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I Need A New Laptop, PC or Mac?

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I have never own a MAC so I won't talk bad about them. I have however had laptops since they were suitcases. My newest is a HP Elitebook with Windows 7 and I have no need to look elsewhere. It is fantastic. Make sure you have a good anti-virus/spyware program that automatically gets it's own updates and you will be fine with a Windows 7 box.

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KenD left out that it needs to be built like a tank. He carries his laptop with him everywhere, but never and I do mean never uses a case of any kind. He just throws it in the truck and takes off. I think he needs one of those military grade titanium cased models we see in the movies :cheers:

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Oh, now you have opened up a controversy. :sight:

I am a hard core PC person - I do computer network/server administration for a living. I admit to most of the complaints that people have about Windows based PCs, but I live with it because I know it.

That said, Macs are first class hardware. Have been since day one. With my Windows mindset, I don't find the Mac O/S as intuitive as they claim, but that is individual.

My main complaint about Apple/Mac computers (non-IPhone,) is the Snooty advertising campaigns.

Just my opinion.

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My main complaint about Apple/Mac computers (non-IPhone,) is the Snooty advertising campaigns.

Is it snooty if it's true? :surprise::lol: Some of the Microsoft stuff is pretty... nasty... as well, but...

I've never really liked Windows, honestly - I've always seen it as something I was afflicted with. So, I was probably a little bit biased from the beginning. My wife, on the other hand, was skeptical about switching OS'es, since she'd only used Windows, and didn't see any reason to switch. A couple of years ago, we bought two Apple laptops - a Macbook, and a Macbook Pro. They've been fantastic. I stopped getting IT support calls from my wife about problems with her system... (bonus!).

They're not perfect. Working in the computer industry, you learn that nothing really is in anyone's systems. The trick is, how do they handle the imperfections, and how do those things affect critical applications and data. I've not had a single Apple related OS crash (the Cisco VPN client I had to use for work before Snow Leopard came out with it built in would crash the OS every once in a while - Cisco's fault, not Apple's). And, minus a couple of minor keyboard firmware issues (which were quickly resolved very early on in my experience with this system), this thing just works. I can't say that about any Windows system I've ever used.

Unless something dire happens, I don't see myself buying anything but an Apple in the foreseeable future...

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Thanks for the comments guys, even you Ant Boy..... :lol: that was a piece of info I didn't think about. Mark, I'm not concerned about "learnability", I'm more concerned about how tough it is and how virus and crash-proof it it. Just an example, I've spent a lot of time and money on the latest greatest anti virus stuff and then the hd goes bad or you wind up with a virus anyway because they don't have a definition for it yet, I understand anything mechanical is going to break but are the Macs any more durable than the PC's?

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Mac Book Pro's "main case" is machined out of a single piece of AL. You can pick it up without feeling the whole thing flex as did my old PC laptops.

Only problem is I couldn't feel right tossing it around even if it is milled out.

Oh and you'll have to stop in every starbuck's you pass - just to log in and show your solidarity :sight:

OS is not as intuitive when conducting file management or maybe my mind is too old, but I like WIN explorer for many tasks better than the mac "finder"

Good luck...

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Oh and you'll have to stop in every starbuck's you pass - just to log in and show your solidarity :sight:

:lol: Not to mention, buying a cup of coffee to support a company that supports your 2nd Amendment rights... :lol:

OS is not as intuitive when conducting file management or maybe my mind is too old, but I like WIN explorer for many tasks better than the mac "finder"

Likely due to less experience on it - there are several tweaks you can make to make things easier, as well, depending on your preferences...

ETA - Apple laptops are, essentially, high end PC laptops with tightly picked hardware components (ie, they don't use a very wide variety of stuff like you find across PC brands - this is one reason why you don't have to do things like download and update all kinds of drivers just to install MacOS, because they only need to anticipate a small variety of hardware), basically with all the features plus the kitchen sink. You can natively run Windows on them, if you like. They're built with a number of commodity components (hard drives, and the like), so they do have some fragile aspects to them, like most other laptops.

Edited by XRe
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I don't know shit about computers. But I do the buying when the kids need them for college. My son wanted a $3K Mac. One hell of a machine! Very easy to use and has been 100% trouble free. It was worth every penny....(GULP). :(

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I've had extreme headaches with my PC laptops, viruses, crashes, etc. and I've heard nothing but good about the Macs, are they worth the extra money & learning time?

I've used both, and both have their issues. We bought high-end Mac Towers at work to do digital imaging and graphics work for a daily newspaper, and after the first year or so started experiencing crashes, which increased in frequency the older the machines got, despite on-site Apple trained tech support. I personally bought a high-end Dell laptop, and after the first couple of years started experiencing crashes, which became more frequent the older the machine got....

If you compare a $500 PC to a MacBook Pro, the equation's gonna work out in favor of the Mac. Compare a high-end Dell XPS laptop to the MacBook Pro --- and things start to even out; it'll come down to features you want.....

Either one will be nice for a while, over time expect some frustration/aggravation to set in......

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  • 2 weeks later...

I jokingly said to BigJoni the other day... "It's funny how the Mac forum hardly ever has any new threads or posts in it. "

And when there is a new thread, they're usually "how do you do this," rather than some sort of technical/chrashing issue. Whereas the PC forum never goes a day without new threads/posts.

And I know there's a lot more PC's than Mac's, but that is still saying something.

The newer Mac laptops are SLICK. The display clarity borders on unbelievable.


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Like most, we own both.

Several PC's, and two Macs.

Now that I think about it, I don't have a clue where those PC's are . . . if that tells you anything :lol:

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I was a Mac expert many years ago but use PC and Linux now.

Most of us have suffered through the development of windows over the last 15 years, but Windows 7 is really the best PC OS I've ever used. It has been 100% stable on my Dell laptop and the interface is very user friendly

I'm not a mac hater though. If they weren't expenseive and I'd have to buy all new software then I'd consider one again. For now I'm a Win7 user and happy for it.

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I've been an IT pro since the days of the 16k mainframe. The bootom line is hardware is useless without software. So any hardware choice must run the software that you need to run. In order to maintain a living and shoot my guns I have to work and that means windows.

A laptop life expectancy is 3 years, buy knowing your going to get a new one in 3 years and figure that in the is it worth it equation.

I recently laughed at an article I read about Great Britian, blaming Face Book for an explosiion in the cases of Syphillis. Now if they would have said computer Viruses that's no joke as is MySpace, social networking sites are good places to catch something.

We use HP and Dell at work both seem to be pretty good for the price.

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Mac all the way... The only downside is having to buy new software. But after that you will have a lot less problems. I used PC since the early DOS days. I wished I had switched to Mac alot sooner than I did. I have alot less problems with my Macs, than I have with PC's. I still have to use PC's with work and I have major issues with it a least twice a year.


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I went with an HP HDX-16 for a personal machine, but....... this goes everywhere with me and has to be able to run the same programs as at the office (Windows Suite, CAD, Earthwork, Hydraulic design, and such). That was the primary reason for staying with the Windows/PC. Now that being said, I have not had the horror crashes and such, but I am a rather conservative user. The only software glitch that I deal with is that the office decided to run a "custom" Earthwork program that is no longer supported and still buggy as all get out (makes Windows 3 look stable :blink: ).

I am just running what I am used to.

If I could have, I would have loved to get the Alien wear laptop, but that is more change than a GOOD open blaster :rolleyes:

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I'll be the opposition here, Mac laptops are slick .. but. First of all if you are going to use them hard various generation WILL burn out motherboards. I'm typing this on my macbook pro which is on its 3ed motherboard. Talk to anyone who needs to support lots of them and you will hear this a lot. Part of the Apple slick design philosophy is that their hardware is chronically under-cooled.

I'm also not a fan of OSX, and I say that as someone who works with Unix machines for a living and likes the idea that OSX is built in top of a unix core. My beef with OSX centers around the ergonomics that come into play when you run lots of applications and many windows. The Menu bar being bound to to the top of the screen is idiotic. The fact that mac laptops don't have a second mouse button when the OS uses a second mouse button for context is stupid, specially seeing how there are two switches in there. Multitouch pads are nice and help with that, but every decent laptop has one now.

The big pluses to macbooks are the slick package and the awesome screens. Good luck getting a top notch video card in there though, charging $2600 for their top of the line machine and shoving a 9400M in there is insulting.

I've been using a Macbook PRO for almost 3 years, and I wouldn't spend my own cash on it. I just bought a new machine and spent my own cash on a Asus machine. Windows 7 is very slick, very stable and Asus has been making incredible machines. Compare the 17" macbook pro and the Asus G73JQ and the Asus is twice the machine for $1000 less. Every one is offering i7 based machines but Apple.

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  • 2 months later...

Whatever computer you get, try Ubuntu Linux on it.

That's all I use these days, on both my desktop and laptop.

Everything runs better and faster.

Plenty of applications for it and plug and play works fine.

So far, there's been no hassles in using anything with it.

And it's free.

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