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Getting Pepper-sprayed


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Well, I'd managed to get around it for years, but I finally had to go through OC certification... including mandatory contamination. :( Just part of the coolness of being a volunteer Pig I suppose...

Word to the wise guys and gals... I know we're all pretty law abiding around these parts, but everyone gets a little squirrelly now and then, and might run afoul of the law. If a cop is about to spray you... GIVE UP!!! :wacko: This stuff really, really sucks. Whatever goalpost you were trying to tear down, waitress you were trying to propose to, country music song you were trying to write, I promise it isn't worth it. I thought I had head-butted a lit stove and got stuck there. About an hour of pure agony, and that was with full decontamination procedures in place. But I lived... amazing that stuff can hurt so badly without doing any damage...

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I've never understood the logic of spraying officers who carry OC with the stuff. The usual response is something like; "If you are going to carry it you must know what it does." Okay, but they don't shoot their officers who carry firearms in most jurisdictions. :blink:

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I've never understood the logic of spraying officers who carry OC with the stuff. The usual response is something like; "If you are going to carry it you must know what it does." Okay, but they don't shoot their officers who carry firearms in most jurisdictions. :blink:

If they did ? and they let the general public know? imagine the new found respect that the oficers on the street would get. Don't, Make me show you my scar. = Samule Jackson's voice

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Akidale, one reason for exposing officers to OC is because if you use it, and you move in and cuff the subject you've just sprayed, you are very likely to get contaminated with OC. Some spray will still be in the air, some will be on the skin and clothes of the subject.

The OC spray doesn't care if you've got a badge, or you're the bad guy, it will get you. If you have never been exposed to it in training, and don't know what the effects will be, and the first time you're exposed is when you're trying to control a subject....not a good thing.

So knowing what OC will do, and knowing that you can survive, and do your job, is a good thing.

BUT, since this is a HATE Forum, I will tell you that EVERY time that I have had to undergo OC training, along with Tear Gas training, that stuff REALLY HURTS, REALLY BAD, and you do not get used to it. :wacko:

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Took a retention/disarment class when I was in San Diego. The guy teaching the class also did the oc certs for the state/city. We got a blast of the stuff and had to do a four round course of fire (under five yards two targets). Needless to say it was the fastest four rounds I ever shot and they definitely were point shot - I could vaguely confirm there was brown paper as my eyes (and just about everything else) was running so badly.

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If you pre-medicate with José Cuervo you won't even hardly notice. Give it a try. :)

anyone know if bourbon can be substituted as effectively? :rolleyes:

Akidale, one reason for exposing officers to OC is because if you use it, and you move in and cuff the subject you've just sprayed, you are very likely to get contaminated with OC. Some spray will still be in the air, some will be on the skin and clothes of the subject.

The OC spray doesn't care if you've got a badge, or you're the bad guy, it will get you. If you have never been exposed to it in training, and don't know what the effects will be, and the first time you're exposed is when you're trying to control a subject....not a good thing.

So knowing what OC will do, and knowing that you can survive, and do your job, is a good thing.

BUT, since this is a HATE Forum, I will tell you that EVERY time that I have had to undergo OC training, along with Tear Gas training, that stuff REALLY HURTS, REALLY BAD, and you do not get used to it. :wacko:

Makes perfect sense. One of my Aikido students years ago, a local LEO, hated the stuff. He said the only time it came out was when several officers were trying to subdue an unruly drunk and a rookie would pull out the spray and just about the time a senior officer noticed and yelled "DON'T SPRAY THAT SH...." they all got a blast and had to wrestle in a pepper fog. Apparently no one wants the OCed suspect transported in their car either....

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I've never understood the logic of spraying officers who carry OC with the stuff. The usual response is something like; "If you are going to carry it you must know what it does." Okay, but they don't shoot their officers who carry firearms in most jurisdictions. :blink:

I have a friend in local PD who back when OC came out, had to go through that. When he found out he had to take a shot of it, he was a little mad. Asked the instructor why, the instructor said to "experience" what it is like to get sprayed. So my friend said he'd pop the instructor with his 9mm so the instructor (also an LE) can "experience" getting shot so he'll know what it's like. The way the story goes, the instructor signed him off after that.

I have a friend who got OC'ed at the academy and he went on about how bad it was. I called him a wimp so a bet ensued. I got sprayed with about half a can. After I was recovering, he said to me "wow, that was a lot of pepper spray, all they did to me was swab my eyes." So the joke was on me there.

Thing is, while it sucked and all and I was very sick afterwards, it took several minutes to reach it's full potential and I could have done something about being sprayed if need be.

I do remember in training the trick was to hold your dominent eye open with your weak hand and shoot the SOB who pepper sprayed you.

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Apparently no one wants the OCed suspect transported in their car either....

Nope, especially when you don't use cages and you have to put him in the passenger seat next to you.

Of course, a quick blast under the car door handle makes for a great practical joke on your shift partners, until they rub their eyes.:ph34r:


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Well, I'd managed to get around it for years, but I finally had to go through OC certification... including mandatory contamination. :( Just part of the coolness of being a volunteer Pig I suppose...

Word to the wise guys and gals... I know we're all pretty law abiding around these parts, but everyone gets a little squirrelly now and then, and might run afoul of the law. If a cop is about to spray you... GIVE UP!!! :wacko: This stuff really, really sucks. Whatever goalpost you were trying to tear down, waitress you were trying to propose to, country music song you were trying to write, I promise it isn't worth it. I thought I had head-butted a lit stove and got stuck there. About an hour of pure agony, and that was with full decontamination procedures in place. But I lived... amazing that stuff can hurt so badly without doing any damage...

Bet you can't wait for Taser training! :D It really only hurts for a few seconds and then goes away as compared to the pepper spray.

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I recall in high school were hanging out in the parking lot one evening when someone had the bright idea to let loose with a small canister. About 30 of us were teary eyed for the next half hour from the mist drift. I really hated that...

However, it would appear that Mace has a new gel technology that eliminates the drifting mist and makes my eyes water at the mere thought of being hit with the stuff.

Check out the picture here: http://mace.com/media/pdf/articles/Tactica..._Pepper_Gel.pdf

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"Karate In A Can"

One of the LEOs I shoot with does duty at the state academy from time to time. He was explaining that some 3-4% of the population is immune to OC. I haven't seen any reports to support that claim, but they have one instructor who begins the class by spraying a good dose straight into his mouth. Then he smiles at the class and says, "Ummmm.....Just like candy!" :blink:

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Of course, a quick blast under the car door handle makes for a great practical joke on your shift partners, until they rub their eyes.

An old roomate was hitting on some girl at a bar with some of our friends. She had a can of OC spray and was playing with it. In the process, apparently some got on his fingers/hands. He excused himself from the table to go to the restroom...

...he comes back and has this panicked (sp?) look on his face. He was a big drinker, so my buddies thought he was about to puke. My friend with the panicked look then makes a mad dash back to the restroom. My other friends though "oh yeah!!! He's going to puke, the dumb drunk bastard!!!" They barge into the restroom to find him with his pants around his ankles standing in front of the sink, splashing water on his manhood. He turns around and said "puh, it burns!!!" :D :D :D No $hit. ;)

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"Karate In A Can"

One of the LEOs I shoot with does duty at the state academy from time to time. He was explaining that some 3-4% of the population is immune to OC. I haven't seen any reports to support that claim, but they have one instructor who begins the class by spraying a good dose straight into his mouth. Then he smiles at the class and says, "Ummmm.....Just like candy!" :blink:

I might be a part of that percentage. Back in high school ('97 or '98) there was a career fair at which the Marines had a Mace or OC demonstration. There were two (or three) guys that got sprayed, a sprayer, and a couple of guys that acted as a cleaning crew with a bucket of water, paper towels, a hose, and dish soap. I thought dish soap in the eyes was a bad idea, but hey, what do I know.

So the last guy gets sprayed and the wind picks up, blowing the cloud over to my side of the rather large circle of human beans. Everyone scatters while I wonder what the big deal is.

I'd be willing to Jackass ® Mace and/or OC... if the price is right. ;)

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"Karate In A Can"

One of the LEOs I shoot with does duty at the state academy from time to time. He was explaining that some 3-4% of the population is immune to OC. I haven't seen any reports to support that claim, but they have one instructor who begins the class by spraying a good dose straight into his mouth. Then he smiles at the class and says, "Ummmm.....Just like candy!" :blink:

I assisted county on a drunk call one night and the drunk got beligerent after being cuffed and went into passive resistance. The deputy told him he was about to get sprayed and the dumb *ss says "Go ahead, I eat that sh*t for breakfast". About a 1 second burst straight into his eyes and he got compliant but very vocal quick!!

I was told the 3-4% thing in academy but the only thing I can testify to is that I'm not in it.

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I was told the 3-4% thing.......but the only thing I can testify to is that I'm not in it.

Me, too. My first and only experience was at a gun show here in Atlanta. I was looking around just in time to see this dealer give a short blast of some spray up into the air, and then he grabbed another can and started waving it back and forth and spraying something else in the air. Within seconds a wave of coughing and sputtering started spreading across the exhibition hall.

Turns out this idiot was selling a product that was supposed to dissipate and defeat OC. I learned from other dealers at the same show that he'd been doing a similar "demo" at several shows in the region, spraying some OC in the air and then whipping out his magic can of OC-killer.

Trust me. . . . . . . . . it didn't work.

Since it was a pattern he should have been (and probably was) aware of, I went over and chewed on the leg of the promoter, Matt Eastman, and made him refund the cost of my admission.

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I have a friend who is a 4th degree blackbelt in karate and a self proclamed bad azz.

For an IDPA stage I bought an inert trainer, and took it up to my friend and shot him right in the face with it. He went down hard.

It took some convincing on my part to explain to him all he got hit with was deionized water.


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I have a friend who is a 4th degree blackbelt in karate and a self proclamed bad azz.

For an IDPA stage I bought an inert trainer, and took it up to my friend and shot him right in the face with it. He went down hard.

It took some convincing on my part to explain to him all he got hit with was deionized water.



"A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

Edited by ima45dv8
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Bet you can't wait for Taser training! :D It really only hurts for a few seconds and then goes away as compared to the pepper spray.

I took a taser blast in one of Massad Ayoobs classes. It hurt like hell, but I was able to draw and return fire rather quickly. Of course, Mas wouldn't let me have a loaded gun when they hit me so all I really did was draw and dry fire at a plate rack. I tried to convince him to let me do it with a loaded gun but he would have none of that. They even took my pocket knife away from me before the blast "just in case". I'm glad I did it tho. Now I know I can respond if necessary. Lest any of you think I'm superhuman or anything, it was just a single blast with the Taser, not actually getting shot with the prongs. The short blast hurt enough, I don't think I could have done anything but drop like a rag doll if it were a sustained blast from being shot with the prongs.


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"Karate In A Can"

One of the LEOs I shoot with does duty at the state academy from time to time. He was explaining that some 3-4% of the population is immune to OC. I haven't seen any reports to support that claim, but they have one instructor who begins the class by spraying a good dose straight into his mouth. Then he smiles at the class and says, "Ummmm.....Just like candy!" :blink:

Went through it a couple months ago, shot hit me right in the left eye and continued spraying me until it dripped off my face. Never hurt more than cutting a fresh onion. Right after I got shot w/ it, had to drive 4 hours on the highway home. Didnt really bother me

CS doesnt do much to me either.

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