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Poppa Bear

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About Poppa Bear

  • Birthday April 25

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    Fargo, ND
  • Real Name
    Mike Johnson

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Finally read the FAQs

Finally read the FAQs (3/11)

  1. If the magazine comment is before the "Make Ready" command it is alright. I received this very advice from an RO at a level II match when I came to the line without magazines. He knew issuing the make ready command would only delay things so he "suggested" that he move me down a couple while I went and retrieved my magazines. LOL
  2. As long as it is not in the ground literally at their feet, ie finger on the trigger as they draw, then no AD and no DQ. Once the draw is completed the target is fair game even if they miss it.
  3. Another thing to keep in mind when arriving at a match is: 2.5 Unloading/Loading Station 2.5.1 If it is possible that some competitors arriving at a range where a USPSA match is being held may be in possession of a loaded firearm on their person (e.g. law enforcement officers, persons duly authorized to carry a loaded firearm, etc.), match organizers should provide an Unloading/Loading Station to enable such competitors to safely unload their firearms prior to entering the range, and to safely load their firearms again on departure from the range. The Unloading/Loading Station should be conveniently located outside the entrance to the range (or outside the portion of the range allocated to the USPSA match), it should be clearly marked with a sign and it must include a suitable impact zone. 2.5.2 Where no Unloading/Loading station is provided, a competitor who arrives at a match in possession of a loaded firearm and proceeds immediately to a match official for the express purpose of safely unloading the firearm shall not be subject to disqualification per the provisions of Rule 10.5.13. I have seen many clubs where the shooters will put on all of their equipment at their vehicles and then take their bagged gun to the safety area to gun up. I have seen a couple where the people will remove their carry gun at their vehicle and bag it before getting their gear on for the match. I have not seen one where people use their vehicle as a safety area to gun up for the match.
  4. The reshoot would need to be justified. There are options in terms of arbitration etc. that would also come into play. To me the big issue would be if there was a true justification like the time being not realistic then the shooter would have a choice of either no score for the stage or reshoot for a valid score with a valid time.
  5. This would be relevant to the discussion I believe: A competitor who refuses to reshoot a course of fire, under this or any other section, when so ordered by a Range Official, will receive a zero score for that stage, irrespective of any previous attempt.
  6. I would stop them immediately to correct the action. Manual decocking and using the decocking lever are separate actions in terms of functions. It is easy to see which method is being used, so if I see a manual decking action used I will be looking for the hammer to go all the way down. It is easy at that point to stop them and have them fully decock if they go to the halfway point. Tht said if they still holster at that point with the hammer at the halfway point then I would say "Welcome to Open"
  7. In my opinion if we take stage design to a point that all targets are not available past the 180 then we are adding a lot of unnecessary work to stage setup. I have shot many a stage where the target starts to disappear as you approach the 180, but as you approach the 220 plus area it starts to become visible again because the prop blocking it does not extend all the way to the end of the stage. It is one thing if it is only visible in the 160 to 200 range and it is easy for the shooter to run past it and break the 180, it is another if the stage design allows the target to be visible up to the 160 area, restricts the view until you are approaching the 200 area and it only then starts to become visible again. A shooter that tries to engage a target at that point is very deserving of a 180 DQ. So if Troy's opinion is that we MUST restrict target availability past the 180, but not require that it remain restricted once the shooter has advanced further down range, I do not have a problem with it. If the ruling is to mean that once restricted it has to remain restricted then I would have a problem with it.
  8. In the OP it stated that it was a door attached to a port. By default doors on ports are closed. If the designer intended for the port to be open they would have blocked it in some manner so that its normal position was open. Even if the door was hinged so that it opened to the left or right it would have been blocked to keep it open so that it could not be closed. It this was a swinger the squad could not choose to reset it so that the target was out and available until activated. "Sarcasm" "Well the WSB did not say it had to be reset so that it was hidden." Now if the WSB did not state how the door was to be opened or held open then it becomes part of the problem. I have shot stages where the door had a hinge on the top and we dropped it on our heads after we opened it with our weak hand so that we could bring our weak hand back to the gun. Activating props is part of the problem, their starting state should not be part of the problem. If there is a question about how to properly reset a target or activator then that should be addressed at the shooters meeting or with a RO walkthrough before the match starts.
  9. One of the most important aspects to reloading that not everyone can do is to feel the press. As you reload your rounds each pull of the handle should have a similar feel to it. If you feel a crunch or need extra pressure to pull the handle do not ignore it. Check the round or rounds in the press for splits, double charges, a bullet going in crooked, etc. I have a light above and to the left of my press that allows me to see into every case as I am placing the bullet on the charged case. I also have lights centered above the press as well as to the right so I do not have any shadows. I have caught weak charges due to a bug getting into the powder hopper, that one took a while to figure out, LOL. I have caught 9mm cases nested inside a .40 or .45 case that would have gotten crushed during the decapping process, and rounds that were shot out of larger than normal chambers so that they deformed during the sizing operation.
  10. The most critical part of the letter to me is the following: Same thing applies when clearing the gun–you may not go to the magnet with a magazine until after Range is Clear. So the shooter is safe as long as they do not immediately stick the magazine to the magnet during the "Unload And Show Clear" portion of the commands. Doing so is a bump to open. I would not have a magnet on my belt just for this reason. A simple mental lapse at the end of the stage could lead to a bump.
  11. There are too many to go into all of them. The biggest differences are that IDPA is based on concealment, while USPSA is based on open holsters. IDPA has smaller courses and more reloads due to magazine limits for all divisions, while USPSA is based off the division being shot whether you are loading 8 or 20+ rounds in a magazine. Check https://www.idpa.com/idpa-matches/idpa-match-rules/ for IDPA and https://uspsa.org/documents/rules/2019_USPSA_Competition_Rules.pdf for the USPSA rules.
  12. It is good to have that clarified. Being as 4.2 mentions non scoring borders several times to include when it discusses hard cover I was under the impression that All cardboard targets had to include a non scoring border (4.2.2) so when you used a cardboard target as hard cover you still needed to account for that border.
  13. Part of the major or minor power factor equation is the feet per second of the bullet. On close in targets there would not be much of a drop. On targets 25 to 50 yards out there would start to be a difference. Major FPS has a better chance of dropping a popper compared to Minor FPS. I do not shoot Open but I would think that I would want a round that is consistent first and then consider how much power I am willing to load into a cartridge to get the best results. I also know of shooters who shoot 2011 based Open guns where they have a lot of room for powder and people who shoot Glock based Open guns where they have to compress their loads in order to get the cartridge short enough to load into the magazine. I do not think PF is going to make a big difference in a shooters overall accuracy or time when we are talking Open division.
  14. So what if you take Peeker Left and Peeker Right and place them so that the perfs align with the A/C perf on the Open target? At 2 rounds per target. you now have a 3 target array worth 30 points. If you treat the edge of the target as HC then it extends .2" into the A zone and you would require that an edge hit that touches the edge of the target to give the shooter an A zone hit. If you treat the non scoring border of the target as non existent then you would just need the shot to touch the perf to give the shooter an A zone hit. A shot that touches the perf on the Hard Cover would be treated as an A zone hit one way and as a miss on the other. That is a 15 point difference based on how you treat the edge of a hard cover cardboard target. I have always treated the non scoring border of a cardboard HC target as non existent just like the non scoring border of a shoot target.
  15. The only time the perf on a hard cover target would matter is if the shot was almost totally inside the hard cover target. If the overlay touched the perf forming the non scoring border then it would count as a hit on the target underneath provided that the target underneath was available. In other words if the scoring target was covered edge to edge, then the only available area would be that portion under either the top or the bottom of the hard cover targets non scoring borders the sides would still be misses.
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