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Is a $3,000 custom gun worth it?


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Sorry about the scratching the head bit. I guess what I'm asking is if you pay 1000 bucks for a Kimber or the like, is a full blown custom with all the best parts etc worth 3 times the amount. Will it last 3 times longer? Will you have 3 times fewer troubles if you put 100K rounds through it?

I'm just curios of what the BE community has to say about this. For me, I have a Bedell Spitfire that I have put 60-70K rounds down range without a hiccup and I have trouble thinking any box stock Kimber, Springer etc could do that without parts breaking and just falling apart. But I don't know.

If you're talking single stacks, no I doubt a $3K gun is three times "better" than a Kimber (or similar). It will likely last longer, but maybe not. It will likely give less trouble, but maybe not....just too many variables to say for certain.

In a Limited gun it's a maybe. A nearly stock G35 will work as well and last as long as most $3K guns so it's not a clear choice based upon "worth".

It is worth noting that most of the top gunsmiths who build those $3K+ guns have pretty good backlogs of work so there are a LOT of folks out there who think it's worth the money. I mean honestly, how many folks out there are spending $3-5K on an Open gun?....we're not talking fancy single stacks that non-competitors might buy. If the demand out of that select group of buyers is so high as to keep the top smiths busy it tells me something. R,

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I was given advice by my gunsmith that an Edge with a little work will do the job and there is no sense in dropping 3k on a custom. He said buy the edge and shoot the piss out of it. It is a TOOL.

True, but that's still getting into the over $2K zone ($1700 base and then a couple hundred minimum in tuning) so it's clearly a far cry from a more normal production gun. R,

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I'm holding my buddy's new Millennium Custom 6" right now and so I have to say "YES, YES, and YES !!" :cheers:

It shoots flatter, it's better balanced, it tracks like in a rest, it shoots 3"@50yds., it transitions faster, etc..,etc... !!

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Is there a significant difference between an off the rack Open pistol and a top end custom pistol built by one of the great 'smiths? You betcha red rider.

Will it make you a GM? Nope.

Will it make you smile every time you work the slide, shoot a tight group a 25 yards or just appreciate the craftsmanship in all the details? Almost certainly.

Is it worth the 4k plus to you? Absolutely a personal call.

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Off subject, but, that's a nice point your dog is on! I can't really tell because the pic is small, but, it looks like a brittnay.

Back on subject, it depends on the buyer if THEY think they are getting their money's worth. Is a Cadillac, worth more than a Chevy? Both will get you where you want to go.

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Off subject, but, that's a nice point your dog is on! I can't really tell because the pic is small, but, it looks like a brittnay.

Back on subject, it depends on the buyer if THEY think they are getting their money's worth. Is a Cadillac, worth more than a Chevy? Both will get you where you want to go.

Yep, he is a brittany. He is a wonderful dog.

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Is 3000 to much for a Lim gun probably but I did bite the bullet so to speak and I have a local artist Jeff Abernathy building me a custom Lim pistola based on the STI platform. After finish and all the work I will be right at that mark. I have gotten calls about every week or so giving updates and asking questions before the next step is completed. I have been very, very impressed with the speed at which this is being done. It took me about a year and a half to save enough to be able to pay cash for the new gun and now I can't wait till I get to drop the hammer on it and run full bore.

Should be about 3 more weeks and I will have it in my hot little hands.

So yes I am very excited and can not wait is 3000 too much yes but the smile it will bring this big old boy will be priceless...

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For 3K you know that you will have a gun that you will (hopefully) enjoy for a lifetime. I mess with Subguns and 3K will barely get you thru the door for a the basic entry level M11/9. I fully intend to have a custom 6" limited gun built. Until then I have two other guns suited for limited that are teaching me a-lot. If you like nice guns then they are worth it....however a G-35 or similar can bridge the gap and do double duty as a hell of a defense pistol/backup limited gun.

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after i got my first open pistol (Bedell) a few months ago i realized quickly these custom pistols are a different breed. i told Bedell that i would have paid the money for the accuracy alone!! i mean with an optic, its see dot, pull trigger see hole behind dot. IMHO yes they are worth it. +1 on what steve j posted earlier. i catch hell every match when a buddy of mine beats me with a glock. its not because of the gun i get beat. but with this gun, i feel i have the best chance of learning and advancing instead of throwing parts at an over the counter gun and guessing if its the gun or me. if you miss its you. every time!

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absolutely! A custom gun does a couple things for you. First of all if you have one built by a reputable smith then it gives you the piece of mind to know that your shiz is going to run like a hose. I have found in the very short time I have been involved in this sport that it is similar to other physical/mental sports like tennis, golf and things of that nature, 99% mental and 1% other shtuff. So, if you have a high-quality custom that runs then you don't have that extra facet of your game to worry about, you can focus on the sights lifting and calling your shots. Pride in ownership is a little one for some people but I like showing stuff off. I work hard and like to spend my money on stuff that makes me feel good about all the work. Custom guns do that more for me than a stock gun. You can make GM with a bone stock Edge I would bet but it is more fun to do it with some bling in your hand. These guns aren't tools for me, they are art and they represent the fine people that build them and I like to rock the cool shiz!!!! :) You can't shoot a cowboy with a bent arrow so it about the arrow, sometimes as much as it is the injun.


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For me, yes.

I spent the change and ended up with two Benny 6" Fat Free's. I've had numerous people shooting on my squad whereever I may be remark to me how flat they shoot. I've also seen it on video for myself, and it's true. I have moved up another level since the purchases, and have placed highly in several larger matches in the past year. Part of the performance by me may be attributed to me knowing that is will run abolutely positively 100% of the time and this boosts my confidence in any given course of fire.

That, and I like the compliments I get on the guns. :cheers:

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OK, bottom line is only YOU can answer this question for yourself. Chances are we all think (know) we are worth it. And have to justify it to ourselves. I for one believe that price is "trivial" when it comes to what I want or desire. And I know I am worth spending a certain $3k on a gun for what I am most passionate in life doing. And that is shooting USPSA. ;)

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Speaking as an economist, it's subjective, and whether it's worth it to you can only be determined by you.

- I agree with that portion.

OP specified "1911/2011" If we are talking STI 2011 Edge, the base price of admission is over $1600 - and that is BEFORE you buy all the mags you will need.

My stock Edge 5.0 was not 100% reliable as it came from STI.

Question is: how much over than 1600 do you have to go?

As for "other platforms"

- Sevigny wins with a $650 G35 & AAA ammo - proving it can be done; it might take practice. But what platform does NOT require a ton of practice?

-For about $900, you can find CZ Tactical Sports .40s with a from-the-factory 1.75 lb trigger (I owned TWO of them. Consistent, reliable triggers). $1600 would get you a nice custom TS from Angus.

-Our own Henning could set you up with a custom Tanfoglio like this one, starting with a base price of about $1250:


In closing, no, I do not think spending $3000 for a custom is "worth it" as far as progressing in the sport.

But like the custom choppers you see built on cable TV, it is all subjective. If you want a custom and you have the money, I guess you need it.

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The cheapest gun I own is my G22 and even that's been modified more than a little. With 4 open guns and 3 limited guns in the safe, I'll say that after shooting my first truly custom gun that $3k IS worth it. However, there is a difference when you go up in price. The guys that have built my guns, I'll put up against anyone.


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Sorry, but I just came back from the range and I have to change my answer posted above.

Not yes, but hell yes it is worth it. This thing just makes me smile like Cheech and Chong on mushrooms.

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Speaking as an economist, it's subjective, and whether it's worth it to you can only be determined by you.

- I agree with that portion.

OP specified "1911/2011" If we are talking STI 2011 Edge, the base price of admission is over $1600 - and that is BEFORE you buy all the mags you will need.

My stock Edge 5.0 was not 100% reliable as it came from STI.

Question is: how much over than 1600 do you have to go?

As for "other platforms"

- Sevigny wins with a $650 G35 & AAA ammo - proving it can be done; it might take practice. But what platform does NOT require a ton of practice?

-For about $900, you can find CZ Tactical Sports .40s with a from-the-factory 1.75 lb trigger (I owned TWO of them. Consistent, reliable triggers). $1600 would get you a nice custom TS from Angus.

-Our own Henning could set you up with a custom Tanfoglio like this one, starting with a base price of about $1250:


In closing, no, I do not think spending $3000 for a custom is "worth it" as far as progressing in the sport.

But like the custom choppers you see built on cable TV, it is all subjective. If you want a custom and you have the money, I guess you need it.

I agree to a point but the gun you show in the picture would only be semi-custom. I think the original question refers to a full-house custom. I completely agree that a $3000 gun isn't normally necessary (Open excluded) for a match but when you run one you sure do know it. I will pay $3000+ for a gun if I have the money and a desire for a new full-house build though.

Edited by jasmap
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First off worth is what the individual puts on an item.

In my limited experience I started out in the sport with an out of the box XD and I shot ok with it and I soon graduated to a custom XD (everything you could do and still be production legal) made me feel better about my shooting, more confident, better scores, complements and such. That 1000.00 was worth it to me. Tinkered with it and was able to shoot limited with it and got hooked on limited. So I eventually purchased an STI Edge 1700.00 out of the box it was a pleasure to shoot. So that 1700.00 was worth it to me. Over the few months after the purchase I had some isues with the edge ftf, jams and stuff :wacko: needless to say I was somewhat not pleased. So off to te gunsmith it went (knew it could be fixed my friends guns worked) apprx. 1000.00 parts and labor later. I pick up my gun and go to the range and OMG I would never have never believed that any gun could shoot so smooth and flat. I shot up about 500 rounds that day just lost in the pleasure of shooting a nice gun.This has been about a year now someware between 5000 and 10000 rounds and still a pleasure. The confidence came back, it's fun to shoot matches and I have since upclassed to B. So the extra 1000.00 was worth it to me.

Just my experience. :cheers: To my gunsmith

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I've shot many different guns in the past 5 years and finally figured out what I liked and didn't like. I got ahold of a used STI and had JPL Precision put a 6" top end on it with some specific requests. It would have been one of those $3k+ guns if I had built it from scratch. I don't get to shoot a lot normally, so not a lot of practice for me, but my scores jumped by 20% or more at our local matches just by switching to a gun that fit me and my style better.

Bottom line is, through trial and error you figure out what works for you and go with it. Who cares if it's a Glock with mods at $1000 or an SV at $3500.

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A different way to ask the question is: If I spend $2500-$3000 on a custom gun, will I see an improvement in my scores that are worth the money that I spent?

Probably not. However, you now have the equipment that puts YOU in a position to execute to your maximum potential with equipment no longer being a factor in the equation. In the end, that's all we're trying to do is eliminate external factors and have everything rest on ourselves as the only variable.


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