look at their guns (at major matches/Nationals, etc). You name one - Rob Leatham, Todd Jarret, Phil Strader, Dave Sevigny, Chris Tilley,etc.). Not one has reluctant to let me see their gun or discuss it with me. Further, I have seen each of these individuals willing answer questions about their equipment from others without hesitation (I am always watching how people react to situations). I have even seen Dave let someone handle his gun in a safe area at a major match. In my opinion the inquiries and questions are part of the price you pay when you are on "top." People will look at you and wonder "how you do it." If you can't handle it then you don't need to be there and more than likely, you won't be there long. Wigging out over someone asking to take a picture of your gun is going to lead to a melt-down. Being able to deal with adversity and distractions is why shooters like Dave, Rob, Todd, and Phil are the best in the world because they can handle it.

Shred - as for leaving the country after "induldging" - I have done that several times. Actually, the last time I was here visiting, I left the bars to go straight to the airplane (my brother wouldn't let me go and get sleep before I left). Arriving in US Customs was a drag.

I hate that there were so many "glitches" in the match and I hope it didn't affect people's opinion of the country. It is really a neat place. You just have to remember that "you are not in Kansas anymore."

It was good to see everyone here and I hope that y'all have a good trip home.

Nelson - Sorry, you didn't win the gun. I did. Just kidding.

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Wow! My local shooter Sheryl Cruz placed herself 130th in Open! I am sooooo proud of her and looking forward seeing her shoot again.

BTW, doesn' anyone know why Athena Lee is USA shooter now???? I thought she is Indonesian......

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BTW, doesn' anyone know why Athena Lee is USA shooter now???? I thought she is Indonesian......

I believe she now has "resident" status in the US. If I recall correctly, she has lived in Texas for several years....


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Wow!  My local shooter Sheryl Cruz placed herself 130th in Open!  I am sooooo proud of her and looking forward seeing her shoot again.

BTW, doesn' anyone know why Athena Lee is USA shooter now???? I thought she is Indonesian......

She got her green card earlier this year. Sorry for the ladies phillipino team and yeah for our team!

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The pics of adam's gun was taken at the world shoot YESTERDAY on stage 7!

You can all come to your own conclusion why VINCE feels that the pictures posted on this forum are from a different match.

Option A: Vince doesn't know jack about CZs and the photos accurate represent the gun adam brought to the arbitration

Option B: The photos are fake and the world shoot barrier tape was electronically added to old photos.

Option C:  What else could possible convine VINCE that the gun in the picture is not the same gun adam presented to the arbitration committee

<Post Edited for Content>

Evidently it was a CZ-85 Combat II, which looks alot like an SP-01 with cut back dustcover, and no "SP-01" markings of course.

So Vince was right, it wasn't an SP-01, like the pictures suggest it could be.... it was a CZ-85.... and the pics are correct, that is the gun in question. Just don't call it an SP-01 ;)

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From: Da Global Village

I have facts. I was there, I personally handled and examined the gun, and I know the difference between worn bluing and dremelling, as do the other people who also handled and examined the gun. Moreover, each member of the Committee has sufficient education and eyesight to enable us to read the model number stamped on the slide.

However if people want to amuse themselves by pretending to be CSI officers, using partial photos of a holstered gun, to question and/or dismiss the findings of those who were at the scene and who physically handled the gun, so be it, but IPSC does not consider appeals to Arbitration by forum (a.k.a. "trial by media").


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I am in! Eric, get the venue and I will come. But is has to be USPSA rules. ...

Uh.... not commenting on what is or isn't in USPSA's rulebook v. the IPSC rulebook or intending to start a drift, its a WORLD shoot, it would clearly and logically have to be under IPSC rules.

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1st, i dont have a problem with "minor detailing" and i think it should be allowed. why have rules that are both impossible to enforce...and dont make a difference in terms of the shooting.

but...that is some pretty weird looking "normal wear and tear"....it looks like it goes all the way into the very corner...and is pretty much done on a straight line. but maybe his other holster is part sandpaper, part kydex. or maybe all CZ85 combat IIs have that feature.

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I am in! Eric, get the venue and I will come. But is has to be USPSA rules. ...

Uh.... not commenting on what is or isn't in USPSA's rulebook v. the IPSC rulebook or intending to start a drift, its a WORLD shoot, it would clearly and logically have to be under IPSC rules.


And what rules would those be? Where are they? As far as anyone can tell, IPSC rules vary faster than most barometers.

So, it's isn't the "World Shoot," it's called the "USPSA World King of the Hill Championship Invitational" or whatever.

It's called: C-R-E-D-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y. It's an integral part of sport. USPSA has it, and the world will come here in search of it.

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So, it's isn't the "World Shoot," it's called the "USPSA World King of the Hill Championship Invitational" or whatever.

Why not follow baseball and call it the "World Series", then don't allow other countries to shoot ........ Team USA can then win everything!


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