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Increasing Match Attendance!


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I started the Steel City club here in Birmingham last June just me and a buddy, but the attendance is not where I would like it to be. I REALLY put ALOT of effort in to producing QUALITY matches consisting of 6 stages, 5 field courses and a classifier. Round count is between 120 & 150. For stages I usually set up the State, Area, or Major match I will be shooting that month, saves time on desigining stages as this is basically a one man show +1. So far I have been able to score and e-mail the results the SAME DAY, I think the latest I have got them sent out was 11pm one night. I upload the classifers and pay on-line the same night, my match is the 1st Saturday of the month and our classifiers are always included in the new monthly update. My fee is $15 per shooter and I provide bottled water for everyone during the summer months. I always use NEW targets EVERY match. I set up the stages the Friday prior to the match so I do not ask for anyone to come out early to help set up, hell I do not even ask for help in tearing down the stages either. For my match yesterday I even used my cell phone (not the best quality) and did a virtual walk through of the stages and e-mailed them to everyone.....http://s150.photobucket.com/albums/s93/foreau/......they just look like some of the Double Tap Stages and the targets in the video were from last week, I had not replaced them with the new ones yet. I know there are approx. 30-40 IPSC shooters in the area but the BEST turn out I have been able to assemble is 24 shooters back during the spring. I'm pretty sure I have not pissed off anyone at the other 3 clubs in the area, which I shoot their matches every month. I am averaging 14 shooters per match, had 11 yesterday. The range where we shoot was IDPA before I begain my matches and they had 33 last month!! Is there anything I am missing here? Any and all suggestions are WELCOMED!!

Sorry for the run-on paragraph


Edited by DrawandDuck
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Sounds pretty good, but it's hard to say without being there. Have you tried shooting on Sunday? There is one club here that has a Saturday and a Sunday match each month and Sunday has a much better turnout.

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what days do the other area IPSC clubs shoot. Are you competing same day ? what about time start to finish ? minimizing or eliminate shoot throughs? Try printing a what i liked / disliked card to hand to your shooters. Or just ask them to be honest. Post your match schedule online post it a local ammo and gun stores advertise as a Newcomers welcome match. Bring a gun a holster 4 mags and 200 rounds we will put you in the right category.

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Sounds like you're going well beyond the call of duty. But it's obvious that you want to put on a quality match. How are the match fees? Are you on a funky day of the week? You are in Alabama and during football season, getting folks to show up on say a Saturday would be about impossible.

Hmmm...what else. Try not to schedule it as the same day of the month as other matches. Hopefully it's already on a regular monthly day (i.e. 2nd Sunday, 3rd Saturday, etc.).

From there, it just comes down to word of mouth. At our clubs in northern CA, we generally have one mass walk through before the first shot is fired. At the beginning, it's usually the time to bring up any business, other match info, other club info, upcoming classes, events, etc. A little campaigning never hurt either. Post up flyers at other clubs. Ask first, but if you're not conflicting with anything that they're doing, it should be an issue.

For me, quality stages, quality competition, decent match fees and good people are all balancing factors. When I'm home in CA, I can go to a good match on the 3rd Sunday, but I can drive an hour out of my way, shoot with some great friends and at a match where it's open squadding, take your time to complete a stage, large shaded areas, high round counts, super fast stages and work on parts of my game. Oh...and I'm usually home by 2pm. Pretty tough to beat.

So consider all these and other 'X' factors and just be patient. Hope it works out.


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OK....my match is the the ONLY one on the 1st Saturday of the month in the area, the other clubs shoot on the 2nd Sun, 3rd Sat and 4th Sat so it is not in conflict with any other club matches including the local IDPA which shoots the 2nd Saturday.

Match fee is $15 per shooter, same as the other clubs.

Our information is posted on USPSA.ORG and our clubs web site SCSSA.ORG and I e-mail several times prior to match.

Actually during football season it is not that bad, I mean come on who wants to watch Alabama loose?????

We begin registration at 9:30 and shoot at 10:00 done by 2pm.

I keep saying "If we build it they will come" and so I guess I will just have to keep hammering away.....

Thanks for the input


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Ask the other clubs what their turnout is. you may be expecting too many folks to show up.

Personally, I dislike shooting on Saturday unless it is a major match. For me, a Saturday is the first day to do what I cannot do during the week due to work. Sunday is play day.

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1. Encourage your regulars to bring a friend....and if they do, they can shoot for a reduced fee....like 2 for 25 bucks.

2. Let first time shooters shoot for free or reduced fee like 5 bucks.

3. Have someone video tape a few stages at a match and edit it into a 10 minute video,

set up an information booth at a gun show, or your clubs annual dinner, or something like that.

4. If your club puts out a newletter, write an article on what ipsc shooting is and what equipment you need to shoot a match. submit some photos.

5. Encourge your Ro's to help new and first time shooters, coach them thru the stages, your regular shooters won't complain, they were all there at one time or another.

6. Run for an office position at your club, they can use your help and it gives you a chance to meet many different people from other disciplines, talk yours up.

7. Go shoot at other area matches, meet people, and mention your match.

hope this helps.

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Randal, it was stinkin' cold Saturday morning...colder than the previous Sunday we shot.

Seriously, ya'll are running a great match. The IDPA match at Steel City has a several year head start (and has hosted the state match for 5 years IIRC), it's not quite an apples to apples comparison.

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We let new shooters shoot their first match free. Also, Juniors ALWAYS shoot free (some clubs have a minimal fee $5).

I know this isn't easy to do because she doesn't live in Bama, but Linda Chico prepares a meal after every match at our club. Chili, Pasta Salad, soup, stew, etc., depending on the weather. I know that attracts people. Good stages and good chow.

Politics (I am not going to shoot at that club because that guys a jerk) will always hurt and there is nothing you can do about it. Support the other clubs and ask them to support yours. One of our clubs started taking a $1 for every competitor in a division. At the end of the match, the would have a random drawing for the "pool" in each division. So, if production attracted 15 shooters, you could win $15 at the end of the match. That was pretty popular.

Good luck.

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Our club charges the same as yours with first time shooters and juniors shooting free.

We also shoot on Saturday. Your stages actaully sound better than most clubs. We only shoot 5 stages with one being a qualifier.

We setup Saturday AM and the more help we get the sooner we shoot. Tear down help is also requested. Maybe it is the time of year or the weather that is hurting you. Do you have clear directions to the club? Is shoot information available other than USPSA web site?

Maybe taking some fliers to the shoots you attend would make more shooters aware of your matches.

If it wasn't such a long drive I would shoot your shoot every month.

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Make sure your match doesn't have a reputation for tough stages or other things that might drive off the "I'm only here for the fun of it" shooters. Also go to other matches and invite people to yours in person.

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Thanks for all the input....I do allow first time shooters to play for Free and husband/wife to shoot at a discount. I do set the stages up with the production/L-10/SS shooters in mind, some, well most, do have a round count buy no more than 8 from a single position. Jester that is NO excuse. I guess I also need to realize that everyone does NOT WANT to shoot 4 matches per month like me. They may only wish to shoot 1 and that one will be the most convenient for them. I attend all 4 local matches because I HAVE to be shooting somewhere every weekend. This is partly the reason I started the club, NO WHERE TO SHOOT THE 1st weekend of the month. Everyone's desire to shoot is different and I can't expect everyone to have shooting at the top of their priority list. When I played golf it was every Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday, it must be the competition thing. For some reason which ever activity I choose I seem to become ADDICTED and this one has far been the worst!! Is there such a thing as SA-Shooters Anonymous??

I really appreciate EVERYONES GREAT ideas and Like Jester said we are still young. To those who attend our matches THANKS and YOU DO tell me how much you enjoy the matches and hard work. I just want everyone to have as much FUN as the rest of us.

Thanks again for the input


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Wow....I'm with Middle Man and I'd say ask around to see if you're getting an unrealistic turn out.

As something else to consider, in northern California we can shoot I think about 6-7 matches a month within a 1 hour drive. Here's the rub though. For a lot of the clubs, Saturdays are setup days. There are only 2 Saturday matches that I know of, and they usually setup their stages early the morning of the match. Our "big name" club in Richmond has practice sessions/stage setup on Saturday, again only leaving Sunday for matches.

Just something to consider.

Again, I'd beat the pavement at the other clubs, and go from there. We used to give discounts to members of other clubs in our section too. For instance:

$20 match fee

$15 Member/if you belong to a club in the section

$10 New Shooter/Minor/Setup a stage

Just a thought.


ETA: Like others have said too, reputation says a lot too. If you maybe have pissed folks off, or your stages are funky, have range nazi's as RO's, etc. (I haven't looked) it tends to turn people away. My home club is small, we have a core of loyal shooters that aren't top tier competitors but are the cream of the crop when it comes to good people, and we have a good time. People know when they come to our match it's laid back and fun. There are a few of us that are "serious" competitors and like you might expect squad together, but again the old adage of Attitude Gives You Latitude is everything. We all help tear down and scores are available within an hour after the match.

Edited by uscbigdawg
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Raising Match Attendence.

THe following is from our website:(with a few soon to be added modifications)

Old Bridge monthly IPSC matches are at our outdoor range on the 4th Sunday of each month EXCEPT December when we do not shoot (Christmas weekeknd). Our matches are open to all members of the shooting public (Old Bridge members, non-members, IPSC/USPSA members, non IPSC/USPSA members). No pre-registration is required nor accepted.

As a general rule, Old Bridge IPSC will shoot as long as the range conditions are not dangerous. Basically this means that we shoot in all weather EXCEPT extrememly heavy rain or ice.

Each match is typically 6 or 7 stages and if weather permits, we may have a rifle, shotgun or handgun side match. The USPSA/IPSC match is usually 120 to 150 rounds, so if you plan on shooting the side match with your handgun as well, always bring at LEAST 200 rounds.

Signup starts at 9:30 and we attempt to start shooting by 10:00.

Costs are:

$20 for a USPSA member,

$25 for a non-USPSA member

$15 for an Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol Club member.

Non-USPSA members can join USPSA for $40 and shoot the match for free.

We also offer a Juinor rate of $5 if the guardian or parent is also shooting.

In addition we offer a Husband/Wife rate of $35.

All entry levels are eligible for the prize pool.

Awards are as follows:

Division Winner: $ 30.00 (5 in division)

Class Winner: $ 20.00 (3 shooters in class)

Second Place: $ 12.00 (8 shooters in class)

Third Place: $ 8.00 (15 shooters in class)

New Shooters who have not been safety checked should arrive before 9:30 and notify the match director that need a safety check. (Of course, it is always nice to let the Match Director know ahead of time when a new shooter is planning to attend)

In response to a few other posts:

As to easy or hard stages, All stages can be hard or easy, depending upon the shooter. Keep in mind that if teh stages are not challenging, you may get the new guy in for a while, at the risk of losing the experianced shooter. Not to say that all stages should have 35 yard plates. There should be a mix of difficulty levels in the stages. The bigger thing to remember is that your club, like ours may be serving an aging population. I know my knees are not as good as they once were, and they probably never were!

If one desiings all stages for the D shooter, the AB shooters will not be pushed and the M-GM will likely be bored. However all stages should not be built around the 22y.o. M-class shooter either as the rest of us will not havbe our best day.


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in northern California...There are only 2 Saturday matches that I know of

This kills me. If I'm not working on sunday, it's a church day....

Here in Birmingham Lots of folks attend Church on Sunday too.......Maybe I should go a little more often?? Probably couldn't Hurt!!

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in northern California...There are only 2 Saturday matches that I know of

This kills me. If I'm not working on sunday, it's a church day....


If it's shooting at Yolo, I have time to go to 7am mass, go home, change, pack the truck drive 45 miles to the range still be there for the walk through. Otherwise, Saturday Night Mass for me. Just something to think about.


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Local culture surely has a lot to do with it as I have looked at tons of shooting schedules from around the nation and noticed there are a lot of Saturday matches bellow the Mason/Dixon line.

Sunday must be church, family lunch and then NASCAR. :)

We work week ends up here; especially Saturday.

It is just another day of the work week.

I took this Saturday off from work to work my other job.


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Local culture surely has a lot to do with it as I have looked at tons of shooting schedules from around the nation and noticed there are a lot of Saturday matches bellow the Mason/Dixon line.

Sunday must be church, family lunch and then NASCAR. :)

We work week ends up here; especially Saturday.

It is just another day of the work week.

I took this Saturday off from work to work my other job.


<_< our club is in San Antonio, it shoots on Sunday & has for 25 years. When I started shooitng with it Saturday was a normal work day for ..? 3/4s the shooters. The normaly shooter - got his hands dirty at work. Just a few were Profesional type. The high $$ race gun cost $ 1,200

My guess is that less than 1/4 of the shooters work on Saturday now.

Church & Sunday to me are not a conflict = every day is a Holly Day to me, so Sunday is for friends and joy. And... making a joyfull sound, :D

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Our last match here had 45 shooters including second guns.

We start at 9am (or so) and finish up around 1pm.

We charge 10$ for one gun 15$ for two.

I let new shooters shoot their first match for free.

We only do 3 stages plus the classifier as we only have 4 bays, ergo why we shoot second guns. Our range is public, but is taken care of by the city. We have 2 other clubs within 50 miles of where i live, we pull alot of shooters from those locations.

In my experience, it is just location. Some places are just more convenient than others.

It sounds like you do a high quality match.

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I have been intending to attend a match or two, but things have not been working out. I hope to get over there soon but have turned into a fairer weather shooter here lately. ;)

For what it is worth, our club here in Corinth, MS averages 12 a match (2nd Sunday, 1 PM) for the last 3 years. When we first started shooting we would get as many as 40, but most decided that it was too expensive (beer can shooters, ect.)

We also shoot 4/5 stages and a classifier for 10 bucks.......club member or not and usually get around 100+- rounds down range.

Hope to see you before too long, and will see you at Anniston in March.


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  • 2 months later...

I'm pretty late to this but as someone just thinking of thinking of getting into this... A couple things jumped out at me from other replys.

1. Get the word out there, whatever you have to do. I've been shooting since I was 5 and have been into pistols for the last 4 or 5 years. Until a month ago, I had NO idea that there was any sort of competition shooting around me. The closest thing I had heard of was 5 hours away. Turns out there's two clubs just under an hour from me. Put fliers in gun shops, bait stores, on bulletin boards in the local big box stores, Gander Mountain, WalMart, etc... Anywhere you can.

2. Directions to your club are paramount. People can't shoot if they can't find the shoot. Verify that the address you post is the address you need to use for Mapquest, Yahoo, Google, etc. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to get directions to someplace online only to find out that the posted address isn't complete or is the "wrong" town. I've seen it. Sometimes you have to use the name of the "big" town around, not the village name. Road addresses need to be correct, not the local abbreviation. If the address is 1234 Somo-Smith Road North East..... Make sure that's what your flies say. Not 1234 Somo Rd.

I just went thru the direction thing last weekend. It took me 2 hours to just get the directions. I'm patient with it and pretty Mapquest savvy but you'll find very few who are willing to take that kind of time.

Good luck!

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