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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Sorry, no twang here. Originally from NY, although I have been told I'm picking up a little bit of an accent now that I've been here 3 years. However, I got my undergrad from Ohio University, ( Go Bobcats! ) so I do know that, for the most part, y'all refer to soda as "Pop", and sneakers are "tennis shoes".
  2. I about to take the plunge and switch over to MG from Zero. Like others have said, MG is almost always in stock, and Zero's are getting harder and harder to find. it seems like they're never in stock when I go to reorder. Going to try and test to see if there is any accuracy difference between Zero 125FMJ, MG 124FMJ, and MG 124JHP ( still have about 20 of those laying around from when i first starting loading ). Has anyone done a similar test and come up with any concrete results in accuracy? Why do you shoot JHP over FMJ? Or vice versa. Can you honestly see an accuracy improvement with JHP, or do you just prefer them. OP, hope this isn't a thread jack, I think it's in line with what you were originally asking about. FWIW, I'm using N320 in a SP01. For accuracy I'm talking about USPSA type accuracy requirements, not bench rest or bullseye type competition.
  3. Somebody is just jealous. All of what CZinSC just said plus big thanks to Chris' wife. She was a huge help with score sheets and shooting order for our squad. As a low level shooter, small stuff like that frees up the valuable mental resources to focus on the often times overwhelming task at hand. It was a great match. LOL, I should have made you walk! For those that just want to see more videos, and don't mind watching "Not so Dave Sevigny" type peformance, here are our videos:
  4. I had a great time. I was fortunate to be in a squad with AWESOME shooters. Overall results from my squad: #2 Open - Chris Tilley #15 Open - Nikita Markessinis #3 L10 - Yuri Bulgakov #6 L10 - Frank Nardi #7 Lim - Mike Burrell #2 Pro - JP Drolet #7 Pro - Matt Hopkins I learned a lot following these guys around for two days, especially Chris, JP and Matt(JP and Matt being fellow CZ Production shooters). Chris Tilley was very approachable, and when asked, not only told you how he was going to shoot a stage, but WHY he was going to do it that way. Valuable incite from a shooter like Chris...reminds me of the old EF Hutton commercials...When he speaks, you listen (especially for me as a C shooter). The only bad part of the whole weekend was the drive home. My buddy took first D in Production, so I had to see him pull out his gun certificate and plaque every 100 miles or so. I was going to make him walk, but I figured Karma is a b*tch, and there's always next match. Big thank you to Manny and Frank and all of the volunteers and sponsors. Definitely planning on going back next year. Just hope it's not the same weekend as the Daytona 500 again. Avoiding that fiasco added a lot of miles to an already long drive. BTW, does anyone know what caused Lee Dimaculangan to get DQ'd? I was very surprised to see that.
  5. The safety pin solution is the Dillon fix. It works like a champ. I used a small paper clip. Cut it to length, bend one end with pliers, insert it, then bend the other end.
  6. Precision Delta is another source of reloaded ammo. Great product, not sure about shipping charges. http://www.precisiondelta.com/
  7. Drove from SC today (I-95 to I-4). Traffic was congested on I-95 from GA-FL line to Daytona (yup - race weekend), but Orlando was truly bad. Hit the outskirts of Orlando at 3:00 pm (I THOUGHT I was ahead of 'rush hour' ) and it took an hour to go 20 miles - 4 lanes of traffic going 15 to 20 miles per hour. And I have no idea why ... No traffic accidents, no road construction, no lane closures, etc. Passed several signs that said "Minimum Speed 40 mph." I wish! It added an hour to my trip. Linda Chico (L-2035) Columbia SC Thanks for the update Linda. Thankfully I realized the other day the 500 was this weekend, so my plan is to take 95 down to Jacksonville, then the 10 to 301, to 75 to FL Tpke. It's a longer route, but I'm avoiding Daytona at all costs, and hopefully the FL Tpke is far enough south of Orlando that I won't run into the early rush hour. ( fingers crossed ) How long did it take you to get there from Columbia?
  8. Same here...can't wait. 5am wake up, 6am on the road. Plan is to drive straight there and see some action late tomorrow. Shooting Sat PM/Sun AM. Not looking forward to the 8+hour drive (wishful thinking).
  9. App should be in the mail on Tuesday, when I get back from the FL Open.
  10. Make it a general rule to... To not block a side street or driveway when you are in traffic. Use your rear view mirror. If you are in the left lane, and there is someone behind you, and the middle/right lane is free, move over....I don't care how fast you are going...they want to go faster...let them! Paste and set steel. It's not "appreciated" by your squad mates, it's expected.
  11. Shurtape Saftey Tread Tape you can find it at Lowes. I've been very happy with it.
  12. That's interesting, because when I talked with my agent, she said the Firearms and Accessories were covered. I asked if the reloading machine was covered and I got a "Huh?". When I tried to explain what a Dillon 550 was, she said "No, we don't cover the ammo". I tried to explain that I was talking about a machine that makes ammo, so I was wondering if it was an accessory. She still wasn't understanding, so I said don't worry about it. When I call back to get the insurance, I'll try again and see if I get someone that knows what it is and if it's covered.
  13. I went to Lowes and bought "Shurtape Outdoor Tread Tape". It's pretty rough. When you pick it up in the store, you may even say "too rough for me". I know I did. I bought it anyway. When I applied it, I was still worried it was going to rough up my hands. I've used it in two local matches, and a pretty long live practice session, and it's not too rough at all. I love it. And...it stays put! I took everything off of the grips, sprayed it down with Synthetic Gun Scrubber, made sure they were good and clean. Then I hit the grips with Windex for extra cleaning. Dried them off, applied the Tread Tape, that stuff isn't budging at all. Best
  14. My home owners ( USAA ) covers me up to $2000. I just called recently to upgrade that and they quoted me $4 a month for $3500 worth of coverage, includes no deductible, and covers lost or stolen guns ANYWHERE. Need to provide models/serial #'s and description of any custom work to justify the value. They said receipts not necessary, just description. My girlfriend is in Financial Service and refers Insurance work to a colleague in her Networking group. He works for Allstate here in South Carolina, and he was ready to sell me gun insurance if my homeowners didn't cover it. If you want me to give you his info to see if he covers your state, feel free to send me a PM.
  15. Wow, just noticed the Daytona 500 is next weekend. Anyone familiar with the I-95/I-4 interchange and what traffic will be like on race weekend? Was planning on getting to Frostproof early enough Friday to see some people shoot stages, so was thinking I would be passing Daytona around 2pm on Friday. Plus I'm also concerned about Sunday after the match. By the time we're done, I'm thinking I'll be driving past same place around 7:30pm. How bad is the traffic after the race? I have to imagine 140,000 fans leaving can put a hurtin on traffic.
  16. I just noticed yesterday that Google Maps updated their satellite imagery. This view of the range wasn't available last week, as far as I remember.
  17. Fair Labor Standards Act covers Hourly workers. Mandatory overtime after 40 hour a week. For salaried employees, I don't think there is any law/rule. That is why you are salaried, doesn't matter how many hours you work. Kind of rough when they mandate 50 hours. I'm in sales and usually work more than 40 especially with travel ( after hours, weekends ), but nothing that makes me work 50+.
  18. I'm playing the devil's advocate here and am not arguing the rules, but it seems like an AD after the "hammer down and holster" command would somewhat be the RO's fault for not ensuring that the firearm was clear. It is the shooter's responsibility ultimately, but seems like it would look awefully bad on the RO as well. I have seen youtube videos of alot of RO's who rush through this command. Thoughts? That's a non-issue. The command is, "If clear, hammer down, holster". The "If" puts the sole responsibility on the competitor. There's no declaration by the RO that the gun is clear. As you said: I agree 100%. Plus I'll just add, the shooter is responsible for his/her gun, not the RO. It's the RO's job to prevent a safety infraction, if they can. To put this into context, if I give You the command, "If you are finished, unload and show clear", and you do that and stop, and show me a chamber with a loaded round in it, I will give you the command again. I will repeat until you realize that the gun is not clear. However, how many times do you see at a match, local, major, whatever, when the RO starts "if you are finished....." and shooter ejects mag, racks slide, and pulls the trigger before the RO finishes the command? I see it every match. There is no way for an RO to stop you if you speed through the ULSC process.
  19. I'm 40, 6'4", and I was 330. I started Jan 1st on low calorie diet ( 2300-2500 cals/day ). Started hitting the gym, need to start hitting it some more. Anyway, down 13 pounds so far, goal is 275 by my birthday, June 18. After that, the ambitious goal would be another 25-50 pounds by Dec 31st. So I know exactly what you are going through. Good Luck! Stick with it. Guys like us need to lose any weight we can, and keep it off.
  20. I keep reading the Appx D4 and going back and forth between yes you can, and no you can't. Per Appx D4 #22.1: Disabling of any external safety or externally operated safety - Remains in effect – external- and externally operated safety mechanisms must remain operable. By simply making it a Left side only safety, you are still satisfying this rule because it still functions as a safety. However, further down is this: "For purposes of this clause, the prohibition on “disabling” means that you may NOT modify an external safety mechanism in any way that affects its function as a safety per the OEM design." Since the safety cannot be applied from the right side, does this fall into the "affects its function as a safety per the OEM design"?
  21. I'd have no problem with the above, if required to return a broken gun to an 'in-service' mode. Based on this answer, let me ask this, since I actually thought of this exact question last week: Shooting a major match, 6 stages Sat, 4 stages Sun. Trigger return spring breaks on 5th stage of first day. With RM’s approval, I use my buddy’s gun, for 6th stage; he is shooting same Make, Model, Caliber, and sights; assume for arguments sake I chrono’d my original gun, then chrono’d the back up gun and passed. Could I then go back to the hotel Sat night, fix the spring, and then bring the original gun back into use on Sunday? Again, assuming I would need to pass chrono again and did. Would RM approve, or would I be forced to use the back up gun for the last 4 stages? Is the only way the original can be brought back into use is if the backup gun breaks? If you’re asking why not just use the back up gun for the last 4 stages my answers are (1) I would rather shoot my own (2) trading a gun back and forth is a PITA for the shooters and the RO (3) the backup gun is set up for a lefty, I’m a right, so the mag release is on the opposite side.
  22. The people that I know that love In n Out LOVE the fries. I can't stand them. For the exact reason you stated. Plus, every time I go, it takes forever to get your food. It has to be the slowest "Fast Food" out there. I like Five Guys much better. The burgers are very good, very similar if not better than In n out. Plus, they give you a ton of fries. And you can get them Cajun style which has a great spice on them. And they have Malt Vinegar for the fries too. They are a little slow too, but I don't think as slow as In n Out.
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