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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Is anyone running the CZ75 Extended Ambi Safety in Production? I'm trying to figure out if it is legal for USPSA production before buying it. After reading the rules in Appx D, I just can't tell. The main hang up I see is, I don't think it is a CZ-USA part, it looks to be a CZ Custom part. Ext Ambi Safety Anyone?
  2. Sounds like primer cup is contacting the bottom of the shellplate. If it's not lined up perfectly, it will scrape on it's way in, or completely not go in. First thing to do (easier fix) is check and make sure there isn't something like a spent primer at the base of the ram preventing the primer bar from pushing all the way in to the proper position. Also check for anything else that may prevent it's full range of motion(dirt, powder, etc). Make sure it's clean. If that isn't it, you may need to adjust the part #14037 in the diagram. First you will have to loosen part #13898 to move the other one. Just make very minor adjustments. Turn it a hair, then check the primer cup seating, and adjust accordingly. Make sure to tighten down the nut, #13898, when you have it where you want it. This is what I have found in the past. No idea how it gets out of whack, but it happens.
  3. My job just got a lot hard because my work laptop crashed. IT guy said it's a lost cause. When did I run my last backup? March 2010! Take my advice, backup your computer....TODAY!
  4. You know you’re a shooter when while on vacation, in a nice hotel, you pass by one of their boutique shops and see a $2500 Butcher Block table and think “Wow, that would make an AWESOME reloading bench!” Yes, my girlfriend did roll her eyes at me when I told her what I would do with the table. But come on…look at it! Wouldn’t you want to mount your Dillon on this thing?!
  5. Golf store I used to go to in NY used lighter fluid to remove the sticker when you bought a new golf club. Residue would come right off.
  6. Carrying around the extra weight of at least half a tank of gas is much more painful than the non-existent loss of gas vaporizing in your tank. Modern vehicles have sealed evaporative emission systems - none of that vapor vents to the atmosphere when the system is working properly. FWIW - if I drive my turbo Subaru how I like to (and how it should be), I get ~20mpg on winter gas (high corn-farse-ethanol BS), and about 24mpg in the summer. If old man Gundry drives it when we trade, he can get about 3-4mpg more by babying it. If I try my hardest, I only manage about 2mpg more than usual. The stress of driving like a Prius is not worth it IMO I tend to drive so that I am in the way of no one (above all else - it's my golden rule of traffic). Smoother is faster My company car is a Prius, just got it last week after driving a Ford Fusion. I'll be the first to say that I was not thrilled with the new car. However, I drove down to Florida this past weekend with the girlfriend, I got about 46mpg. That was with driving 80-85mph most of the way. On the way back, I averaged 70mph, 46.1mpg. That was with three stops, so you can imagine if I didn't stop three times the avg mph would have been higher. I am thoroughly impressed. Also, it has a lot of pickup, which is really the most suprising thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone should go buy one, I'm pretty darn sure that if it wasn't my company car, I wouldn't own one (mostly because I'm 6'4" tall and my right knee is in the console). I'm just saying it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. With that said, I'd still love to own/drive a nice Hemi powered car...gas prices be damned!
  7. You guys got it all wrong. This week's episode will feature the "paper triangle football" flicking game across a table. Rumor has it the expert tries to give Jay advice but he declines saying "he is going to use the form that got him there." For the elimination challenge they have to flick the football through Colby's hands in the form of goalposts. But the tricky part is going to be the wind we see them deal with every week, it will really mess up the flight pattern.
  8. Did anyone watch this show this week? The one with the alligator kill stick? After they tested the kill stick indoors, the other guy set up his tests with various firearms shooting through a Chrono into the ballistics gel. Did you notice he was putting the muzzle inches from the front of the chrono? All I know is you are supposed to be approximately 10' from the chrono, not inches. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, due to the film editing, that maybe just for that shot he was shooting that close, but for others he was further back...but it didn't look like he would have been 10' from the chrono anywhere he set up. I was hoping he was going to rattle off numbers from the chrono and really solidify what a mess this show is. I keep watching for entertainment value. Reminds me of the scene from the Howard Stern movie when the radio executives are talking about Stern's listeners: "The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes." "How can that be? " "Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next." "Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?" "Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day." "But... if they hate him, why do they listen?" "Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next."
  9. CZinSC

    Got my first CZ

    i was loading zero 125's at 4.3 TG and getting upwards of 1100fps in my SP01. 5.3? That isn't a typo? Congrats on the new gun BTW.
  10. Maybe they should change the name of the show to "Top Throw" or maybe "Top Blow". I am sick of seeing good shooters like Chris T getting eliminated by a lame ass challenge like tomahawks and blow guns. Seriously...I don't care that they were weapons of Ancient times. Could I do it? Probably not. But then again I am more interested in Firearms, at least that is what I am hoping for when I tune to a show like this. I'll keep watching, especially after watching the previews for next week, but if I see a preview in the future that has anything like pugil sticks, slings, sharp objects being thrown by hand....basically anything without gunpowder/smokeless powder....I may just stop watching.
  11. Only club contacts, RMs, and RMIs can do that. I can do it, and I am none of those. I am an RO though, so possibly it's extended to RO's as well.
  12. If you just want your number in the mean time, go the www.uspsa.org Select "Club Support" Select "Lookup by name" ( should be in bottom right ) Type in name, hit enter.
  13. Just curious, what do you do when a competitor does not Nod? I ask, because i'm one of those. According the rules, the lack of a negative response to "Are you Ready?" indicates he fully understands. So I don't bother nodding, the rules say I don't have to, so I don't, my choice. So my question to you is, when someone fails to nod, what do you do?
  14. Crap, I never realized how close that was to me. I just looked at the directions on the map, it's only 3 miles further than my going to Mid Carolina in Columbia, which I've done several times. I may have to check out that out next month. Thanks for the info Mark.
  15. Join AAA. Every hotel I've ever seen has a AAA rate. By the way, 99 times out of 100, they never ask for your card either. So you can always try booking without joining...but just remember what they say about Karma. Anyway, the nominal yearly fee more than pays for itself if you stay a few nights in a hotel. Just make sure you check both AAA AND Best Available rates at a particular hotel. I have personally seen the AAA rate be a few dollars higher than the Best Available, but that is rare. Just know that the AAA rate is not always the lowest.
  16. I use the thin AL grips with Grip tape all over them. Yes, legal for Production.
  17. Absolutely do it! IMO, Major matches have a different feel altogether ( that's a good thing ). The way they are run, the people shooting, the RO's and match staff...its a great experience. And as long as you are safe, no one is going to care how good/bad you shoot.
  18. I could swear that the instructions that came with my Frankfort Arsenal bullet puller said not to pull Factory ammo. Can't recall if that is true 100%, but I'm pretty darn sure. I have no idea why, they pull bullets all the time at Major matches, and I know when they do, they're pulling factory ammo from some shooters. I'll let someone smarter than me respond to that...just wanted to throw it out there.
  19. I was using Titegroup for 9mm Production. 124FMJ. Once I tried N320, I have not gone back. Still have about 6 pounds of TG just collecting dust on the shelf. N320 is soft and clean, and meters extremely well in my 550. Yes, it can be $15 more than TG for a one 1# can. If 1# = 7000 grains, and you load 4.2gn per round, you get approximately 1666 rounds. For TG its about .009 cents per round, for N320 it's .017 cents per round. I'm more than happy to pay .008 cents per round more based on the way it feels.
  20. This is the best advice on this thread. I never trust the diet/lifestyle of someone who died of a heart attack. To the guy above that cut his diet to 2500'ish calories....that's still A LOT. I still consider myself a professional mountain biker but haven't been training much lately. I commute by bike to work every day....20 minutes to work, 35 home (uphill) and I tend to hammer it. At 6'5" I'm only putting down about 2,000 a day. When I'm putting in six and seven hour rides at 80% of my max, then my caloric intake jumps to 3 or 4 thousand calories. When I want to eat ice cream, cake, french fries, and chips, I ride my bike more BEFORE...not after consuming them. It's hard to eat less and eat healthy. Getting rid of the empty calories (chips, fries, corn starch, high fructose corn syrup) is the EASIEST way to change your lifestyle and see improvements in health. 1 - I'm the guy that cut his diet to 2300-2500 2 - I disagree with your assessment. 2500 is not a lot of calories. I was measuring the calorie count on EVERY single thing that I consumed. FWIW, I was running at just about 2000 which included dinner after I got started. 3 - I sought out the advice of a Certified Nutrionist, so I'm comfortable with his recommendations..... 4 - Since Jan 1st, I've lost 20 pounds. That may not seem like a lot to some people for just over two months, but I had two major cheat weekends in that time. I wish it was more, but I know why it isn't. 5 - The way I'm eating, is a lifestyle change. I can do this the rest of my life. 6 - Sure, getting rid of empty calories is Easy, however, you still need to fill that gap. Eating healthier more often has been the key for me. I will not make a blanket statement and say this is what everyone should do, Every person is different, what works for one, may not work for others.
  21. Thanks for the link. That is awesome...makes it look so easy. Going to have to use that WD-40 slave pin idea for next time.
  22. I just did this myself on Saturday, for me it was preventive maintenance. Either do what Squirrels said, he knows, he’s done it a few times, or if that doesn’t work, this is what I did. Drive the trigger pin out with a punch. Carefully remove punch so nothing flies out. Remove old spring, it will just come out. When putting new spring in, long end goes in slot just forward of trigger, small end needs to go down in where the top of the trigger is. You’ll need to flex the spring to get the two ends to pull apart, it will be under tension. I used needle nosed pliers to set the spring in, then used a flat head screwdriver to gently push spring down to get it into place. Carefully hold the spring down with your left thumb while holding the frame with the rest of your hand. Look through the trigger pin hole and make sure everything is lined up, apply force with your thumb as necessary to line up the spring with the holes in the frame and the trigger. Now take trigger pin and push it in. It should go all the way in through the frame, through the trigger, through the spring, and stop just short of the slide on the other side. Grab you hammer and tap the pin to get it started in the other side of the frame. At that point, you should be able to let go of the pin, place the frame on something solid and tap the pin the rest of the way in. Sounds more complicated than it is. I was able to do it in about 5 mins, and it was the first time I had ever tried. Good luck. Added Edit: After reading the other two, they both didn't push the pin all the way out, I did and it worked, so you may want to try their way first, but if you managed to get it all the way out, try my way.
  23. After shooting a string, you should get the following stats in the review: Hi - High fps of the string Lo - Low fps of the string Avg - average fps of the string ES = extreme spread - This is the difference between your Hi and Lo fps - somewhere around 30 is pretty good, lower is better. SD = Standard Deviation - This shows how much variation there is from the average. you want a low number, under 10 is Very good, 10-20 is good, if you're getting above 30 consistantly, you may want to check your powder drops Some one with more experience may be able to throw their two cents in on the ES and SD numbers you are looking for, but basically, you want those numbers to be low.
  24. CZinSC

    CZ 75TS vs 2011

    Since no one has chimed in yet, I'll throw my two cents in...well...after reading, you might think it's only worth about 1/2 cent. 1 - there was a thread on this very subject, take a look and see if it answers your question TS Link 2 - don't know 3 - I haven't handled a TS, but I shoot an SP01. I can tell you that an STI feels MUCH better ergonomically in my hands. I have a hard time with my big mitts getting my weak hand on the gun in a position that I like. I picked up a few STI's last week at the FL Open vendor tables, and instantly I could feel the difference. My weak hand was able to get into the grip and get good surface contact on the gun. I don't know the profile similarities between the SP01 and TS, but if they are the same, I would much prefer the STI. 4 - don't know 5 - have you checked out www.czcustom.com ? Angus and crew have tons of stuff for all CZ's. 6 - As long as you are looking at CZ TS, have you checked out Tanfoglio? Here is a good comparison my buddy sent me the other day Tanfoglio vs STI
  25. I've always heard it as "go ugly early, and make it back for last call"
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