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Incompetent Moron Drivers


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Don't let the title fool you - I hate inattentive, incompetent drivers, period. (Including myself when I do something stupid when I wasn't paying attention.) But I'm especially hating them in my neighborhood lately. Because the Tempe-traffic-design wizards thought it would be a good idea to turn a bunch of 2-way stop intersections into 4-way stops. So I'm slowly rolling up to the stop sign... I'm 2 car lengths from the stop sign, and the Moron to my right is already stopped, looking at me. Now I'm completely stopped and he's still looking at me. I put both hands up with a WTF! expression. Only then does he finally motor his SUV through the intersection. And this is now pretty much the rule around here, not the exception.

The overall incompetence level of american drivers is really unbelievable. If you know how to pay attention and drive, and especially if you've driven in 3-world countries - or even just been driven - you know what I'm talking about.

IMO this is all due to one reason: too many rules. Everything to do with driving in this country is massively over-regulated. All in the interest of "safety." Right. Putting people to sleep doesn't help them. Or anyone else nearby.


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I feel your pain, I spend a third of my life in 60,000 lbs. of firetruck trying to drive to emergencies and deal with these idiots at the same time. I can't even start telling stories of the stupid, arrogant, entitled, inattentive, asshatted, ignorant, ................. crap we see on the road.

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Most of the time at four ways drivers don't stop they roll right through even though there's no way in hell they have the right of way. Another one is the vehicle behind the vehicle already stopped at the four way that thinks once the car in front goes he/she doesn't need to pull up and stop, but go ahead and go right through. I see this crap every damn day I'm working and I drive for a living.

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There seem to be 3 kinds of drivers:

1) Those that are very aggressive and dangerous and therefore stick out of the crowd. But they are in the minority, (thankfully). I have actually been one on occasion myself, but I hope not on too many occasions.

2) Those that are relatively safe (for the most part). They don't stick out so much because they blend in with most of us. Actually, they are most of us.

3) And then there are those that are overcautious to the point of being dangerous. I haven't been one of these folks yet, or at least I haven't caught myself in the act. Maybe I've spent too much time between groups 1 & 2, trying to get into group 2.

As a truck driver, I've spent considerable time on this study.

Brian, I've been out of the country a few times, and I would have to say that you're right. There does seem to be a sh!t or get off of the pot attitude in most countries, that we can't seem to quit get the hang of over here.

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=The overall incompetence level of american drivers is really unbelievable.

Yup. I swear I'm going back to France for the sole purpose of renting a car again. I nearly forgot that driving was fun.

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Brian, I agree there is too much regulation. Its so bad its counterproductive. My pet peeve is sitting in a turn lane with a green light for both straight ahead traffic and looking at an empty road. Since when can we not be responsible enough to make a left turn without having to have an arrow telling us its time to go. I know some intersections my require some LH only time but it would be so much quicker if we could turn left on a green light if traffic allowed. I know, we have to play to the lowest common denominator.

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Petition to have a roundabout ("traffic circle") put in place of the 4-way stops for the 'traffic calming' effects. :D Bring a lawn chair and watch the carnage as people's cell-phone addled brains suddenly overload on something everybody in the 3rd world can drive at full speed across 3 lanes of traffic and six of interleaved mopeds chasing a taxi in the pouring rain... I swear they have to tone down the traffic in some of those places to film action movies.

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The one lately that puts my blood pressure to 400/300 INSTANTLY is someone doing 35 in a 45 two lane and as soon as it goes to 4 lane or a passing area appears they kick it to 50+. Makes me want to test my Ranchhand bumper... BullnoseDodgeWinchReady.gif

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There truly ARE crappy people doing crappy things on the road here in Eugene, but intersection behavior--particularly at arterial intersections--is not one of them. Eugene, for such a small city, is a rat-race of traffic on major highways and byways, and filled with locals who know these roadways pretty well. Many intersections here come to mind that all but manage themselves, thanks to the savvy of the locals and the understanding of each intersection's quirks or needs. There are a handful of 4-way arterial intersections I've driven thru many times that I could've driven through nearly with my eyes shut, based on the hip way the other drivers managed the rhythm of the way arterial-stop intersections are supposed to work. B)

Some of Eugene's intersections or highway on-ramps/off-ramps are poorly designed, so people generally take that into consideration, too, when negotiating these quirky places. Some of the politest drivers at these places are the biggest on the road--the semi trucks and large haulers--who generally know how to drive. Big trucks are my friends. :wub:

But don't get me started on elderly drivers... please. Their judgment non-existent. Their attitude defensive and stupid. A roadway menace unparalleled. :angry2:

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Oh, and yeh... the roundabouts: We've "installed" a few here in some parts of town (fortunately none in my neighborhood). Some of them aren't quite BIG enough to easily accommodate buses and big stuff, so I don't imagine they'll take over the town anytime soon. Not to mention the average driver's chilly attitude toward them. <_<

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I live on the coast and deal with vacationers three months out of the year. There is no way that these people drive like this at home the other 51 weeks of the year. They would not survive 24 hours. Traffic lanes are completely ignored as half of all turns made on the five lane streets are made from the extreme outside lane. This decision to turn is made a nanosecond prior beginning the turn. As the tourist crosses four lanes of traffic without signalling, they slow down to the speed of smell. I believe they are having some sort of out of body experience and are completely oblivious to the mayhem they are causing. While they cause plenty of accidents they never seem to be involved in the carnage.

The locals have identified the drivers from two states in particular as the absolute worst. It is truly a phenomena to be reckoned with.When I am driving and see a vehicle with plates from one of these two states I never take my eyes off of them. Watch them for more than 5 minutes and you will see either an accident or near accident. As near as I can figure when their body goes on vacation their minds go on one at a different location. How else can you explain people literally driving like they are the only, and I mean only driver on the road.

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I live on the coast and deal with vacationers three months out of the year. There is no way that these people drive like this at home the other 51 weeks of the year. They would not survive 24 hours. Traffic lanes are completely ignored as half of all turns made on the five lane streets are made from the extreme outside lane. This decision to turn is made a nanosecond prior beginning the turn. As the tourist crosses four lanes of traffic without signalling, they slow down to the speed of smell. I believe they are having some sort of out of body experience and are completely oblivious to the mayhem they are causing. While they cause plenty of accidents they never seem to be involved in the carnage.

The locals have identified the drivers from two states in particular as the absolute worst. It is truly a phenomena to be reckoned with.When I am driving and see a vehicle with plates from one of these two states I never take my eyes off of them. Watch them for more than 5 minutes and you will see either an accident or near accident. As near as I can figure when their body goes on vacation their minds go on one at a different location. How else can you explain people literally driving like they are the only, and I mean only driver on the road.

Trust me, those people drive like that everywhere, it's all they know. I've been driving trucks about 22 years, and it is unbelievable how stupid some people are.

Don't get me wrong, nobody is perfect, especially me, but I see people do stuff after 22 years that still makes me shake my head in disbelief.

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My wife and I were talking about this topic earlier tonight. I drive a lot and can't believe some of what I see. Today I'm coming up to a red light in the right lane and some idiot in a huge pickup goes blowing through the red light doing probably 60 in a 45. I'm guessing he was on a cell phone. I'm driving a silver Crown Vic with tinted windows, antenas on the rear deck...hello??? Is that really the car you want to run a red light past? It's one of the few times I wish I was back in uniform.

One of my favorite things to do after seeing someone do something stupid while driving and talking on a cell phone is to pull up next to them, hit the air horn (that annoying loud brap sound) and get on the PA and say "Hang up the phone and drive"....I hope the person they're talking to hears it :devil:

Edited by G-ManBart
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I realy hate to say it but I think the best thing we could do is adopt the German driving laws.

No cell phones, no drinking (anything), no eating, when you drive you drive.

Man I love the Autobon.

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I'm not 100% sure but IIRC Mario Andretti said US drivers are the worst in the world. Acting as moving speed bumps in the fast lane, no idea of right of way, etc, etc... I wonder if he was talking about your everyday drivers or the current talent in the racing world :wacko:

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My neice just got through with Driver's Ed. I refused to ride with her! Its going to take months to undo all the crud they taught her. One thing that I found just plain silly was they taught that the center lane (3 lanes going in one direction) was the slow lane, not the right lane. The right lane is just there to turn.

Now, I know I am a very aggressive driver. No tickets, wrecks, or anything since my early 20s, just aggressive. If you are in the fast lane, GO FAST! If someone comes up behind you traveling faster than you and you can, MOVE OVER! If you are in the slow lane going slow, then I will sit here and pass you when the opportunity presents.

Big rig truckers are the biggest pains (during the day) and the nicest giys on the road (during the night). Wonder why the prescence of all those little cars makes a difference?

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The one lately that puts my blood pressure to 400/300 INSTANTLY is someone doing 35 in a 45 two lane and as soon as it goes to 4 lane or a passing area appears they kick it to 50+. Makes me want to test my Ranchhand bumper... BullnoseDodgeWinchReady.gif

Test that Ranch Hand bumper-we sell those-they are superb!


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If you are in the fast lane, GO FAST! If someone comes up behind you traveling faster than you and you can, MOVE OVER!
I agree. What really frosts me is when I see someone coming up fast behind me in the passing lane, I move over and at the same time they decide to pass me on the right (ignoring both that blinking red thingy on the right rear corner of my pickup and the fact that I'm moving into the right lane), they move halfway onto the shoulder and then realize they don't have enough room so they whip over to the left, yelling and screaming and flipping me off like I'm the one being stupid. :angry:
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What really frosts me is when I see someone coming up fast behind me in the passing lane, I move over and at the same time they decide to pass me on the right

Typically what I see from people that you have been tailgating for the last 3 miles but they still refuse to move over to right is the second you see a gap big enough to pass, I'll floor it, then see the ahole in front start to change lanes when I'm now next to them, then they put on the blinker.

I've also come close to being put into the center divider by people that merge onto the freeway at 45 mph, but dive across 3 lanes to get into the inside lane without ever checking their mirrors.

California drivers, especially in minivans and SUVs, have this natural attraction to the inside lane regardless of how fast they are driving or the fact there are no cars in the other 4 lanes. If you see a minivan or SUV in the "passing" lane with no cars in the other lane while in Oregon, Nevada, or Arizona, I will bet you it has California plates.

I also hate when the California drivers in minivan or SUV driving in the inside lane sees the sign for exit in 1 mile proceed to slam on the brakes to slow down to get behind the car next to them despite the fact that there's a big gap in front of that car. Some how they think if they speed up, they'll miss the exit.

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What really frosts me is when I see someone coming up fast behind me in the passing lane, I move over and at the same time they decide to pass me on the right (ignoring both that blinking red thingy on the right rear corner of my pickup and the fact that I'm moving into the right lane), they move halfway onto the shoulder and then realize they don't have enough room so they whip over to the left, yelling and screaming and flipping me off like I'm the one being stupid. :angry:

Well, you're not supposed to be driving in the "passing" (left) lane if the driving (right) lane is open anyway. It's courtesy and laws in most states.

Edited by racerba
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