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Regional sayings/ phrases

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Cattywampus? :surprise: Should I be afraid to ask what that means?

crooked or bent or out of whack

Or, "Wrong side to".

An Amish lady told me one time to "out the light". I said huh? She said, 'out the light" I said huh? She said, "turn-off-the-light....."

we also get "hain't it or no?" and "a couple two, tree"

Edited by Dr. Phil
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Wow, some of you folks talk funny. Then again, I live in the accent dead zone. But my grandparents home town was settled by a lot people from Pennsylvania, so there are a few oddities. Tomato is pronounced ta-made-a. There is also a crick that runs through their backyard.

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Wow, some of you folks talk funny. Then again, I live in the accent dead zone. But my grandparents home town was settled by a lot people from Pennsylvania, so there are a few oddities. Tomato is pronounced ta-made-a. There is also a crick that runs through their backyard.

I thought a "crick" was the sound made by a Japanese camera! :roflol:

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Heard from an old timer any time he saw something he liked- "That's slicker than a pocket in your underwear!" Don't want to know what it meant.

"Camper Shell" means a truck canopy. NOT a camper. A camper can be a 5th wheel, travel trailer, or an actual camper. :unsure:

Harder'n woodpecker lips= Really hard

Whappit = hammer

Dingus Mohingus= anything you can't remember what it is called

Chingaderas= a dent, ding, or scratch. AKA a "Chong"

Oregon Sunshine= RAIN

WeeWaa = kittywampus (see above for definition) as in "That doorway looks all WeeWaa to me."

Edited by openclassterror
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"Well, bless your heart" in the South usually means "You are really a dumb ass" !! Or in rural Texas "Down the road a piece" could mean 1/4 mile or 200.

Added to "Well, bless your heart" is "You poor thing" = complete idiot. "They don't know com'eer from sickum'"

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"Nuttier than squirrel shit."

"Hotter than a firecracker"

"Serious as a heart attack"

"I ain't shittin' ya, you's my favorite turd"

"That gal's dang ugly...like her face was on fire and someone tried to put it out with a hatchet."

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Worthless as t*ts on a bull.

Uglier than a bag of smashed a*sholes

Sharp as a marble

All from my German grandfather...

Oh and this may offend...

Shines like a n***ers heel. He'd say that after he waxed his car.

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I grew up in Brooklyn where we have our own language. Some of it is here: http://voices.yahoo.com/the-brooklynese-dictionary-11440122.html

Favorites that I remember:

Ant'ny: The name, Anthony.

Bupkes: Loosely translates to mean, nothing. "That ain't worth Bupkes"

Chewtch: The Brooklynism of "douche," which is still used, to call someone a jerk.

Earl: Oil.

Flatleaver: Someone who breaks plans or a date when they believe something better came up. Ex: "Don't invite Jessica, she flatleft me for Tony last week and never showed up."

"He don't know from nothin." or "He don't know nothin' from nothin'": He's not that smart

"I got your …right hea": A statement made with sarcastic undertones while grabbing your crotch, when you don't care about something.

"I'm not married to Con Edison": Shut off the damn lights.

"Who died and made you boss?": Common phrase used to let a person know you aren't going to listen to their demands, complaints, concerns, or orders.

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Was up in Vermont one time and at about lunch time someone said "lets go down and get a slider for lunch", I was at a total loss but they all looked pretty healthy so said OK. Turned out it's a Submarine sandwich.

Or when I was at Ft. Devens in the army, sign in drug store showed they had "frappe", No idea on that at all but turned out to be a milk shake.

(anyone in Mass, if I misspelled it, let me know)

Frappe has ice cream. Milk Shake doesn't :goof:

Now I want a Grinder and a Frappe :roflol:

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