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Everything posted by Will_M

  1. How would you rate it's wear and rust properties compared to say, duracoat or ceramicoat?
  2. Crash avoidance system: You're doing it wrong.
  3. 118* heat index. Woohoo.
  4. You got a door big enough to bring this inside? No...? Well, where do you want one?
  5. I have several on my iPod. Matt's been busy setting up his new Predator Tactical business. He recently got his DD manufacturer license from the ATF so I'm guessing he's REALLY busy.
  6. The number produced, I believe.
  7. My opinion: Assuming you change the recoil spring accordingly, I don't see any reason why the slide would be damaged other than normal wear-and-tear.
  8. I'm a firm believer in free stuff tasting/working/being better than the exact same thing that you could pay for.
  9. We just broke a record in Mississippi. Our heat index was 115 a couple Fridays ago. It's unbelievable.
  10. Very nice. I'm trying to work one up now. Just going through the process of figuring out what I want.
  11. Will_M


    Psh. Yeah I almost believed that. Everyone knows God doesn't shoot 9mm. He only uses calibers that begin with the holy number 4. Read the gospel of John Moses Browning and then come back when you've purged yourself of such blasphemy. http://www.frfrogspad.com/jmb.htm
  12. I guess we can lump the Feds in with the cops for this thread G-Man, I'm looking at you.
  13. It looks REALLY good. You going to put anything on it to keep it from rusting?
  14. Is it plated or did you just strip the coating off of the slide?
  15. I'm sold on the CoC grippers. I'd been using the grippers you get from sports stores but since they close so easily, you don't really have a way to track your improvement. With the CoC gripper, you can see that you're getting stronger by having a quatifiable result (how far apart the gripper is from closing). (two weeks in and I can ALMOST close the #1)
  16. I don't shoot 3-gun but I definitely want to check it out. Maybe they'll post some episodes online like some others have mentioned?
  17. I'm on my 6th Xbox. No exaggeration whatsoever. 1st one: Broken when I got it home from the store. 2nd one: Red Ring of death about six months later 3rd one: Red Ring of death a year and a few months after that. 4th one: This is the one Microsoft sent me to replace #3. Fed-Ex "lost" it during return shipment from repair. 5th one: After calling Microsoft and Fed-Ex, who both said "it's the other guy's fault" I got Microsoft to replace it. This one gets the R.R.O.D. about eight months or so ago. 6th one: Still going, knock on wood. It'll cost around $150 all told. If it's relatively new, just call and give them a hard time for as long as you can until they cave and offer to fix it for free. Tell them Will sent you. They'll know who you're talking about.
  18. I'm with Chris on this one. I can only afford one trip to Florida and I don't know if I should make it to this one, the Open, or "The Limited"
  19. Shoot the hell out of it. Remember him every time you do.
  20. Legitimate question. Why change the design? Is it so that SV can make their parts more proprietary? Is this design better? More reliable? I know they've changed their ITS dimensions so they will no longer drop in into other guns. And they haven't sold frames individually for a while. Not bashing, just want to know if the new design is "better" in any way, or if it's a business decision.
  21. Wilson ETM's are a favorite around here.
  22. CR speed. To be honest I've never tried anything else. But it works.
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