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About racerba

  • Birthday 12/25/1966

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  • Location
    Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
  • Real Name
    Bob Ariyamitr

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  1. Check with Red Hill Tactical...Bob makes custom holsters, so...
  2. "attached to the competitor's belt" Most WSB will say "gun flat on table"...because people have been trying to game this for a long long time...
  3. I agree...It's not perfect, not every ranking/handicap system ever is. yes, there are those who are classified a little low and a few who are classified a little high...but in general, most people are where they should be.
  4. But because we have gone through years of testing, almost everything has been tried. But I believe in innovation and these people who tries to think outside the box will sometimes find a better and quicker way. I don't fault people for trying...it's an essential part of our sport - to find and build a better mouse trap.
  5. I said i was being generous...
  6. It can be done with wrists below belt... My comment is that if you switch to this start position, how much time are you going to save vs your normal hands at side? - it is not a normal start position, so you will not be as fluent as if you were to start with hands at side. more start position will be with hands at sides... - assumed you were fluent, you're going to save like 0.2 seconds (maybe - I think I'm being generous here)?? is it worth the risk for the small percentage of the time saved? - and you are talking about your weak hand, which has little to do with the motion of the gun going from holster to ready to fire position... Let's put this into perspective: you will save 0.2 sec on a 5 second stage...let's say it's a 32 round course (impossible for a 5 sec stage - but let's go with that) and you shoot all Alphas: 160/5 = 32 HF 160/4.8 = 33.33 HF So you gain just over a point on a perfect high HF stage...is it worth the risk???
  7. you are not wrong - I will change my wording next time...
  8. unfortunately, there are some ROs out there that are looking for anything to ding a shooter for...
  9. but usually never the other way around... yes, a shooter has skipped a target from a position than 99% of the shooters took it...and you make a mental note of such...then they takes the target from another position and sometimes you catch it and sometimes you don't... That's why i will tell the shooter that I think he skipped a target and wait to see if there is/are hits on the target...if they know they shot it, they will usually tell you that they took it from this position or that position...
  10. if you are placing the magnet on the borderline where if you put a mag on it, it cross the line to being illegal, are you really gaining anything? if the magnet is an inch further back, is that going to handicap you that much???
  11. Agree with Nik here. As an experienced RO, you know which targets can be engaged where...if the shooter skips a target at the first location, I'm expecting them to engage it at the other position or even the third position. usually in the memory stage, about a quarter of the targets can only be engaged in one particular position...so that eliminates about 4 targets that you have to remember more than one position for. there are those times someone will shoot a target from some obscured position, but then it's usually a target I thought they missed but then there are hits so no FTSA.
  12. basically, any holster that covers the gun all around in front of the ejection port and covers the whole trigger guard. I have a Red Hill Tactical holster and they are very solid. not too expensive and worth it...
  13. sure he can...you don't need a gun in your hand to see if the 180 is being broken or not. you can also tell the shooter that if they shoot it from there, they are in danger of breaking the 180 (if it's that close). you are not telling the shooter how to shoot the stage, but you can tell them how NOT to shoot it if it's a dangerous action...like telling them they can't shoot uprange at a target...
  14. well, previously, if you didn't specify hand position, the default is "hands at sides". that's why it's "overlooked" nowadays...
  15. To be fair, he's not showing the reloads for competition... Yes, he would be DQed...
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