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Wanted to know what bullet is best for 38 super comp open gun for major and why? Barrel has 5 holes....

FMJ, plated, ect..de7b9f592a4ed0922f68cf869786260d.jpg



I am looking at xtreme bullets xcb43552 9mm .355 124 RN, are these any good?

Edited by brytec
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JHP. No exposed lead base like FMJ and might be a little more accurate. Montana Gold makes a CMJ with the base covered to prevent leading, if your pistol prefers/feeds better a round nose profile.

Most of the reviews here on plated bullets seem negative in terms of accuracy.

Moly/Poly/Coated bullets seem to have those who say they cause a lot of build up in the comp while others say they don't have any. These will shoot softer than jacketed bullets as they probably seal a little better and require less powder for the same PF.

Edited by al503
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JHP for major. You might try a Hi-tek coated bullet as a minor load for steel. I've had some success with these. It may take some experimentation to find the same POI with major and minor loads.

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Hey guys, So I am new to loading major, can you guys tell me what you think about Precisionbullets.com

The coating is "melt proofed" or something, and as long as you don't crimp through the coating you'll be fine.. No exposed lead.

Check them out, Ted Bonnet seems to like them quite a bit!

Would not these be a good option to shoot major with as well due to their extreme heat resistant coating?

Amat Victoria Curam

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Hey guys, So I am new to loading major, can you guys tell me what you think about Precisionbullets.com

The coating is "melt proofed" or something, and as long as you don't crimp through the coating you'll be fine.. No exposed lead.

Check them out, Ted Bonnet seems to like them quite a bit!

Would not these be a good option to shoot major with as well due to their extreme heat resistant coating?

Amat Victoria Curam

Those are moly coated instead of hitek like most Coated bullets. I've used the precision coated before and they made my barrel very dirty wasn't a fan.

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Hey guys, So I am new to loading major, can you guys tell me what you think about Precisionbullets.com

The coating is "melt proofed" or something, and as long as you don't crimp through the coating you'll be fine.. No exposed lead.

Check them out, Ted Bonnet seems to like them quite a bit!

Would not these be a good option to shoot major with as well due to their extreme heat resistant coating?

Amat Victoria Curam

Those are moly coated instead of hitek like most Coated bullets. I've used the precision coated before and they made my barrel very dirty wasn't a fan.
Tried them once too. That moly coating is a bitch to get out of the barrel. These are sort of " first generation" coated bullets and are not even close to the newer coatings.
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I have tried almost every brand of coated and plated bullets in major 9, what i found is at major pf all coated bullets left lead in the comp and smoked,for plated bullets berrys thick plated worked them best but are same price as jacketed rmr work ok accuracy is ok stick with jhp

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Well, now that i think about it, I can't stick with JHP. I shoot mostly steel matches, and I don't want to buy X amount of bullets for steel and X amount of bullets for everything else. I'd rather consolidate and only have to worry about buying one kind of bullet and only have 1 load instead of 2... I'm a KISS fanatic, so I guess plated it is...

RMR? Berry's? Rainier? TBW?

Amat Victoria Curam

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Precision Delta is 8.9 cents/1000 delivered. About the lowest you can spend on a 124 grain JHP. You can save as much as 3 cents going with coated. The SNS 125 RN is very good. Plated is not an ideal choice. They do not group well at major power. Makes no sense when you can get plated for less than JHP? I agree with Sarge and Gamil. The Precision I shot were 185 grain in Limited. They were easy to load,soft shooting, ran well and were very dirty!

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Some of this is going to depend on what your gun likes. I prefer MG CMJ bullets, but I have shot several brands of plated bullets with no issues at all. Even back in the day at the old power factor of 175, which meant about 180. Again, it may depend on your guns barrel. Most bullet manufacturers will give/sell samples for you to try out.

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I don't want to buy X amount of bullets for steel and X amount of bullets for everything else.

RMR? Berry's? Rainier? TBW?

I prefer to use two different bullets for different loads - makes it easier to

visually identify if it is a minor or major load.

I wouldn't use any of the bullets listed above for 9mm Major. :cheers:

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Hello: I am using Acme and Montana Gold right now in 9mm major. The JHP 115's are a little more accurate than the Acme 115's at 25 yards. I have used Precision moly's in the past and they work well also. A little more smoke than the new coated bullets. I didn't worry about the coating buildup in the barrel since it comes out after shooting 10-15 MG JHP bullets. Thanks, Eric

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Well, now that i think about it, I can't stick with JHP. I shoot mostly steel matches, and I don't want to buy X amount of bullets for steel and X amount of bullets for everything else. I'd rather consolidate and only have to worry about buying one kind of bullet and only have 1 load instead of 2... I'm a KISS fanatic, so I guess plated it is...

RMR? Berry's? Rainier? TBW?

Amat Victoria Curam

Why can't you use JHP for steel?
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The conventional wisdom is it is more dangerous to shoot JHPs on steel. You certainly see expanded, separated jackets embedded in the wood at our range, but that may not be exclusively from shooting steel. At any rate, our management went off the deep end and banned any jacket bullet for steel, not just JHPs. They also do not allow plated, because of the difficulty in telling plated and jacketed apart.

I completely disagree with the notion that plated bullets are inaccurate. I'm sure they can be in some barrels, but not in mine. I have the most experience with plated in 40sw. For Open, I shoot Rainier 135gr @ 1270fps and Rainier 155gr @ 1110fps. Both will shoot into one hole at 15 yards. For weights 155 and up for Limited Major, Rainiers are more accurate than the Berrys and Xtremes I've used, and more accurate than any of the coated bullets.

The Rainiers do not foul the barrel, don't smoke and don't mess up the comp. There are zero lead deposits in the comp, only powder residue.

Edited by zzt
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The conventional wisdom is it is more dangerous to shoot JHPs on steel. You certainly see expanded, separated jackets embedded in the wood at our range, but that may not be exclusively from shooting steel. At any rate, our management went off the deep end and banned any jacket bullet for steel, not just JHPs. They also do not allow plated, because of the difficulty in telling plated and jacketed apart.

I completely disagree with the notion that plated bullets are inaccurate. I'm sure they can be in some barrels, but not in mine. I have the most experience with plated in 40sw. For Open, I shoot Rainier 135gr @ 1270fps and Rainier 155gr @ 1110fps. Both will shoot into one hole at 15 yards. For weights 155 and up for Limited Major, Rainiers are more accurate than the Berrys and Xtremes I've used, and more accurate than any of the coated bullets.

The Rainiers do not foul the barrel, don't smoke and don't mess up the comp. There are zero lead deposits in the comp, only powder residue.

Never heard that "conventional wisdom" before. 95% of the open shooters I know use HP's.
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Well, our CRO and I both think this is a stupid rule, since we each witness lots and lots of jacketed bullets shot at steel at each USPSA match with no incidents or injuries. We determined to try to change the Exec Com's mind. He did an extensive search and found nothing that recommended against jacketed for steel, but did find several articles recommending against JHPs for steel. I didn't read them, so I can't comment.

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Hello: I am using Acme and Montana Gold right now in 9mm major. The JHP 115's are a little more accurate than the Acme 115's at 25 yards. I have used Precision moly's in the past and they work well also. A little more smoke than the new coated bullets. I didn't worry about the coating buildup in the barrel since it comes out after shooting 10-15 MG JHP bullets. Thanks, Eric

Are you getting any leading in the comp or barrel with the Acme 115s? I am assuming they are loaded to major.

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I use IBJ 124 "doubles" for my practice loads, they're way cheap. Precision Delta 124 JHP for match ammo, those things run extremely smooth out of every open gun I've tried them in. (Akai, SV, Limcat, STI)

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