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Friday Flame War


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Remember, it's not a war unless innocents suffer needlessly!

I hate Nik because he thought of Carina and not me when he saw Coldstone Strawberry Blonde.

I hate Yahoo photos because I can't retrieve my cookies and milk picture and put it in the food porn thread. I hate MSIE for crashing all day trying to do some online shopping. Hell, I hate computers like I hate guns and motorcycles.

I hate snowboarding and apparel companies who treat me like a 15-year-old fashion victim. I was downright embarassed by their web sites. No cash for you! I hate that the biggest snowboarding company in the U.S., marketing to said 15yo fashion victims, offers a "420 kit" for your stash and your pipe, complete with logo. You have got to be shitting me.

I hate that I'm getting into another niche sport with few participants, few suppliers, and few choices. You want the best gear, you pay some guy working out of his garage and get your custom hardware nine months, maybe a year, later.

I hate keyword spammers on ebay. I search for an ACME widget and their listing comes up "Smith & Co. Widget not ACME." Not? Well even if you did have something I wanted at a great price, No cash for you! These schmucks should be tarred and feathered. Or their ebay stores should get denial-of-service attacks.

I hate my health insurance company and its pre-existing condition BS. I hate that one of my prescribed mediciations costs $185 for a month supply and I tried to stretch it to two months by taking one, not two, daily doses. Now I hate bronchitis. But at least the insurance co. helped pay for the antibiotics.

I hate dry, dusty trails. It's time for some rain and snow so I can ride!

I hate that the price of gasoline prevents me from going over the hill into CA to buy a computer from George and shoot matches at Yolo, Sacramento, and Richmond. I haven't purchased racing fuel for my bikes in months, but I'll bet its price hasn't gone up as much as pump gas. Holy crap, I just realized pump gas is getting up to what race gas used to cost. I hate that!

I hate being laid up sick on the couch, with a heating pad on my aching back, being subjected to daytime television commercials. They are aimed at under-educated, unemployed, debt-laden losers without girlfriends. I hate that! I'm going to one of those technical institutes so I can get a job designing/playing video games so I can afford to pay off my loans and subscribe to an online dating service. Hell yeah! Then I'm getting one of those Rascal scooters for the mobility impaired, whether or not my stupid insurance co. will pay for it. I wonder if it can make it over Donner pass on its battery charge...

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I hate that in setting up for the Mississippi Classic my trigger finger had an unfortunate meeting with a sledge hammer. Maybe I can get some flexibility in my finger in the next few hours before the ROs shoot.

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I hate that my employer laid out expectations for a job to be done and when the members of my team met those expectations we were told that those weren't the "real" expectations and that we sucked. I hate corporate America more than Al Queda. With Al Queda you know what to expect! :angry:

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I hate going to the range & discovering the wind is blowing 40MPH when I want to check for accuracy.

I hate that my Chrony won't read because the wind is moving the skyscreens around.

I hate that it just rained and the range surface is gumbo.

I hate that I can't practice for a match this weekend because of all of the above.

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i hate motorcycle drivers in heavy traffic, passing dozens of cars while bumper to bumper, only to slide in at the last minute. always considered a quick lane change when i see one coming in the mirror. in my f350, gross vehicle weight always has the right of way. :lol:

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I hate traveling for work because it takes me away from my wife and dogs ways to much.

I also hate that the same traveling knocks my range and even dryfire time down to almost zero so I just keep going to matches and not really improving.

Just like last week I still hate stupid people.. :angry: I think they are the same folks without girlfriends that Erik speaks of above.... :ph34r:

Edited by j2fast
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I hate that Eric is jealous of my strawberry blonde hair...

I still hate crappy dental insurance that won't pay for my daughter's work.

I still hate pin headed project managers.

I hate that I have a millions errands/things_to_do/work in the space of a few hours.

I hate packing.

I hate cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry...most mundane chores... the necessary evil of day to day living!

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I hate that my wife is sick and we have a class with Matt Burket on Sunday!

I also hate that I was sick last week with this and we missed shooting last weekend.

Finally I hate that my 550 is still not fixed cause I was just too tired to put it together last night after getting home late...


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I hate that Erik's so damn fast running around with his hair on fire, that I totally miseed that he's a strawberry blond too......

I hate that trying to eat right is not compatible with daily visits to Coldstone Creamery for either Strawberry Blonde or my own creation: White chocolate icecream with Strawberries, raspberries, chocolate chips and almonds.....

I hate that it's my match weekend --- and there's too much work to do, before the timer can go off for my first stage. I really hate my performance at my match....

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I hate that I am typing this at work and that I am not out shooting.

I hate that work is keeping me from getting any more range time in until I get to Vegas next week. Oh well, dry fire for dinner again ;-)

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I hate it that the stress from my job is starting to follow me home.

I hate it that the only way to relieve my stress involves torturing and finally killing more than a few people, on 3 continents. The logistics of that sucks. The reality that I would have to do their jobs in addition to my own (after the torture and killing) means there is no answer for the stress besides my tequila "treatments".

I hate it that no matter how high you get in a company, how much money you make, or how much power you have, someone will still have you on a stinking leash.

I hate it that it's illegal to beat the crap out of people when there are a lot of them who really need it. Most are holding a leash.

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I hate the tire pump at the AM/PM at the corner. The pump timed out halfway through the third tire because the nozzle leaks so much air it takes forever to top up each tire. So it cost me another 50 cents. Actually I hate AM/PM's in general because they only have one station to use a credit card for all the pumps. So why did I go there for air? Cause I'm [an air head] .


[ :lol: sounded better, and funnier, than idiot ]

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I hate having my arse handed to me because I told the truth at work. I misinformed a couple high-placed officials (because I was given bad info to start with) and then I discovered I had been given bad data and had thus lied to a VP and an attorney. So, I corrected myself and gave them the appropriate, correct information. I arrive back from lunch to have my arse chewed by my boss on for doing what I thought was the proper thing. No good deed goes unpunished. Yet if I had not come clean I would have had my chops busted for not telling the truth. Sheesh.

I hate that I haven't shot in almost 6 weeks and given the schedule for the weekend I am not likely to get any shooting in this weekend either. I hate that I have been so burnt out that up until this week I didn't care that I hadn't shot in a long time. Now the desire to smell burning powder is strong and I won't have time to get to the range. Dammit!

I hate that I wore my DPMS shirt to work today (it was clean, most other shirts were not) and someone figured out what it was advertising. More arse chewing. There is no dress code at work published or otherwise and the person chewing my arse had absolutely no standing to do so and doesn't even work for my unit. We are not talking t-shirt or even polo shirt here either...we are talking nice, button down collar black dress shirt. But her employee sitting at the front reception desk in a t-shirt with "HO in Training" stenciled on the front in glitter ink is okay?

I hate that it looks like I have TMJ and this is causing me to lose my hearing on one side. I also hate that I can't get in to have this properly diagnosed and start on the path to correction for almost 2 weeks. I hate that I react to stress by clenching my jaw. Guess what is causing the TMJ? I hate that my insurance has specific exclusions eliminating most TMJ treatments that actually work. I hate that I have to get this started this year because the exclusions next year are even worse.

I hate that gas went back up today to over $3 from $2.88 yesterday because it is a home football game. Diesel is $3.40 up from $3.20. It will go back down on Monday after all the game attendees have filled up and left town. Yet the state govt investigates and can't find any evidence of price fixing. I hate that the state govt, by and large, couldn't find their ass with both hands if they were sitting on them. I guess it is hard to find problems when you are being handed large piles of cash to look the other way.

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