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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Will_M

  1. Had my first wetshave with a safety razor last night. Merkur Classic HD razor Merkur Blades Col. Conk Almond Soap Pure Badger brush There's something badass about using a safety razor/straight razor to shave. The guys were right. It forces you to focus on the task at hand, and not think about anything else. Man, oh man, do I feel like a Man. Excuse me, I'm gonna go wrestle a bear now.
  2. Mine has two speckles of rust on the left side of the slide. I assume from where my thumb hits the slide occasionally. But nothing major.
  3. How difficult is it to do this modification?
  4. Yep. Sean has them in his online store.
  5. I just found out I may miss the next match. I'm pissed. This'll make two in a row I've missed
  6. Well from what I see on the results, you cleaned shop in production last match! Second overall in Production to Cliff ain't too shabby!
  7. Well shoot I gotta get out of "C" in Limited. Spanky got himself a new Limited gun and now that he's in my class&division I gotta find somewhere else to hide. Jerk. Ruining it for the rest of us. Just kidding. I've been practicing a little bit lately, Spanky, so next match, assuming you shoot Limited, you're mine. Oh it's on. It's on like Donkey Kong.
  8. That's pretty impressive! If that holds up well, I think it could be pretty popular. How did you get the "zebra" effect?
  9. Great. There goes the neighborhood. Welcome mhead! You gonna be at the July match?
  10. So a post ignition push is ok? After really getting comfortable with my gun, I thought I was flinching so I tried the ball and dummy drill. I WAS dipping the gun down, but it didn't feel like a flinch. I could DEFINITELY detect a moment after the sear released the striker and THEN the gun would dip. Am I making sense? And this is acceptable? Or even desirable?
  11. Good job! And in a very short time frame!
  12. I'll take you up on that, Sarge. Next Area 6 match, if we're squadded together again, you can pay up then.
  13. Just dropped my application in the mail. This'll be my first TN state match. Hope it's a good one!
  14. That's awesome! I guess you can say you're back!
  15. There is no single comment I could make that could top that.
  16. +1 John. And yes, you are a prima donna.
  17. Will_M


    Oh man... I'm jealous. My best lego contraptions always ended up getting me whipped whenever I broke something with it. Of course mine were basically nothing but catapults. Not fully functioning repeaters. Maybe it's best I didn't have that.
  18. Yeah I figure if I only ruined one part, I came out alright.
  19. Oh no. It's toast. That happened a couple months ago when I was putting together my first single stack. Here's how it went down: Rip open box from Brownells, "Huh, safety won't go in. Oh there's the problem. Here this should get rid of that useless metal." Ten minutes later: "Son. Of. A...." Yeah I felt like an idiot, but I have it in a ziplock bag pinned to the pegboard of my workbench to remind me to THINK before I CUT. I told a older (more experienced) gunsmith friend of mine and he just laughed and said he could put together about 2 fully non-functional 1911's from all the ruined parts he's got in a five gallon bucket under his bench.
  20. I should have read this. Anybody want a less than 2 hrs old/non-functioning (but otherwise perfectly good) Nighthawk Custom SS ambi safety?
  21. I, personally, don't. But someone else who does may chime in. You can certainly use another manufacturers dies, assuming they're the standard thread. Most are but let us know what brand and we can confirm. You SHOULD be able to make do with a .223 powder funnel. Call Dillon and I'm sure they could answer that question and I have a feeling they'd know better than I would.
  22. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and I'll cram a Rick Astley album down your throat.
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