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Why do you shoot matches?


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I like the getting good at something unusual aspect. It is cool when you take friends out to a match and they see what it is that you can do. :rolleyes: Then they see what the really good shooters can do and they get really impressed! :blush:

Wife saw me dryfiring the other night, and said that I am improving. I didn't know it, but sometimes she sneaks a peek at me dryfiring. This is the one hobby that I have that she supports.

I know alot of people that can outshoot me in this sport. I know a ton more that are not in this sport, that can't even touch me. The ideal is to make the big pool bigger, and the small pool smaller.


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I don't like to sit still and shoot at only ONE target; this sport lets me shoot at many while moving. I don't like a rule at most gun ranges which is "no rapid fire"; here I can shoot as fast as I please. Above all, I like the smell of gun powder B)


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Believe it or not I find it relaxing and a great way to relieve stress! Originally I thought it would be just the opposite but that hasn't been the case. I guess the beer after the guns are put away helps also! LOL


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For me, it is a lot like other competitive sports I have played.

1. Practice like you play;

2. Compete rather than practice; and

3. Compete/Practice with those better than you are in order to elevate your game.

Yep, I guess competition would be my 1st answer, but none of it would be fun if there was no one else there for camaraderie!


Edited by DocMcG
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So I can see Ogiebb's latest guns.

I thought for sure your answer would be "an excuse to wear these way cool shirts"

We're only supposed to wear those at the range??? Well, I was wondering why I got all that attention at Home Depot!

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Because I like the competitive aspects of trying to improve MY A count while removing the D, M, or NS count. Time only counts when it comes to how I performed against those in my class who shot the course using a different plan.

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Getting my ass handed to me week after week after week when I first got started got me started on the arms race (gotta get better gear! gotta get better gear!), then, when I got the gear, still getting my ass kicked got me really hooked, (gotta practice more! gotta practice more!) since I now had the gear, but was still getting my butt kicked, can't blame it on the pistol anymore! There is one guy at our local club, who I set my sights on, to either beat, or at least be competitive with (when I started, it was either him or another that was winning every single match). Now, he's competing with me, who wins now means the other had a bad night. So, for me, the competition has made me better, which is what I was after to begin with, because I like to shoot, and all the guys and girls at the range that have helped me on the way to becoming better.

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I love shooting guns but Uspsa is more than "shooting guns". Its all the other things that Uspsa requires you to do while shooting a gun. I'm competitive but only with myself. I only use other people's performance as a reference to my improvement. I have on many occasions shot a stage then told a fellow shooter a better way of shooting it and they ended up beating me and taking a stage win. I love Bs'in with shooting buddies at matches and usually for a couple of beers after.

I think for me is that there is no limit with Uspsa in performance. In target shooting you can shoot a 10 out of 10 and that is perfection but in Uspsa there doesn't seem to be a level of perfection that can be attained or reach. There is always a new level being reached. You can just finish a stage and know you nailed it and then sit there and watch someone else shoot it better. Due to all the variables that go into shooting our sport and so many things that can go wrong/right during a stage its much more difficult in my opinion than target shooting. You rarely shoot the same stage twice except for classifiers and to consistently perform well on each and every stage thrown at you makes it challenging. I have yet to meet anyone that has told me they have shot a perfect match in Uspsa. I have been told that they have shot a perfect stage but never a match. The closest performance I can recall is Eric G. shooting a major being 7pts down for the match.

I guess the closest would be all the above but I could care less about winning and I'm only competitive against myself. Love shooting with friends.

I ended up null voting in the end.


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