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Revolver Participation at Matches


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Thanks Julie for trying to grow this segment of the sport.

1. USPSA, ICORE, Steel

2. 1-3 times per per month (work schedule)

3. 2 Sectionals, 1 Area

4. Not yet

5. NRA action pistol

6. Challenge, fun, skill building

7. N/A

Paul Beck

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A couple years back, I seemed to have settled on using a revolver for IDPA and a 1911 for USPSA, and that still seems to be holding. IDPA is of course more "revolver-friendly" in that courses are shorter and designers tend to go six-shot-neutral more often.

Oddly, in one of the most bizarre incidents in my whole four decades of shooting, I made "B" in USPSA Revolver division! If that isn't inexplicable enough, I did it with my 1918-built Webley Mk VI. Feel the planet tip a little?

I don't think much about Nationals or other big matches, I guess because they keep me off the bike too long.

Here in the NE Illinois area, there's tons of IDPA and a fair amount of USPSA to shoot all year long, but virtually no ICORE.

That of course excepts the outstanding ICORE Central States Revolver Championship at the wonderful Bend of the River CC in Niles, Michigan, in July. We ARE going to be seeing you folks there, aren't we? Look for me on Stage 7. (www.borcc.org)

The club I belong to does one or two revolver matches a year, and the other matches I put on are often accused of being excessively six-shot-neutral.

My first gun was a Colt 1911, but my second and third were sixguns, and I still like to shoot sixguns every bit as much. Give me an Official Police and a few hundred rounds of stout .38, and I'm gone for the afternoon.

The reason why inveterate sixgunners like using wheelguns isn't too hard to find: a revolver wears its insides on the outside. A self-loader hides most of its workings, but a sixgun has nearly everything hanging out there in the open.

There's lots of monkey-motion, things going back and forth, and of course, around, clicking and clacking, and it's sort of retro-limiting, in a way, what with only six rounds and the forever refills (HSMITH, you're right, but...). But that's all just sort of charm, especially to mechanical-minded folks who like gears and levers and cylinders thrashing and interacting.

I like to bring into the metaphor steam locomotives. They, too, wear their guts on the outside, and clank and heave and spit and spark and have even more Rube Goldberg stuff going on than revolvers.

The old steamers are utterly useless in a practical, transportation-oriented sense (and yes, I have a locomotive engineer certificate in my wallet), but we are entranced by them anyway.

Same goes for revos.

Now, having given away the better part of an article American Handgunner might have even paid for, I should stop. But... I can't help but think of that YouTube vid I posted up of one of our esteemed Forum-mates, who already checked in here, and who shall remain nameless, a revered revolverist, shooting a... tah-dah... M&P9 at an IDPA match a few weeks ago.

Were it not for my immense respect for this person, and awe at his incredible efforts putting on a superb USPSA show, I'd reveal the link to that video.

But I just can't. He did rock with that thing, though.

Edited by Cherryriver
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Julie: Thank you and SW for your interest and support of the Revolver Division.

1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)?

I shoot USPSA. I shot my revolver at a steel match in NM once also.

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level?

Less than before due to attending fewer matches and trying to become more proficient with my L-10 blaster. In 2008 I shot revolver less than once a month. Interest in USPSA revolver shooting seems to be waning in Colorado. Most club matches have either zero or one revolver shooter. It is a rare ocassion when two wheelgunners show up. The lack of competition makes it a little boring / frustrating.

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)?

I plan to shoot the New Mexico and Colorado State matches in 2009. Didn't shoot any major matches in 2008.

And with a revolver? I haven't decided whether I will shoot my 625 or CZ97.

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)?

Never. Being a C level shooter and with such low participation in CO, it would be difficult to get a slot.

5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why?

I would consider IDPA, ICORE, or steel. However, I wouldn't use my 625 to shoot minor power factor.

I have a Ruger GP-100 that I could shoot but I'm not skilled with speedloaders. I'd like to get a 9mm revolver for IDPA or ICORE and possibly a 10 shot 617 for steel. However, that's not going to happen for quite a while.

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

I learned to shoot on a revolver when I was in college. I like revolvers and the emphasis on accuracy and novel ways to approach some stages. I like the challenge. Finally, "If it (shooting revolver) were easy, everybody would do it."

7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not?


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Hi Julie- Thanks for promoting the revo side of shooting!

1. I've been shooting S&W Revolvers since the early 70's. Over the years I've shot Bullseye, Police Pistol Combat, IDPA, NRA Action Pistol,

Bowling Pins, and IHMSA Metallic Silhouette. There isn't any ICORE or Steel Challenge around here.

2. Shoot 2 or 3 local matches a month of PPC and AP. Used to do a lot more, but don't have time now.

3. Majors - Missouri State PPC, Region X Action Pistol.

4. Bianchi Cup since 1993. Hope to see you there again this year! Everyone there holds you in high regard.

5. I used to go to any match available, now time only allows a few. I shoot Extreme Silhouette though. Using a 629 with a scope,

try to get the fastest time. Best so far is 40 out of 40 in 84 seconds. The 629 shoots about 6 in. groups at 200 meters.

Why? Just the challenge to see what can be done, I suppose.

6. I only shoot S&W Revo. It doesn't matter too much if there's a revo class, I shoot against auto , bolt action or single shot.

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Hi Julie.


2. Starting shooting a revolver exculsively 2 yrs ago

3. Shoot on average 2 major IDPA matches yearly

4. Not been able to set time aside to make a national match (hoping this year)

5. Planning on shooting USPSA and ICORE this year. Looking to expand my revolver shooting and there are local clubs in area to shoot these matches.

6. The people and the challange. I feel revolver divisions are truly the most level playing field.


Chris Kuzara

IDPA #A22266

USPSA #61618


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1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)?

Steel, ICORE and USPSA

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level?

3 x per month

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)? And with a revolver?

At least 2 to 3 and all with a revolver.

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)?

I shoot the IRC every year and have competed in 2 USPSA Revolver Nationals.

5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why?

As of right now no as these 3 keeps me satisfied with the challenge they each present.

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

Simple but challenging you are 6 shot stock in USPSA, 8 shot open or stock in ICORE and steel you can go either way. If somebody is going to beat you it is due to their practice and not being able to buy you a few places by having better equipment. Lets face it there is only so much you can do to a revolver.

7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not?

I am truly a revolver fan only and every once in a while I will pick up a single stack just to be able to shoot some matches with 2 guns.

Dean Gomez

ICORE # LKS16 (Not a typo but truly number 16 as a life member of ICORE)

USPSA #A55262

Julie, thanks for your interest in revolver shooters and hope to see you out there someday with Jerry, Elliot and Annette spinning the cylinder on a wheelgun.

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1. I mostly shoot IDPA revolver and occasional USPSA.

2. When I am in a "revolver only phase" I shoot club matches with revolver every weekend during the season.

3. Majors per year vary from none to 6 or 8. About half or more with revolver.

4. I have shot 4 IDPA Nationals with revolver and 1 USPSA Nationals with revolver.

5. I probably wouldn't cross over any more than I do because I don't have any time left. :)

6. It's more fun. The challenge is greater and it's fun to beat autoloaders. :cheers:

7. It looks like you are only getting answers from revolver shooters. Maybe this question needs to be somewhere other than the revolver forum to get more answers. :)

Thanks for thinking of us. :cheers:

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Great Idea Julie... good for you... but it's probably a bit late for me.

I have shot only revolver for the past two and a half years... but am planning on shooting nothing but single stack in 2009. The reason for my change is the lack of participation with wheelguns. I shot against myself in too many matches and it's really taken the fun out of the sport for me. Hey--- State matches with 4 total wheelgunners has been common... so they may not hand out ANY awards even a HOA?????

1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)? IDPA & USPSA--- Mostly IDPA

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level? In past two years I have averaged 20 local matches a year with my wheelgun which is one a week given our short shooting season

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)? And with a revolver? 5-6 majors a year with the revolver

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)? Only IDPA Indoor Nationals so far

5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why? NA

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions? More difficult than the bottom feeders--and more fun IMO

7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not? NA

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1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)?

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level?

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)? And with a revolver?

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)?

5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why?

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not?

Hi Julie

#1 I just bought my first revolver 2 weeks ago and shot my first USPSA match last weekend and LOVED it.

#2 I plan on shooting it full time.

#3 I plan to try and shoot the Texas open this year with it.

#4 I wish I did.

#5 Yes.

#6 It just looked like more fun and you had to think about the stages more since it won't hold 22 rounds at once.

#7 I am glad I made the change.

I hope this info helps... Have a nice day...Creg

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2. 2 - 4 times a month if I'm lucky

3. 6-8 per year, primarily IDPA

4 I shot the 2004, 2005, and 2007 IDPA Nationals

5. I'd shoot ICORE if we could get it started in the St Louis area. One of the local clubs shoots steel and I'm going to try it this year.

6. I started out as a wheelgunner and have always loved shooting them. Like everyone has said, the challenge of solving it in increments of 6 and being a lefty adds even more to the challlenge. Comaraderie.

Thanks Julie


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Hi Julie (& congrats). I own 2 revolvers suitable for competition: a 625 and a 686. I once shot my 340PD in an ICORE shoot that was created as a "snubby" friendly match. I shot it like I carry it: from my pocket holster (and it was sloooow).

1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)?

-USPSA. Before Shooters Paradise burned down, I also shot in our ICORE affiliated club match.

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level?

-1 to 2X per year now

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)? And with a revolver?

-2 to 4 per year. None with a revolver.

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)?


5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why?

-only ICORE. Otherwise, the "bottom feeders" tend to dominate the other sports.

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

-change of pace. I once organized an "all revolver" squad at a club match. It is much more fun if there is at least SOME competition at the same match. Otherwise, revolver shooting can be quite lonely.

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1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)?

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level?

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)? And with a revolver?

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)?

5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why?

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not?

Thanks so much!


First off, thanks for your interest in wheelgunning. Here's my answers:


2. Once to twice a month

3. 2-3 Area Matches/Majors, all with a wheelgun.

4. Yes, if my schedule allows I shoot the USPSA Nationals and/or ICORE IRC and with a wheelgun.

5. I've shot Three Gun with a wheelgun, but most of my shooting is revolver oriented.

6. I love the challenge and wheelgunners are some of the best guys to shoot with.

7. N/A.

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6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

It's really the only class (USPSA) where there isn't an equipment race. You aren't buying a score with more trick equipment. That said, I'd sure like to shoot with a red dot, which may find me in (USPSA) Open more this year with my same revolver (or a 627) with a dot. No ICORE within reasonable distance.

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1. None

2. Never

3. 2, with revolver, none

4. No

5. I would like to shoot ICORE and some IDPA matches with a revolver. Moon Clip divisions need to be synchronized, as I understand it ICOR allows moon clips in all divs and IDPA does not.

6. It takes alot of skill to shoot a wheelgun and I want to learn to do it to bring the level of my auto shooting upwards

7. YES, I"d like to shoot revolvers more often. I would like to see ICORE/IDPA synchronize thier moon clip rules, and I would like to see 38 Special ammo that is 'pre-approved'(for that matter I would like to see all divs have a pre-approved ammo choice)- like IPSC allows people to use Atlanta Arms and Ammo loads at major matches and not go through a chrono for those who don't want to fly/ship their ammo.


Tom E, IPSC production is also very friendly to those wishing to avoid the equipment race.

Edited by blsexton
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1. USPSA, Steel

2. I shoot once every 4 months with a revolver.

3. I shoot no majors with a revolver!

4. nope, I would like to try!

5. My cross over is PPC at the local level( long time ago)

6. Revolver presents greater shooting challenge than the other divisions.

7. N/A

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Im one of the midwest (NE) that is very interested in shooting revolvers and have purchased

several differant ones to play with.

Gonna get my knee replaced soon and soon as I heal up Im gonna start.

My interest was sparked by the attitude and the nice people Ive met who shoot revolvers. :bow:;)

Looking to get the fun factor back in the matches for me.


Sailors :wub:

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Hi everyone,

I am considering putting together a program to increase the number of revolver shooters in the action shooting sports. I think its wonderful to see people dusting off their old single stacks to shoot them from the club level all the way up to national championships and I would love to see the same for revolver. If you wouldn't mind chiming in with your answers to the following:

1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)?

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level?

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)? And with a revolver?

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)?

5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why?

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not?

Thanks so much!


1. ICORE and Steel Challenge

2. 6 times a year (Jan-June)

3. Two

4. IRC and Steel Challenge Piru

5. Yes, USPSA (limited). So I can improve for ICORE

6. Revolver people are more friendly

Please have the PC build an 8 shot 9mm revolver!



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7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not?


I guess the main reason I don't shoot revolver in matches yet is that I haven't gotten comfortable enough with mine to use it yet.

I have a 625 that I bought specifically for shooting either IPSC or IDPA, I just haven't gotten there yet. I shot it for some club matches (like steel or mixed-bag [silhouette, bullseye, steel, and practical pistol all mixed together]) where there was a revolver-specific category.

I also want to upgrade my revolver a bit with a set of Jerry Miculek's grips and a fiber-optic front sight. I would start shooting it for local IDPA matches, but I'm heading to Afghanistan for awhile in a couple of months and I don't want to start shooting revolver only to have to train to get used to an autoloader all over again.

Notice that I said "yet," however, because I plan to give it a try--just not sure when!

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1. Mostly USPSA (have also shot little ICORE and IDPA in the past)

2. about 1/3 of time

3. Avg around 2. Have shot Revo at 1 USPSA Area Match and 1 State match in past 4 years. Also the ICORE MidWest Regionals in 07 & 08.

4. Not yet

5. I've been thinking about...

- Picking up a K-frame to hack and tune and maybe install a tritium front sight on it to play in IDPA SSR division

- ICORE with a SW 625 when we can get a local club started

6. Because ...

- It's a more mental game that challenges you in a different way than a game played with a gun holding more rounds.

- Revo's really stress trigger control (something that I need to continually work to improve)

- USPSA revo with a SW 625 is a relatively low cost game to get into (compared to Limited or Open). Once you get the gun, there are no expensive magazines to keep the gun running (just some moon clips)

- Revo's rarely fail in middle of a match.

- Other revo shooters are some of the most interesting and supportive group of shooters around.

- I can get the non revo shooters scratching their head and asking... "How do you shoot that thing left-handed?"

7. N/A

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1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)?

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level?

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)? And with a revolver?

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)?

5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why?

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not?

1. 99% USPSA. I have shot a couple of IDPA and Steel match's. Would like to shoot ICORE but there's no where around here to play.

2. At least twice a month during season, it gets pretty hard to find a match around here in the winter.We start back up Feb. 15th at Rayners Range.

3. Five or six I suppose.All with revo.

4. I have only been playing for 2 years now, I went to the USPSA Revo Nationals my first year.

5. If it was near and had lots of running and gunning I'd be there. Not interested in anything non-action.

6. Its so much easier then the others. Gun don't jam, no magazines to load or clean at the match, get all my brass back, the gun is easy to set up for competition with out a gun smith. Get to play longer per stage/match then the other folks. Lots of cool gun manipulation required. Moon clips are just cool. All....and then theres all the really nice people who shoot revo, I even like Clif!

7. NA

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1. What sports do you shoot your revolver in (USPSA, ICORE, IDPA, Steel, NRA, etc.)?

2. How often do you shoot revolver at the club level?

3. How many majors do you shoot each year (state/regional/areas)? And with a revolver?

4. Do you shoot a national championship with your revolver and if so which one(s)?

5. Would you consider crossing over to other shooting sports with your revolver? If so, which ones and why?

6. Why do you like to compete in the revolver divisions?

7. If you don't shoot revolver in matches, are you interested in giving it a try - why or why not?

1. IDPA with a 625 and a 15, Just got a 617 for steel challenge

2. A least half the time

3. 9 Majors last year all with revo

4. IDPA nationals the last 3 years

5. Been meaning to try IPSC but never seem to make it with the revo.

6. Different skill set and I enjoy beating up on the auto shooters

7. N\A

Thanks for the interest.

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1. IDPA, sometimes USPSA, ICORE

2. Twice a month

3. Last year there were 7, 6 of which were with revolver.

4. 2008 Winter Nationals

5. Already doing that. USPSA, ICORE, probably steel

6. It's a different mental game. There is no room for make-up shots.

7. I'm just promoting revolver shooting to others.



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