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Double Tap Championship

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How did you find that out? I still need to know how I did...

Hey Bird Dog, you placed in U limited/10 (don't remember what the hell you were shooting, but I'm sure you know!!) I wanna say Ken picked up your trophy.

Good job!!

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Dave Re (XRe) placed 1st M Open, after shooting all 12 stages Friday, and then R.O.ing Sat/Sun.

He really gave the big dogs a run for their money on some stages - great match Dave!

:D Cool! Way to go <_< so now we can call him ( Super Dave The X Man!)

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Hey Guys complete Scores Will be Up in the Morning (monday). Just tapped tonight

My apoligies for Keeping everyone on range so long. I was really unhappy about this, as some of you were.

Speeding up the Awards/scores is something we have worked on most of the year and will continue work on.

Short explanation is first NEW help decide to place score sheets in a odd place, in the rush to get the missing score from the shooter they were over looked. Once that was solved, then the Shooting germilns stopped by the stat shack and the Computer locked Up, after that shutting it down and rebooting, then the Printer started acting Up ( don't you just love technology). finally got that worked out then it ran out of its 3rd print cartidge (will Buy ten next year) which of course by this time me and margo are Rattled BAD. It's kinda like when your race gun double feeds and you have to clear it and then miss the reload and start shooting mikes cause you are rattled, That was me at the Awards.

The Plan for next year is to have (2) Two Computers (2) Printers Lots of Ink and paper on hand and work closely with sats on every Aspect of that part of the Match.

Lighter Note: Thanks to All about the comments about the match, prizes table and range. Most said it was a better match than last years, which Most thought last years was great.

and the most important aspect to remember is.....THAT IT DID NOT RAIN!

Edited by scorch
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Thanks to you and Steve for working your butts off to get the match running. It was excellent as usual.

To all of the other ROs,

It was great working with ya'll. I think we all did a damn good job at keeping the match running and helping the shooters have a good time.

To all the shooters,

Thanks for coming out to play. It was nice to see everyone there and I look forward to seeing you again next year (if not before)!


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X-man is a BIG DAWG...

You guys are a hoot... :D Thanks for the kudos... When you see the scores, ponder what the "misfire I turned into a wicked death jam" on Stage 12 meant for my match.... ;):wacko::wacko::wacko:

It was another great DTC match - fun stages, fun shooters, fun staff. I was happy to see that I could at least somewhat keep up w/ Dave and Manny on Friday... and I was happy to post the 2nd fastest time on Spider Monkey....

Finally got that 1st M Open trophy :D

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Hey Guys complete Scores Will be Up in the Morning (monday). Just tapped tonight

Actually, I'll bet you were Double Tapped!

Great match again this year.

The best looking HOA tropies I have ever seen.

Super-duper staff.

I'll be there in 2008!


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How did DJPolo do?

To tell you the truth, I don't really know.

I know I didn't place 1, 2 or 3 in B Open.

I had a lot of really good stages and a couple of clunkers.

Maybe it's due to trying to shoot and film a 12-stage match, maybe it's due to not shooting much since our baby was born but most likely I just shot the match that I was capable of at that time on that day. And that's good enough for me. B)


Edited by DJPoLo
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Dave ,

Congrats on the win! Good to see you again and thanks for helping make the DTC another memorable event.

Robert and Steve and all the other staff and RO's did an outstanding job and the IPSC weather gods DID smile on us.

The '08 match will probably fill up even faster than this one did and my app will be EARLY! Get this on on your calendar boys and girls.

David C


"The only Open Glock at the match". So I am told.

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I was surprized at the number of malfunctions we had at this match. I had two on one stage that cost me nearly 60 match points BUT everybody seemed to be having trouble.

My gun had been flawless for a long time but on the 7th stage of the day it went. DUST??

I know Adam had some hammer follows on a new trigger job too. I don't know what happened to Bryan W....? I rebuilt my trigger with a new titanium sear spring & SV parts and shot a couple stage swith it. It's better now than ever but I didn't get that much dust in it. David and I got some .11 splits from it...

OPEN guns on stage one fell often.

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Finally woke up from the late arrival home last night. Long drive from DT back to Kansas City.

This was a great match. Seemed deceptively easy looking at the stages on Thursday when I went to check out the range. Also, that damn red dust played hell for most of my squad. There were jams all over the place. Luckily my gun ran as long as I cleaned the mags every time they touched anything at all. :D Let me get top C Limited but not by much.

Kudos to the match organizers. It was a great match that was worth the long drive.


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Finally woke up from the late arrival home last night. Long drive from DT back to Kansas City.

This was a great match. Seemed deceptively easy looking at the stages on Thursday when I went to check out the range. Also, that damn red dust played hell for most of my squad. There were jams all over the place. Luckily my gun ran as long as I cleaned the mags every time they touched anything at all. :D Let me get top C Limited but not by much.

Kudos to the match organizers. It was a great match that was worth the long drive.


So you are the one who beat me... congrats man, I know I shot my best, so you must have done great!

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Finally woke up from the late arrival home last night. Long drive from DT back to Kansas City.

This was a great match. Seemed deceptively easy looking at the stages on Thursday when I went to check out the range. Also, that damn red dust played hell for most of my squad. There were jams all over the place. Luckily my gun ran as long as I cleaned the mags every time they touched anything at all. :D Let me get top C Limited but not by much.

Kudos to the match organizers. It was a great match that was worth the long drive.


So you are the one who beat me... congrats man, I know I shot my best, so you must have done great!

Thanks. If I remember right we were pretty close so congrats to you too.


BigLucky, I want another run at all of the stages but especially that damn Spider Monkey stage. The only thing that saved my horrible run on that was a good run on the teeter totter which I think was Walker & Texas Ranger.


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