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OK, So John is retiring. OK that is to be expected he has done the job for a long time, and it has been known for a few months that it was coming.

But why is it that in the July 10th BOD meeting minutes are they calling for a July 25th 2014 deadline for applications on July18th and the suggest link is not even on USPSA.org yet? This is an important position that has great impact on this sport and we are given a week to get a resume in to a link that does not exist yet?

Anyone see something wrong with this?

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PVH isn't eligible since he was an RO, not an RM or RMI. Nice try at a troll though. The RMI corps has been aware since John announced and we already had three letters of interest before the announcement went out.

The short notice is because Phil has already told the BOD who they will vote for and that they are idiots if they don't agree with him. At least that's what I heard. I had already hung up after having my fill of being insulted by Phil.

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Troy will take it unless he gets the prez position.

Just my thought of course but i'm willing to bet a pop on it !

I think an outsider has zero chance with all the RMI's available

Edited by Sarge
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The short notice is because Phil has already told the BOD who they will vote for and that they are idiots if they don't agree with him. At least that's what I heard. I had already hung up after having my fill of being insulted by Phil.

Wow, chuck! That true? I can see why you are leaving...

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I had already hung up after having my fill of being insulted by Phil.

C'mon Chuck, you can't write something like that without giving more information. It's a teaser, it's bait - it arouses the interest and people will want more.

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..Goes along with no announcement of a special election for Area 8 either. Steve's letter came before Johns and still no announcement of the bylaw required special election.

Edited by j33716
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The short notice is because Phil has already told the BOD who they will vote for and that they are idiots if they don't agree with him. At least that's what I heard. I had already hung up after having my fill of being insulted by Phil.

Sad that the Association's elected reps can't get along for the benefit of the members. Same kind of crap from the BoD at my club. Shooters will destroy themselves from within. The anti-gunners just need to sit back and watch it happen.

Edited by remoandiris
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The short notice is because Phil has already told the BOD who they will vote for and that they are idiots if they don't agree with him. At least that's what I heard. I had already hung up after having my fill of being insulted by Phil.

Wow, chuck! That true? I can see why you are leaving...

Chuck Anderson has gone all J.B. Books on us:


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The short notice is because Phil has already told the BOD who they will vote for and that they are idiots if they don't agree with him. At least that's what I heard. I had already hung up after having my fill of being insulted by Phil.

Sad that the Association's elected reps can't get along for the benefit of the members. Same kind of crap from the BoD at my club. Shooters will destroy themselves from within. The anti-gunners just need to sit back and watch it happen.

Edited by Chills1994
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Actually the number of people who can fill the role is much smaller. To be DNROI you need to me a RMI/RM and there are only 7 other then the Director himself. And of the Seven only three? have expressed ANY interest, and one of the three also wants to be President.

L295 John Amidon NY RMI 1/31/15 LIFE
L3135 Arthur B. Brown TX RMI 1/31/15 LIFE
L485 Raymond B. Hirst IL RMI 1/31/15 LIFE
L2544 Kevin M. Imel WA RMI 1/31/15 LIFE
L2421 George M. Jones NJ RMI 1/31/15 LIFE
L2345 Richard T. Mcmanus LA RMI 1/31/15 LIFE
L3134 Carl F. Schmidt OR RMI 1/31/15 LIFE
L870 Joseph P Worden IL RMI 1/31/15 LIFE

Edited by Nghthwk1911
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From they USPSA Bylaws:

In the event the Director does not hold RMI certification when selected for office, he shall seek and obtain such certification within twelve months of that date of selection, failing which he may be terminated by the Board.

That opens it up to a few more than 7 candidates.

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Well then the other candidates have 3 more days to apply to the link that does not exist on USPSA's webpage.

I also want to point out that the pass/fail/complete percent on the RM course is very low, hence why there are only 27 total RM/RMI. I am not sure what it take to be RMI over a standard RM but I would guess it is not simple matter of shake the baby and kiss the hand.

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To be an effective RMI you need to be able to teach and communicate with students. I guess the word I like to use is "mentor". My process was to not tell the student the answers, but to provide them with a path where they could find the answers themselves.

I loved the RMI teaching and mentoring. I hated the air flight's that were often required. I asked to be allowed to teach classes that I could drive to, but that was deemed unacceptable. Hence, I gave my RMI rating up a few years ago.

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Gary, you are one of the greatest ambassadors to USPSA that anyone could ever hope to have.... I know that you wouldn't want those positions, but...We could do much worse than having you in those positions. If it were open to vote and you were running, you'd have my vote...

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I greatly appreciate those words, even though I am not worthy of them, IMO.

I took my swing at the big job twice and placed first loser :mellow:

I served three terms as Area 5 Director and felt that was enough. Time for new blood.

I still serve USPSA in my small way when and where I can.

Unfortunately, I am at the age where I just don't need any more "excitement" if you know what I mean.

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