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Fantastic match!!

Those of you who decided to sit this one out missed a great match!

Rockcastle..........well.........IT ROCKS!!

Great natural terrain stages, short, medium, long, tight no-shoots, flying clays, empty gun starts... it was all a blast!

R.O.'s and competitors from around the world, all of them were great people.

Squad 5, definitely a super squad, super--hard working, funny, helpful and fast! Thanks- Ben F.,Chris S., Mike D., Kurt M., Rob R., Ty G., Carl C., Taran B., Bill N., you guys were all an absolute blast!

A huge thanks to Linda and crew, Nick, Nate, Ben, Billy and the rest of the Rockcastle staff.


Yes, Jeremy. You pretty good at running around and shootin', too! Great squad, great match, one to remember.

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Zone 2 (Stages 5-8) was located off "Slave Cave Road." For those of you who missed the cave, it was about a quarter mile from the lodge and well before the turnoff to Zone 2. (Not the big one on the way to the golf course)

I didn't find much reference to the history on the Internet, but here's a link to a writeup by a California visitor, including some of the history. Slave Cave

I explained the sordid history of slavery and the "Underground Railway" to some of the visiting IROA staff and they were amazed.

Edited by oldcurmudgeon
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I thought I might take a moment for a few random thoughts on the match. First, way to go USA. Second, them boys from accross the pond (Italy and Finland come immediately to mind) can shoot. The Germans, Brazilians, Argentinians, and Canadians also did their countries proud.

My teammates on the US Standard Manual Team (Trapr, Pat Kelley, and Jansen Jones)are three of the classiest guys on the planet and I am honored to have represented our country and USPSA with them. Whatever effort we put forth was truly a team effort with no one concerned about their overall individual finish. Everyone on the team shared plans, offered encouragement, and advice when needed. We shot with the Italian contingent and made good friends with all of them even though thier English while passable was a million times better than my Italian...

The rest of the US Teams were also victorious and I am very proud to have been a small part of that group. I think all of us who have not shot in Europe were concerned and maybe even a little intimidated by different rules, strange course design, international officials and a myriad of other things. What I discovered is that I have a new favorite shooting sport and my wife and kids will likely benefit by getting to vacation in Europe every couple of years as finances allow so that I can do this more often.

Thirty shotgun stages in three and a half days is a test of endurance for the shooters physically and mentally. It is also a serious test of equipment. Officiating was unmatched and their were no DQs or serious safety issues that I know of. Match directors and stats people should all be given a huge round of applause. Rockcastle shooting center continues to grow and the food gets better every trip. Every three gunner in the US should give IPSC shotgun a try if given the opportunity.

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I have been trying to post on the match website without success. Match Stage Results so far:

Shotgun Open.htm

Shotgun Standard.htm

Shotgun Manual Std.htm

Match Results so far:

Shotgun Finals Open.htm

Shotgun Finals Standard.htm

Shotgun Finals Manual Std.htm

Linda Chico (L-2035)

2010 IPSC Pan American Shotgun Match

Co-Match Director

Finally! Right after this post, I was able to upload results to: http://www.panamericanshotgun.org/Results.html

Linda, At first when I saw these I was confused because the second set are titled finals even though they were interims, I think? Actual finals are the ones on the Pan-Am website, right? And thanks again for a great effort and a flawless match. Joe

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Joe Scatterfield,

Sorry for the late post, but some knothead was supposed to call me and let me know the results.

For someone that just got "into" manual shotgun a few months ago, YOU ROCKED!!

And congratulations to ALL the shooters that shot thru these 30 tests.

When I saw how many stages were 7 or 8 rounds, I was a little concerned about them being too many/too simple. I was amazed at how diverse, different, and absolute fun every one of the 30 stages proved to be.

great match!!

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Well after a 9 hour drive home we Canucks made it home at 3:20 am (local) All I can say is hats off to Rock Castle, and Linda specifically and the entire crew. It was a first class event to be certain! We Canadians had a great time flying our flag (litterally) at this event and learned plenty. For one thing.....only shooting one shotgun match a year up here is not going to cut it at this level of competition.

It was great to chat with shooters from all over the world and meet some of the faces from here (yes that includes you Neil).

Thanks to Joe for teaching this Canadisn Wiskey Drinker how to drink Bourbon!!! My wife hates you !!

I had a great squad to shoot with that made the match both challenging and entertaining to say the least.

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The match was a ton of fun and it was great to get to spend that much time shootingy shotgun

Linda you did an excellent job of keeping do many balls in the air

you are a real blessing to our sport

Rockcastle was great I can't wait to shoot more

matches there

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Springy, I didn't actually see the results until I got on the computer today. I guess I could have called with the top three in each division though. I extend my deepest appologies. BUT, I ain't apolojizin' to a Canadian for introducing him to sippin' whiskey on ice. I had a ball with all you guys. Come on down for some three gun fun when you get a chance. Joe

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Let me echo the BIG THANKS to everyone that helped make this happen! :cheers:

The RM, MD and the other match staff made the match run smoothly.

It was awesome having the 4H and baseball moms, dads, and kids helping reset stages. I would pay for that option at every 2+ day match.

Like others have said the Rock Castle shooting center was top notch. What great terrain and facility to host a match of this size.

The international RO's were awesome!

One last set of videos. These were some fun stages! Stages 24, 25, 26

Did the US teams win all of the team medals?

Who won the SLP that was raffled?

Edited by jtischauser
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Our guy Roger Karp won standard manual division. :D


Do you know what make of pump gun Roger was using ? I didn't see him at ESC09 in the CZ Republic & was just curious.


Edited by Neil Smith
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Wow, what an event! What a facility! What a great group of shooters! Fantastic logistical accomplishment! Lighting quick stats!

Superior Range Officials! Good food and better drink!

Well done on all fronts from my vantage point!

I was part of the best assemblage of pump shotgun shooters on the planet!!!

How can I make such a bold statement???

Team USA Standard Manual WON THE GOLD!!!!

Our team was great.... AS A TEAM!!! None of us was concerned about the "individual" we worked together to win together!

A BIG Tip'O the Hat to my teammates.

Trapr Swonson - (we voted when he wasn't looking team captian) Who did handle that responsibility very well.

Team Noveske shooter Jansen Jones who put together a very good match and like rest of us worried that he might hold the team back. BUT DID NO SUCH THING!

The MAN OF THE HOUR Joe Satterfield - a gracious and humble man who can FLAT OUT SHOOT a "self-shucker" placing 3rd OVERALL in our division and leading us to victory!!!

We had the distinct pleasure of being squaded with four of the nicest of Italy's finest shooters!

I believe some lasting friendship will result. A great time by any standard.

Thanks one and all.


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Congrats to all the winners, and the rest of the competitors for a successfull match.

A great big CONGRATULATIONS to the "Rookie" on the US standard Manual (pump gun) team for 3rd overall !!!

well done Whiskey 1 (also known as Joe Scattergun) :bow::bow::bow:


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A big thanks to squad 6, Andy, Ben, Al, George, Chris, and Sean, who loaned me gear, helped me understand stage breakdowns, gave instruction and ultimately baby sitted me through the match. Nick and Nate, as always, on point. Linda, thanks for allowing me to be a part. Hell of a good time. Hook, line and sinker.


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Our guy Roger Karp won standard manual division. :D


Do you know what make of pump gun Roger was using ? I didn't see him at ESC09 in the CZ Republic & was just curious.


I believe it was Remington or Winchester. I heard that he is going to use Benelli next year.

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He was using a Rem 870 IIRC

Our guy Roger Karp won standard manual division. :D


Do you know what make of pump gun Roger was using ? I didn't see him at ESC09 in the CZ Republic & was just curious.


I believe it was Remington or Winchester. I heard that he is going to use Benelli next year.

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Our guy Roger Karp won standard manual division. :D


Do you know what make of pump gun Roger was using ? I didn't see him at ESC09 in the CZ Republic & was just curious.


Remington 870 confirmed when I spoke with him at the match.

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What a fantastic experience it was to attend this match!

Everything........right down to the last detail was looked after, my fellow competitors were a joy to shoot with, and the match was a challenge that I never thought was possible. I thought I was a pretty good Shotgunner, that is until I attended this match.

My hat goes off to the top shooters of each division! I learned an absolute boatload of new things, that will only serve to make our own matches here in Canada better, and can only improve my personal shooting.

Thanks again to all that were involved in pulling this together!

Craig Ritchie

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I had a wonderful time at the match. I did not know what to expect from a international IPSC event but the match organizers did an excellent job. Rockcastle and staff provided an excellent host facility.

I want to thank a few people individually.

Patrick E. Kelley: I had met him only briefly at FN's 3 Gun back in May but was lucky enough to have been squaded with him for this event. Patrick provided some great insight on stage breakdown and encouragement when I had to reshoot a stage I shot well and was unsure if I could repeat. While I only spent 4 days with him, I truly consider him a friend. I hope to see him again soon and wish him the best of luck at RM3G.

Trapr Swonson: As with Patrick, Trapr provided great insight into stage breakdown but also as the most experienced IPSC shotgunner out of the Americans on our squad, Trapr reminded me that this match was essentially a marathon, not a race, and therefore one or two lackluster stages would not ruin a match. Like Patrick, I truly consider him a friend and someone I can ask for help anytime. Thanks Trapr and good luck at RM3G and hope to see you again soon.

Paolo Zambai, Roberto Vezzoli, Marco Fuin and Giorgio Longhi, it was awesome shooting with you. I hope to see you all again someday and compete with you again at an IPSC shotgun event. It was a pleasure meeting you guys.

Jesse Tischauser and Steve Dennis, great shooting with you both, I am sure I will see you guys again soon.

Joe Satterfield, I shoot with you often, but this was one of the better matches I have ever seen you shoot. Great job, what more can I say?

With that said, here is my short youtube video of the event, many thanks to Jesse Tischauser for taking over camera duties while I was shooting. As with most of my videos, this is more of a highlight video than it is a stage by stage match video.

Edited by cold
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Just arrived at home this morning after an easy fligth from Atlanta to Amsterdam.

It was my first time visiting the US for both attending and officiating in a match in your country.

I must have seen all of you at one of the shooting days somewhere as all shooters completed this great match, no DQ's.

Joe Satterfield i remember best as at the last matchday with his superb stagewin at nr 23 where i was the CRO he collected again valuable matchpoints to push me from 3rd overall. Great shooting Joe :cheers:

I am in for more matches at the Rockcastle center.



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