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Everything posted by jar

  1. I wear custom plugs all the time. I add cheapy electronic muffs on top when shooting centerfire indoors.
  2. What would you consider a good amount of time to stick with a division? The opposite of your guy who grew roots in Limited are the many shooters who shoot a different division every match and are C or D class in all 6 and probably always will be.
  3. I can load them a little longer than that, I have to check my notes at home, but I think it's 1.120. 1.135 was definitely too long.
  4. Maybe calling them by the correct name will help. Seriously though, don't obsess over the classifier. It's just another stage. Try making a commitment not to look at your classification page for six months. I bet if you do that you'll be pleasantly surprised by a card in the mail.
  5. This. I haven't shot one of Dan's guns, but the drop-in APEX parts are definitely better than the stock pro.
  6. A67100 Production C - 54.77
  7. Good on both of you for handling it well. I recently brought a new shooter to his first match. I avoided ROing him because I didn't want the temptation to let anything slide. He shot very safely and had a great time and is definitely hooked now.
  8. What pressing issues do you see with the divisions? I think they're fine as they are. Pretty much everything has a place it can be shot reasonably competitively. The only thing I might change is allow other calibers into CDP.
  9. From what I see around New England, the revo divisions are on the rise. Of course, that's probably skewed by Bones' tireless evangelism.
  10. That's the real dichotomy in idpa, between those who do the best they can enforcing the rules as written and those who make up rules to suit their perception of the spirit of the game. Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
  11. COAL is a bad measurement as far as pressure is concerned for just this reason. A measure of the amount of case without bullet in it would be better since that's what affects pressure. Unfortunately, you can't measure this easily. It would be really helpful if manuals listed the length of the bullet so you could subtract and compare available case volume.
  12. That's a difference between IPSC and USPSA. In USPSA, it's always on the shooter.
  13. Did you miss the part where I said "I'm not saying the rules should be changed and make everyone buy new guns"? I just think it's an interesting theoretical question. How low in diameter can you go and still make major while not making the length too long for a usable grip?
  14. If you're shooting a moon clip gun, have enough clips for the whole match, and load them and check them in your gun before the match. Transport them in something that protects them from getting bent.
  15. The problem isn't too fast, it's not accurate enough. Trying to control speed usually leads to a blown stage for me. The best stages I've shot, I got to the end and thought I called every shot, but when I compared the time to others around my skill level it was much faster.
  16. You can if you hear them telling their buddies about their round dumping plan during the walkthrough. I've warned guys a few times that 'while I normally wouldn't give a penalty for round dumping because it's hard to determine intent, since you told me you plan to do it, I'll ding you for it if you do'. No one has done it after that warning yet. I'm with you 100% on the other comment. If people spent half the time they spent trying to skirt the rules on shooting faster and more accurately, it would have a far better effect on their match results. Even if you get away with it, you know you cheated. Some people care more about this than others.
  17. The point of the CLASSIFIERS is to put you in a class with shooters of similar abilities. This is used to distribute some of the prizes at some of the bigger matches. Sandbagging is purposely shooting classifiers below your ability in order to stay in a lower class so you can win one of these prizes.
  18. Since the thread is back, I'll throw in one. Pay careful attention to how you use cover. Sometimes you can eliminate a lot of movement while still using cover properly. You just have to have your lower body and 50% of the upper body hidden from the target. This doesn't mean you need to run right up to a wall and lean around the corner. Depending on the stage layout, you can find opportunities to shoot on the move that other people don't see.
  19. There's still a 0.354 minimum overall. I'm not saying the rules should be changed and make everyone buy new guns, but the arms race would still have a stopping point. Now you've got me thinking about what craziness we'd see if you dropped the 0.354 requirement for Open.
  20. I'm pretty sure the frames are identical. The one thing I thought might be different is the ejector, but brownells says the 9/40/357 use the same ejector. Technically, however, using a swapped frame/slide isn't legal in Production or SSP.
  21. I place the bullet as the ram is moving up, after it indexes. I seat and crimp in station 4 because I don't use PTX. This works well for me.
  22. This is what most of the clubs in the NE section (at least the ones I've visited) do: Next to sign in is a table with one target on it for each squad(white side up). Shooters write their name and shooter number(at the clubs with palms) on the target. Someone watches the targets, and if one gets un-balanced, it gets turned over until the other squads catch up. People who want to shoot together can have the first guy who gets there put all the names on a squad if they want. This seems to work very well. If you get there late, you're stuck with the shortest squad. If you show up early/on time you can shoot with whoever you want, if you're late, tough.
  23. The latest rumor I heard was shipping in June, but I can't remember where.
  24. The other big advantage of reloading that many people don't mention is that you don't have to go around tracking down and buying factory ammo. I like that when I need ammo, I just go make it. During the great ammo shortage of 2008-2010, once I found a place with primers in stock and ordered a few cases, I was set for 2 years.
  25. Awesome, competition is a wonderful thing.
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