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STI Texas Multigun Championship April 11-13, 2014

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Stages were super fast and straightforward ROs were really nice and helpful traffic flowed well. I shot Sheldon's beloved plane and got dq'd was doing well up until that! Texas rocks still worth the trip! I heard rumors about the table but I ain't spreading any! Thanks for putting on the match and allowing me to shoot thru to the DQ! I will post a pic of my $1000 shotgun shot into the plane if I can figure out how!

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I would like to say Ill be back next year but I don't think that's going to happen, unless I shoot with the RO's, which apparently shot a different match than I did. Im not going to mention all the rumors that I didnt witness. I will say I personally saw an RO at stage 12 shoot a differen stage than I did. We were made to move from one level of the vtac barricade to another level. This was called "changing position" in the stage description between targets. The RO I watched slid his rifle over an inch (changing positions) between targets which was a huge advantage. There were at least half the stages that were rumored to be shot differently between the RO's and the competitors. I RO matches every year and its a thankless job and you'll never shoot to your full potential. The two years I've been to this match they have some of the best RO finishes I have ever seen. I don't mind getting beaten by someone as long as I shot the same match they did. That being said STI is one of the most generous sponsors I've seen at a match to date. All the other sponsors for the match were very generous as well.

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I dq'd stage 1 first thing Friday morning but my son was smarter than me and got to shoot all 12 stages. I spent the rest of the weekend watching how the stages were being run. I saw more than one stage with different requirements on Saturday than were in place on Friday.

Also got to see several guys on a squad at stage 10 do the same 180 violation I did with their shotgun but no match dq's issued for them. RO even warned my squad that he was tired of having shotguns pointed at him.

I earned my and didn't argue with the RO or MD abouth their decision since I made the mistake. Unfortunately, the enforcement of rules and intent of the stage rules was left open to interpretation.

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Dear Shooters,

If you would like to participate in the team event please fill out the attached form and submit during registration. Teams consist of 3 shooters. Only one team member needs to submit the form. You may choose to shoot on a team with any 3 people you like. The only exception is that all 3 shooters can not be in open division. You will receive your shooter numbers and team number at registration on Thursday. If you are unable to print the form before Thursday we will have extras at registration. ALL PARTICIPANTS WHO WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TEAM EVENT MUST SUBMIT THIER FORMS BEFORE SHOOTING BEGINS ON FRIDAY. See you Thursday.


Marcy Carruth

How does a team with a DQ'ed shooter gain another competitor on the last day of competition to fill the spot of the person? A bet on the trifecta and one of my horses broke it's leg I don't get to pick the winner and cash the check.

Edited by stonedudley
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We are all pussyfooting around the same issues and rumors.

I watched stages on Thursday incognito (no jersey or shooting paraphernalia) and watched ROs shoot stage 1, 12, and watched a 3GN pro shooter to thru the shoot house stage.

Stage 1....the ROs watched a fellow RO shoot the static steel and poppers to the side with the stage pistol, some tried the plate rack too. I overheard "that's how you gotta shoot it, shoot the poppers and you don't have to reload your shotgun". When we shot it, the plate rack appeared to be at a slightly different angle (perspective) but we were told we could ONLY engage the static steel with the stage gun.

Stage 12....the exact issue was observed, and I was later told by an RO that I will not name, that all you have to do is bump your handguard an inch either way for a new position.

I watched the Pro Series shooter shoot the shoot house stage twice....because the ROs never mentioned the fault line. Rumor has it, the ROs and those that shot with them may not have had to observe the fault line. Which would allow them to use a single shooting window and would explain how their stage times were superhuman.

I've heard additional rumors about steel being added to the long range stage, RO's and those shooting with RO's getting to RO for each other in a group of two buddies as they ran thru stages. I can't confirm those like what I personally witnessed and cannot give them weight until someone does......but some people either shot the match of their lives, or took a gun off the table in exchange for their soul!

There were some great ROs there who I want to, again, thank for their hard work and thankless efforts. I'll be an RO twice this year and hope I do a job that resembles what you did! Unfortunately there was an RO or two with a power trip and no working knowledge of major match rules or the match rules from the match they were an RO for. If you are suffering from Napoleon Syndrome, don't be an RO.....your help isn't wanted! To the rest of the ROs, I hope you were not judged by others due to the actions of the few.

I'm fully aware my post here may ruffle some feathers....the people who matter know me and what I'm about, and if I ruffled your feathers....you aren't one of them!

Now for the positive!

STI was more generous than any sponsor I've ever seen at a match. I will personally be contacting them to thank them for what they did!

The stages, while different than what others shot, were fun and I loved the variety of options you could use on targets. I consider myself a better shotgun shooter than a pistol shooter and had to weigh the cost/benefit of going with my strength and a reload, or going with my weakness and skipping that reload. I got to see where using my strengths could hurt me, and where my weaknesses shown thru as a strength. I've got a LOT more confidence in my pistol shooting after this match!

The prop usage and info on each Medal of Honor recipient was informational and something I considered educational and inspirational......something I had a lot of respect for at the match.

The food out of that truck was insanely good. If you didn't eat the chopped briscuit tacos......you don't know what you missed!

I've been to several big matches since starting 3-gun in 2012, and have seen several things happen that I didn't like or agree with, but this is the first time I'm leaving a match with a bad taste in my mouth.

This was my first Texas Multigun........and my last.

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I know you, and my "Jimmys" ain't rustled, nor the feathers! You remind me of someone who typed some sort of stuff about a match way long back. He got jumped all over from deviating from the tried and "true" best match ever mantra of the the 3-gun proletariat. Hope it goes better for you my friend.

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A great thank you to the ROs and very generous match sponsors! Without dedication like yours our sport would shrivel up, thank you again!

However, for the reasons already stated, I doubt I will be back. I am willing to let a great many things during a match slide, because I live in reality, but I do expect the match to be fair at the end.


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Man!! What a Great Bunch of Sponsors.

STI showed there commitment to our sport like no other I have seen before.

Paul Payne is a stand up guy and a great front man for a great Texas born, employee owned company.

How Cool is that??

I would like to thank kindly all the great ROs with the exception of 1 (and we know who you are)
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I know you, and my "Jimmys" ain't rustled, nor the feathers! You remind me of someone who typed some sort of stuff about a match way long back. He got jumped all over from deviating from the tried and "true" best match ever mantra of the the 3-gun proletariat. Hope it goes better for you my friend.

Integrity. I may get tar and feathered for being honest, but I'll still have it. Those with tar on their hands won't! If I'm not liked by a few janitors, teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, or match directors.....so be it. They weren't people I wanted as friends to begin with.

Kurt, I know I've talked to you and Rob Romero in length about something that I consider paramount for a match to be considered "good". Shooter Equity is essential! All shooters must shoot the same stages, with the same rules, the same consideration, and the same attention to all of the above. When that is compromised, it's over in my opinion.

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We tried to do our best and I think we had a good match albeit with some hiccups. We'll try to manage schedules and logistics along with communication better next time. 70+ FFL items on the prize table...that was a sight to see. I'd like to thank everyone that made the match possible, STI and all our vendors were extremely generous. Thank you competitors, hope you had a fun match.

While this is a forum, I really wish we could have heard this at the match. Chad you know me, you could have said something about it at the match.

Sheldon Carruth

Edited by GeneralChang
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Thank you Sheldon for a great match. Thanks to Pat Kelly and his awsome wife, all of the Nordic Components team and every one else on squad 13 who made it a great weekend. Thanks to Tommy T for loaning me his three gun wagon I could not have made it without it. Met lots of cool new people and saw old friends. See you next year.

Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk

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FYI.....A good shooter was DQd....I'm not implying he was involved with ANYTHING! After what he did for a junior shooter who DQ'd, I consider his character unquestionable at this point.

The rumor QUICKLY passed that two of the team winners originally had him as a teammate.

If that is untrue...let it be the first rumor dispelled!

Edited by EaZeNuTZ33
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Weeelll... I can only speak for our RO squad but on Stage 1, with only 6 rounds in the stage gun we couldn't engage all the steel if we wanted to. I fired two shots, safed it and dropped it. The stage briefing we had did not specify that the steel had to be engaged with a shotgun (I did just because I wanted to) and some used their pistol so it's only right the stage was to be thrown out.

The dark house stage definitely had fault lines and we obeyed them!

Stage 12 was sucking hard with the wind rocking the barricade but Sheldon had just shot it (we watched) and we shot it as he did moving from one notch to another after each hit.

I didn't even look at the long range stage during the match, our squad shot it the week before. There were 6 fast targets at 100 yards to be engaged from the box, offhand, 2 plates and a fast target at 300 and again at 400, and two plates at 500. We probably did have an advantage as while the wind was 15 to 20 gusting 30, it was primarily blowing into our face, not requiring much if any windage.

We were on Stage 5 and the only controversy was from shooters not realizing no hits on the paper was 2 misses, even if you were shooting heavy, and one shooter that didn't bother to walk down to see his penalties (he got a reshoot).

I really have no complaints about anything, the competitors were great, some greater than others (it was amazing watching Nils mow down the steel with his iron sighted pistol!), everyone was safe, we didn't have to speak harshly much less DQ anyone. STI is the greatest and they surely out did them selves supporting the sport this time!



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Weeelll... I can only speak for our RO squad but on Stage 1, with only 6 rounds in the stage gun we couldn't engage all the steel if we wanted to. I fired two shots, safed it and dropped it. The stage briefing we had did not specify that the steel had to be engaged with a shotgun (I did just because I wanted to) and some used their pistol so it's only right the stage was to be thrown out.

The dark house stage definitely had fault lines and we obeyed them!

Stage 12 was sucking hard with the wind rocking the barricade but Sheldon had just shot it (we watched) and we shot it as he did moving from one notch to another after each hit.

I didn't even look at the long range stage during the match, our squad shot it the week before. There were 6 fast targets at 100 yards to be engaged from the box, offhand, 2 plates and a fast target at 300 and again at 400, and two plates at 500. We probably did have an advantage as while the wind was 15 to 20 gusting 30, it was primarily blowing into our face, not requiring much if any windage.

We were on Stage 5 and the only controversy was from shooters not realizing no hits on the paper was 2 misses, even if you were shooting heavy, and one shooter that didn't bother to walk down to see his penalties (he got a reshoot).

I really have no complaints about anything, the competitors were great, some greater than others (it was amazing watching Nils mow down the steel with his iron sighted pistol!), everyone was safe, we didn't have to speak harshly much less DQ anyone. STI is the greatest and they surely out did them selves supporting the sport this time!



On Saturday morning the long range stage had FIVE offhand targets, not 6. The saga continues... Edited by doubleaay78
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Many thanks to the RO's who worked this match as its a thankless and tiring job and thanks to the generous sponsors.

That said, I fully agree with the other comments. There were stage times posted that are simply impossible. I will never shoot this match again and will advise others of the same.

Edited by Shooter116
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Many thanks to the RO's who worked this match as its a thankless and tiring job and thanks to the generous sponsors.

That said, I fully agree with the other comments. There were stage times posted that are simply impossible. I will never shoot this match again and will advise others of the same.

Which times/scores are you referring to? If you are going to take issue, it would be helpful to outline your complaint in full. All the scores are posted, so it should not be hard to reference which stages and times are deemed impossible. Serious here, not being a smart %$$.

Also, I sat in the tent and watched folks walk the prize table. Which ROs are folks inferring cheated and were "too high on the list for ROs..." From just a quick glance at the Tac Optics scores, I see 3 ROs in the top 20. Doug Johnson, Sheldon Carruth and Eric Wise. 3/20 = 15%. I don't think anyone who knows Dough Johnson is going to question his skill or intergrity. Obviously from several posts people are directly questioning Sheldon's, Eric Wise is also an excellent shooter for folks familiar with him. If you bump that out to the top 30 competitors, I see another RO in that list, Jonathan Slayton, who came in 21st. He is also an excellent shooter and that put the percentage of ROs in the top spots at 13ish%. If my math is wrong please correct it. I am rather tired at the moment. If there are ROs in that list I missed, please point them out.

What percentage of ROs is acceptable in each break down of finish? Say top 10, 20-30, 30-50, 50-75 and so on? With the first 7 competitors all receiving the same pistol and the number of items on the table, the value between say a 30th and a 35th place finish did not appear to be much at all. Especially in comparision to most of the other matches I have shot. Frankly I look at the list and a lot of the names I see are falling into line with where they have been at other major matches. I am not seeing a gleaming turd in bucket of diamonds. If you do, point it out and name names.

Seems it would be much easier to move forward and address issues if people named names and were straight forward rather than falling back on the "I heard rumors, purple monkey dishwasher."

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Well Rugerp89. As someone titled as assistant match director for the match being discussed I think maybe you should focus less on the few comments about where people placed and more on the fact than multiple individuals have given first hand accounts of witnessing complete breaches in stage consistency. I believe most here will agree that keeping the playing field level and keeping stage consistency is paramount for the reputation of a match. Being told first hand that after the RO's and some early shooters shot targets were added, moved, props adjusted, and more is a SERIOUS thing to hear. Hearing that paper targets were not being taped during this same shooting period, which would imply that misses would be kind of hard to calculate, is worse. When people pay $300 for a fair chance at a prize table they deserve just that.

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