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Scoring Results Posted


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We run our matches where the person scoring is allowed to shoot thru. I typically enter the shooters into the database and get most of the match ready, then start scoring as the scores are coming in. We run 7 stages in the match and typically are seeing 85-95 shooters now. When the normal scorekeeper finishes shooting, he comes to the score shack and takes over scoring. We sometimes also have the wife of a club member that will also help score and when she is there we have 2 computers running. As a rule the rusults for the match are ready with 15-20 minutes of last shot fired. Typically we are just finishing with all the tear down and cleanup by then. So results are ready immediately for those who stay. The scorekeeper for us is also the webmaster for our club so within 2 hors of his return to his home we have scores up on the internet. Regardless of wheather he is there to score or not we finish the scoring at the match and he has reults on the web for us by Sunday at 6pm. I just email him the files necessary and he handles it all for me. That includes the mission count for uspsa and everything else. I just take him the cash required for uspsa and he handles that electronically also.

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Here's a question slightly off topic.

Can a club send in classifiers separtely from the whole match results? If I don't see the match results on the USPSA website, what are the chances the classifier has been sent it?

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Here's a question slightly off topic.

Can a club send in classifiers separtely from the whole match results? If I don't see the match results on the USPSA website, what are the chances the classifier has been sent it?

Yes they can. EZWinScore produces a specific file for posting the final results of the match (the ones you are email-alerted about, if selected in your member's profile on USPSA) and others for the bookkeeping. Those are under the menu item "Reports". It has the ability to create the Activity report (calculates what mission count fees are due to USPSA) and the Classifier report (hit factors summary for each competitor).

You could report the results without the classification data, or could report the classification data without ever posting the final results.

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You could report the results without the classification data, or could report the classification data without ever posting the final results.

The separation allows a club to report match results several times (to allow for corrections - it's pretty common for the occasional shooter to have a division wrong at a local match), and then submit the classification report once you're sure the data won't chance.

You can go to www.uspsa.org/club_services to list all classifiers submitted by a particular club, however, it will only report on those clubs that submit their reports on-line instead of via US Snail.

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We've used e-mail delivery of scores since before I became match director, and probably will continue to do so, because local shooters want all the results that EZWinscore can kick out, not just the by Division results that USPSA allows. For most of the last decade we had a statsmeister who had scores out by Tuesday evening following a Sunday match, occasionally even on Monday. When he departed, I was starting Nursing School. Stats took a back seat --- and were often not completed until the weekend following the match, occasionally not until 10 days later. We asked for volunteers --- and got our current statsmeister, who's got us back on track with an early in the week delivery. That's not too shabby, considering that we're running six stages now and averaging 55-60 shooters....

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For me it is all about customer service. The are paying for a service (the match and all associated activities). Then they should get the results (a service) in a timely manner.

I have done scores onsite and had the results prior to tear down being complete, but if you have a range that does not have a power source it makes it a little more difficult. So I would take the score sheets home and enter them before I do anything else.

As others have said "Just do it" and "Git r done".

I also realize that some stats persons may have other influences and it might take a day or two and I can accept that, but scores not being available for a week or more is not acceptable in my opinion.


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but if you have a range that does not have a power source it makes it a little more difficult.

Just a random comment - I've scored more than a few matches at ranges that do not have power. A 50-dollar inverter from the local auto-parts store will plug into a cigarette lighter in the truck, and provide more than enough power to keep a laptop battery topped-up during the day (and, as a side benefit, the laptop battery itself acts as an "uninterruptible power supply", so no need to worry about instant crashes if the power hiccups). And, at the end of the day, unplug the laptop, plug in an inkjet printer and post some results.

If you "really" want to get fancy, they have "battery jump-starters" that have an internal battery and several AC outlets, again powered by a vehicle cigarette lighter.


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....because local shooters want all the results that EZWinscore can kick out, not just the by Division results that USPSA allows.

I'm about convinced that if I didn't send out the unofficial Combined results I'd have folks storming my humble little castle with pitchforks and torches.

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I'm about convinced that if I didn't send out the unofficial Combined results I'd have folks storming my humble little castle with pitchforks and torches.

"About" convinced?!? Even Roger Maier, who would just as soon see combined disappear because he gets tired of explaining flip-flops, acknowledges that Sedro Woolley would be set upon by jeering mobs with torches and pitchforks if we couldn't print combined results, and I'd be leading them!

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I got so sick of my husband constantly asking after ever match we went to if the scores were posted yet that I decided that I would offer to do stats for my club. We put all the stages on one score sheet so I don't usually start entering scores until my squad is done shooting, and then of course we have to go to the bar/ grill thing after the match and talk about it. But I enter scores while tear down is taking place and durring dinner and there has been only one time that scores were not up on our website by Sunday night and that was because our webserver was having PMS or something! But they were up on Monday morning. I usually don't send scores to USPSA until the Wednesday after the match incase there are any errors I don't have to keep posting them on USPSA. I post them on our clubs website then most of the shooters know that if they have a discrepency they can e-mail me and I will correct it.... Just my 2 cents

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For me it is all about customer service. The are paying for a service (the match and all associated activities). Then they should get the results (a service) in a timely manner.

With all due respect --- that's total crap! I know what we charge, what we spend, and what gets forwarded into the club's treasury. Shooters may pay us to cover a chunk of the expense of providing the facility and the match, but the reality is that our activity (USPSA) is underwritten to some degree (in our club's case a fairly large degree) by the membership of the club. The people putting in the work at every club I've been to have been volunteers. To suggest that shooters are paying for a service, is skewing reality quite a bit.....

It's a volunteer sport --- if anyone's not happy with how things are being run, volunteer to help out. Decisions are made by those that show up, work is done by those who show up and do it. If there's not enough people doing the work, it tends to take longer.....

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It's a volunteer sport --- if anyone's not happy with how things are being run, volunteer to help out.

With all due respect Nik ..... I have volunteered to do stats for any matches I am in attendance of. I already do the stats for my home club, and I have had one other club take me up on the offer. But I attend 4 local club matches in the area, and I only do stats for 2 of them. I suppose I could ask again ... maybe be a little more adamant about it, but I can't just "take over" doing stats like some crazy Mexican coup.

Volunteering only works if others "let you" volunteer.

Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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For me it is all about customer service. The are paying for a service (the match and all associated activities). Then they should get the results (a service) in a timely manner.

I have done scores onsite and had the results prior to tear down being complete, but if you have a range that does not have a power source it makes it a little more difficult. So I would take the score sheets home and enter them before I do anything else.

As others have said "Just do it" and "Git r done".

I also realize that some stats persons may have other influences and it might take a day or two and I can accept that, but scores not being available for a week or more is not acceptable in my opinion.


I totally agree, if a club decides to hold a match and along with that charge a fee for that match regardless whether it covers expenses or not, they have a responsibility to provide a certain amount of service which includes getting the scores out in a timely manner. I have seen too many clubs that have results out after everything is put away, or the next day to accept any excuse for waiting weeks for scores and months for classifiers to hit. If a club doesnt have the staff ask for help during the briefing or basically just figure it out.

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I agree. If I show up to a club that I am not a member of and pay to shoot there, they have a certain level of responsibility. I can't say they "owe" me a challenging CoF but it would be nice. I can't say they "owe" me dry solid ground to shoot on but it would be nice. I can't say they "owe" me favorable weather conditions and a nice cool breeze, but it would be nice. I can't say they "owe" me a range free of gnats, mosquitoes, and biting insects, but it would be nice. I can't sat they "owe" me results posted in a timely manner, but it would be nice.

To be honest, I'm just wanting to see my name on the list a spot or two above ima45dv8 and the anticipation is killing me! (j/k Mark!)


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Before the internet, I had the scores manually tabulated, printed, envelopes stuffed and labeled, and in the mail within a week.

I think 3-4 days isn't unreasonable with the internet. Longer than a week is inconsiderate.

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It's a volunteer sport --- if anyone's not happy with how things are being run, volunteer to help out.

With all due respect Nik ..... I have volunteered to do stats for any matches I am in attendance of. I already do the stats for my home club, and I have had one other club take me up on the offer. But I attend 4 local club matches in the area, and I only do stats for 2 of them. I suppose I could ask again ... maybe be a little more adamant about it, but I can't just "take over" doing stats like some crazy Mexican coup.

Volunteering only works if others "let you" volunteer.


I'm totally on board with that! Kudos for doing the job twice! I don't think you need to take over the other two clubs --- but what are the chances that you might offer your services to help recruit and train a stats person for those clubs? That tends to take a little time, and typically requires being available by phone the first time or two that a new stats person tackles the job on their own, but it also promotes the growth of new talent, gets others to invest/commit to the future success of the sport, and lightens the load on the people who have been doing the work. Kyle and I, along with a few others, attended a local leadership workshop last fall, that was put on by Dave Thomas. His #1 suggestion to improve matches and ease burnout of the volunteers, was to have the people who are doing the work commit to finding and training their replacements.....

And I get that some clubs may have "ownership issues" and won't be able to let go.....

I'm stepping down as match director at CJ in a couple of months --- partly because of school, partly because I'm tired after five years, but also because it's time to give some new talent a shot at growing this match. We've doubled our average attendance in those five years; I'm curious to see how high it can go.....

I think 3-4 days isn't unreasonable with the internet. Longer than a week is inconsiderate.

I think longer than a week is inconsiderate too, especially on an ongoing basis. That said, sometimes stuff happens and a match staff needs to muddle through for a month, or for several months, before they can come to a successful resolution.

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Even when scores were done manually with pencil and paper and calculator, the local clubs got them done the same day as the match...It is one thing to volunteer, but then not to do it ASAP is wrong...Let's see, I volunteer to help set up the match, oh wait ,let's do it day after tomorrow...Nope....same with scores...same day fast as you can.

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That link will only tell you about classifier scores uploaded on-line.

If you club is one of the ones that still sends in paper, the on-line status will not know about the classifier until the scores have been posted in a monthly update.

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