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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. I don't mean to sound snarky, so please don't take this response that way. $10 from CZ Custom. Stainless Steel Mag Break If you add it all up, we spend hundreds of dollars on Trigger jobs, grips, F/O Sights, hammers, Reloaders, Components, (factory ammo if you don't reload), Match Fees - Both local and Majors, what is an extra $10? I realize you're looking for a Zero cost way, and you want to mod it yourself, but to me, the $10 was well worth it. My mags fly out of my gun, no issues. And yes, it's production legal. It's a CZ OEM part.
  2. Wow, not the answer I was hoping for. Now I will need to find $280 in order to buy one!! Thanks TGibe!
  3. In case you haven't seen the previews yet, new season of Deadliest Catch starts Tues April 12th at 9pm. NEW BLOOD (Premiere: April 12 at 9 p.m. E/P) TWO HOUR PREMIERE SPECIAL! The 2010 King crab season begins with an infusion of fresh blood into the crab fleet. Challenging the veteran skippers are Scott Campbell Jr. who helms the Seabrooke, and first-time captain, Elliott Neese, on the Ramblin' Rose. WATCH FOR: A final farewell to Capt. Phil. Josh and Jake Harris are tested by their new skipper Derrick Ray. Veteran boats battle monster seas to get to their favorite hunting grounds. The gut-wrenching sound of a mayday goes out for a stricken crewman.
  4. +5 on the CZ! Here is the link Moto was trying to post Link to CZ Custom SP01 out of the box is a great gun. If you want to spend money on a trigger job down the road, it will be an even a better gun. Or you could throw down the money now and just buy the Shadow. Better trigger out of the box because no Firing Pin Block ( among other things, just trying not to write a book here). If you're shooting USPSA Production, it's legal. If you take the FPB out of an SP01, that is not legal. Plus Angus and Rob at CZ Custom are awesome to deal with.
  5. One question I have for the 550 with the Casefeeder is: Currently on my 550, if I feel that i short stroked the primer seating, I can pull the case out, check it, and have it back in the station 1 in about 3-5 seconds. With the Casefeeder, do you still have this flexibility? Or would you have to wait for it to get to station 2 before you could pull it out and check it? That seems like it would be a big PITA because you would then have to take out the locator pin to accomplish. I know, just seat it correctly and I don't have the problem, but you know, things don't always work that way. I've looked at the manual online and it seems that you can't pull the case out once it is sized and primed. Am I offbase? Anyone that has one care to take a quick close up picture of the station 1 so I can see what it's like for myself? Thanks!
  6. I had to pick up my case of MG's at the post office last month. When the lady took my slip, I offered to go in the back with her and get it since I told her it was heavy. She gave me that "whatever, I can lift it myself look". She came back a few minutes later and whispered to her coworker at the counter "Hey Joe, can you come help me with this". I tried telling her! When she asked what was in it I told her ( wanted to see the next look I was going to get ). Yep...the "oh boy, I hope this guy's picture isn't on the wall over there" look!
  7. I removed the green nail polish I had put on the interior of my mag well over the weekend ( didn't want to wait for a ruling ), but it looks like I did the right thing anyway. By the way, Non-Acetone nail polish remover took it right off and didn't take any of the finish off. Not sure if it would work on White-Out, but it did the trick for me. The ironic thing is, in the two matches I shot with the paint on there....i don't recall seeing the mark once! Guess I really need to practice my reloads....a lot!
  8. Same here. 3. And I also agree, Top 3 only, no need for 4th and 5th.
  9. No Sarge, you and I do the same. I load an 11 round mag, place it at the hardest spot for me to reach on my belt, and load that one at "Load and make ready" command. And yes, I know what the stage entails before I step up to the line, whether it's an unloaded start, table start, etc., and load my mags accordingly. Same here. All the mags on my belt have 10, the one I load at MR is in my pocket with 11. If the COF is unloaded start, or unchambered round, I put the 11th round back in the ammo box before I step to the line. there is plenty of time to do this when you are On Deck or "in the hole".
  10. I agree as well, good points, well said. I'll add my two cents. I'm a Production shooter. I feel cheated when the COF is only 17-18 rounds. I came to shoot. I LOVE 32 round stages. Yes, I have to change mags 3-5 times. But I like that. For one stage at the FL Open this year, I had 1 mag in the gun, 4 on the belt, and one in the back pocket..just in case. I have no problem with that. I also shot the US IPSC National match in Columbia, SC last year. It was good match run by a great Gun Club (MCRC), but I didn't like the low round counts. As you may know, IPSC matches have certain amount of short, medium, and long courses. There are more short and medium than long. After shooting that match, I much prefer the longer COF's.
  11. Sounds like your boss is living proof of the The Dilbert principle. It refers to a 1990s satirical observation by Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams stating that companies tend to systematically promote their least-competent employees to management (generally middle management), in order to limit the amount of damage they are capable of doing. In the Dilbert strip of February 5, 1995 Dogbert says that "leadership is nature's way of removing morons from the productive flow".
  12. Same here, Blade Tech, DOH. For my SP01
  13. CZinSC


    Awareness and Focus
  14. That is a good way to do it. I prefer setting my belt up with exactly how I want it. Then I took a piece of electrical tape(black) and wrapped it around the outer belt exactly dead center of my belly, under the belly button (wow, can't believe i just typed "belly button" on a gun forum). That way when I go to put on the belt, I line up the tape with my belly button so the belt is in the same place every time. ( Picked that up from Chris Tilley at FL Open ) I just did the same thing recently. WOW, what a difference. Makes the whole left side a lot more secure. Running production with 4 mag pouches, it is a good idea.
  15. Hate Basketball! Never watch it. Can't understand how people get excited watching the first 3 1/2 quarters... Football, Baseball, Hockey, even Soccer, which I'm not a fan of ( nope, not because they don't score, because they don't shoot enough...there isn't even a Chance to score. If they had more shots on goal, I would watch more. I wouldn't mind a 1-0 game if the goalies both made 30 saves each, like in hockey...but I digress ) In those 4 sports, one score could mean the outcome, even if it happened in the first minute of play. In Basketball, the score is going to be apprx 70-65 (NCAA) or 124-120 (NBA). How do you get excited when the score is 6-4 in the first period? I realize i'm simplifying it a lot, and true purists will argue that the game is a lot about defense...I just don't see it, at least not for the first 3 1/2 quarters. That's just me. I don't disparage others for liking B-Ball...just not my cup of tea. By the way, I'm second in an NCAA bracket pool. Go Kentucky!! There's a difference between being a fan and watching, and throwing in $5 with a chance to win $200. Spent a grand total of 5 minutes picking two brackets by the way. One bracket is in 2nd, the other is in 3rd out of 45 people. If KY beats CT, I win, Champion won't matter. Now that's what I call fun!!
  16. Regarding a rule in the rulebook, I respectfully disagree with both of you: 2.4 Safety Areas The host organization is responsible for the construction and placement of a sufficient number of Safety Areas for the match. They should be conveniently placed and easily identified with signs. Safety Areas should include a table with the safe direction and boundaries clearly shown. 2.4.1 Competitors are permitted to use the Safety Areas for the activities stated below provided they remain within the boundaries of the Safety Area and the firearm is pointed in a safe direction. Violations are subject to match disqualification (see Rules 10.5.1 & 10.5.12).10.5.1 Handling a firearm at any time except when in a designated safety area or when under the supervision of, and in response to a direct command issued by, a Range Officer. 10.5.12 Handling live or dummy ammunition (including practice or training rounds, snap caps and empty cases), loaded magazines or loaded speed loading devices in a Safety Area, or failing to comply with Rule 2.4.1. The word “handling” does not preclude competitors from entering a Safety Area with ammunition in magazines or speed loading devices on their belt, in their pockets or in their range bag, provided the competitor does not physically remove the loaded magazines or loaded speed loading devices from their retaining or storage device while within the Safety Area. What I will agree with you on though, is just about every safe area I have seen doesn't "clearly" indicate the safe direction or the boundarys. Common sense tells you not to point your gun at other people, but they should definitely have boundarys clearly defined and direction.
  17. And as long as you're buying 9V batteries, buy an extra one and put it in the extra slot in the bottom...for those times you forget to turn off the chrono before you leave the range.
  18. The good news is the computer is on its way back to me. Tech had a devil of a time getting the data off. It's a Solid State drive RAID'd together ( 2 x 256GB ). He was able to get the data and reimage the hard drive, put data back on. The other good news is my boss approved my request for a backup drive. So I've got a Western Digital 1TB drive on it's way too. That way i can back up my home PC along with the work one!
  19. As others said, the inner goes through the loops, keeps your pants up. outer on top of it. Generally, most people wear the inner like you normally wear a belt, the outer goes on backwards, ie: the ends cross over in the back. This way it keeps the ends from snagging on anything and coming off. Also, the belts should have come with a belt keeper (little velcro tab about 3" long x 1" wide). That goes around both belts where ever you have the ends of the outer. just a little loop to secure the end of the outer belt to the inner to prevent it from coming loose.
  20. Or a small paper clip. Bend one end 90 degrees, insert, bend other end 90 degrees. That is what I did. I couldn't find a safety pin laying around the house, otherwise I might have gone that route.
  21. My girlfriend lives with me, she has a vague idea of what guns cost, but like someone else said earlier, every time a box shows up at the front door, i get the obligatory "let me guess, more gun stuff?" She was shocked though when I told her the Razorcat was $5000 after she watched Top Shot and asked what kind of gun that was. She will go to the indoor range and shoot with me (she took the Concealed carry class with me), but she won't go to a USPSA match. I shoot two matches a month, not counting the trips to the range for chrono and practice, and she is OK with that, as long as I'm home at a reasonable hour so we can go out Saturday night. My local range is talking about starting up Steel Challenge. So of course the first thing I suggested was she should come out for that. No moving around, not as high adrenaline as USPSA (shhh..don't tell her it is) and best of all, you can shoot .22's, so I'll buy one for "Us" that she can shoot, she'll have a good time! I think it's going to work.....which means three matches a month! And if it works, since she'll be at one, it will be like it doesn't count!! I'll let you know how successful I am at floating that lead balloon........
  22. Spoke with CZ custom, Rob confirmed that the Extended Ambi safety is not production legal. Oh well.
  23. Thanks! That makes sense. Nope, I just didn't clarify...sorry. I was referring to the SP01, not the Shadow.
  24. Gerard, i did see that comment. I was curious how it doesn't fit in the box with an extended saftey? I ran into the box at the IPSC Nationals in Columbia last year, and mine didn't fit because of the wrong extended base pads (different situation and all my fault). So curious how the safety would make it not fit. My thoughts are that since it is a CZ Custom part, that it isn't legal. Might have to call Rob and Angus when the shop opens and see what they have to say. Enutees, I looked on CZUSA site and didn't see it, do you have a link to the part?
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