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Door-to-door salesmen and my dog


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So we've been innundated with door to door salesmen lately. Most people in our area have a rental contract with the local utility for thier water heaters. A competitor has been trying every approach under the sun to con people into switching to a more expensive and more restrictive, penalty filled contract.

They are telling people every lie under the sun to get them to sign. Sometimes they pose as safety inspectors, sometimes as reps from the utility, and the tactics they use are just slimey.

Adding to the fun, is they rarely take no for an answer. They may leave Monday night, but Tuesday a fresh batch of idiots will be back with the same song and dance.

My Lab/Shep mix has never bitten a single person, but he reads my attitude it seems. If I don't act warm to someone at the door, he goes into defence mode, and circles and pokes with his snout, sometimes with a low growl.

Adding to the fun is the salesmen all seem to hail from a certain ethnic demographic who are not particularly fond of dogs.

"Sir, could you take your dog inside? He makes me nervous."

"You should be nervous."

"Sir, could you take your dog inside?"

"I could, but I'm not going to."

Perhaps I shouldn't be taking as much pleasure from this. However, I confess to being a tad bitter. Mrs.Canuck223 actually fell for the first sales pitch. I read the contract when I got home from work, and called to cancel.

My father wasn't as smart unfortunately. He's stuck paying $5 more per month. Fortunately in his case, his tank was 15 years old, so he just might save that amount per month in gas. As his next move will be to the funeral parlor, he's not likely to get stuck with any moving or early termination penalties.

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Many years ago, I bought a house in a new development in San Antonio and there was an endless procession of alarm and lawn service guys, each promising more than the last one.

I had a fairly good sized Siberian Huskey at the time. If anyone had broken in, that dog would have helped them carry stuff out after he got done licking the first layer of skin off their face. But the sight of a black and white huskey with steel blue eyes jumping up against the storm door made sure that no one came more than once.

I just wish I had him now to greet the church ladies that go through my neighborhood every month. I wonder if a pentagram on my front door would work as well as my dog used to.

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I just "pretend" that I can hardly hold our dogs back...and that we aren't interested.

Doing my due diligence, I generally tell unknown visitors that they DO bite and not to believe the "worse bark than bite" tale. I don't say they HAVE bitten - but it is good to leave that image in their mind. :devil: Yeah I enjoy that too.

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A "No Solicitors" sign helps a lot but I also have one of those locking sceurity screen doors. That was I can open the door and talk to them without compromising my security. The door is coverd with a screen with small holes in it and the way the lighting is usually I can see them perfectly and they can't see anything. I have had them ask to have me open the door because they were getting frustrated talking to a door. :D

Neal in AZ

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Years ago, as I'm leaving the house of a friend, we're both about to walk outside, it's winter, he grabs his coat off the wall pegboard by the door, I notice that he has hanging off the peg behind his jacket one of those huge, fire extinguisher type canisters of pepper spray, the ones that actually a handle on them. I ask him, "Um, Randy, why do you have this huge canister of pepper spray hanging off a coat peg right by your door?" His reply: "Jehovah's Witnesses."

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My first wife had some pushy church folks descend upon her while I was away at a drilling rig (6 of them), and they stuffed a book in the corner of the couch before leaving. She found it later and was scared to death they would come back for/because of it. They did. As a recovering-Catholic, she was in a state of anxiety over the possibility.

I was off that Sunday morning when she bolted from the living room yelling, "Here they come!" As soon as I realized what she was talking about I instructed her to get me a beer....immediately.

I changed into a wife-beater t-shirt and answered the door with a Dobie that went well over 100 lbs. (I cuffed him on the head and gave him the command, "Watch the man!" before opening the door). I hooked my pinky finger of my left hand in his choke chain and let him jump head-high and be all he could be while holding the beer in my other hand as I said Hello.

After a few seconds they asked if I could put the dog away. Borrowing a line from Richard Pryor I said, "He lives here. He don't have to get used to you. You have to get used to him".

They were resolute. They went into a sermon while the dog was trying to get through the storm door to them. I stood there sipping a beer while loosely holding Partner back, and finally commented on what a warm morning it was. I asked if they'd like some refreshments. When one said yes, I offered that I only had beer and would they like like a few to share.

They never came back.

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I had a "father son" tag team of holy rollers stop by once. I had the two car garage door open, working at my bench, reloading ammo in the back of the garage. I heard them coming and I just KNEW they were church peddlers. I go to church, MY church, have been for years. That info did not phase them. These two were well versed in technique. The eye contact, hand motions, lingo etc...they didn't just offer their book to me they put into my hand during conversation.

Reloading came up, obviously. The conversation ended with references to .....crusades.....holy war....can't load enough.... "Praise the lord and pass the ammunition" etc... I just acted like I hadn't taken my crazy pill that day.

I'm always the nice guy who at least listens to what they have to offer. They just REALLY PISSED ME OFF by entering my garage without asking. Yes the door was open, but still no excuse for entering my home without permission. I look at my garage door (the big door) like my front door. Just because it's open doesn't mean you can come in. Other peddlers know enough to stop at the entrance, even when open.

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Just show up to the door naked. They usually figure out you have better things you could be doing. :lol::ph34r:

We have had a bout of this type of encounter onslaught as well...and it usually happens when I am dryfiring. Every time I have answered the door wearing my rig with full accompaniment.

The problem has subsided substantially ;)

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That is a great solution to this problem, until an officer knocks on your door.

Nah. I've always explained that I am simply practicing for a shooting competition while smiling and using my friendly voice. The one d-2-d person that I invited in corractly identified the pistol.

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I didnt have a dog at the time but about 15 yrs ago I had a financial consultant pestering me for an appointment to show me how he could do wonders for my accounts. I finally gave in and agreed to a meeting. I asked if he needed my wife there and he said yes. I told him I charge 125.00 an hour for my time and my wife charges 95.00 an hour. " When do you want to schedule and how much time will you need?"

He couldn't believe I was going to charge HIM. He said he'd get back to me.

crickets.... chirp chirp...

Never heard from him again.

Edited by pas44
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I try and waste as much of their time as possible. I make a game out of it.


I used to have a neighbor named Cathy and yes she could talk. I mean till YOU were blue all over and in the ground. She could have a conversation with a rock or a tiger and discover something she had deeply in common with them. I'd say something like, "Y'know, I'm strapped, but the lady next door is always ordering things, and she's home." (She always was.) They would disappear in there for HOURS, and not sell a thing!

That never got old.

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I have an older Aussie female who is getting quite "protective" innher old age (not that she was ever not protective!), who when anyone approcahes the door, goes completely bananas. Along with her offspring (a half German Shepard/Aussie mix), this seems to do the trick! They get the message very fast!

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I remember like it was yesterday. The usual holy rollers coming to the house. Mom did not want to deal with them again so she sent me, her very young child, to the door to tell them she was not home. :blink: When they asked for my mother I said, "she told me to tell you she's not home". :lol:

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I'm always hoping it's the prince from Nigeria with the 1.6 million dollars US that he promised in the nice email, so I answer the door.

S&W 340 or G22 close at hand.

Just being neighborly. As the Texas Ranger said: "If I was expecting trouble, I would have brought my rifle." :D

DOH! - Edited for spelling.

Edited by Eastkoy
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Dog died some years back, left the chain and clips (real big) in the driveway for years, just sat it by the fence. Never had one call. Pick the chain up and they just keep coming. I am generally short and to the point, and I usually just politly tell them I am not interested. (beat you to that gag GrantJ)

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