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2013 Single Stack Nationals


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So the smallest division gets the better day (Sat) and a match that always sells out makes people burn an extra vacation day....not too smart. Being able to burn only one day of vacation is one of the primary reasons I started making the SS Nats.

It's a one-time scheduling glitch.

The people who are serious about shooting the Single Stack Nationals will show up and shoot the Single Stack Nationals on whatever date it happens to be.

So it's just a one time snub to the organization that started the match and allows us to piggyback for a Nationals, and to the many people that make it a sellout every year. Since its just a single snub, I guess that makes it okay.

You can say the same folks that are serious about the match will be there, but you can't prove that, and it's pretty much a lock that at least some folks won't be able to make it now...all to give the smallest division in the entire sport the preferred date. :wacko:

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So does anyone know why they didn't make the Memphis revolver match the revolver nationals? They get 70-80 competitors each year, making it a nationals should get it over a 100.

If they think that they are going to have more than that I doubt it.

So when will the ss nats trophy presentation be, Friday night?

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My bet is both matches will fill up. Sadly bringing a dedicated revolver nationals will be over shadowed by the belly aching of a few fella that think their division is better than the other. Either way I will shoot the revolver match even though it is going to require me burning vacation time and won't complain about any other division while I'm doing it because regardless of what you so you ain't going to make everyone happy. Still happy about two dedicated uspsa matches for revolver.

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My bet is both matches will fill up. Sadly bringing a dedicated revolver nationals will be over shadowed by the belly aching of a few fella that think their division is better than the other.


Finally, for once, USPSA (or more accurately, our new president!) has taken a step that has the potential to really make our smallest division grow and flourish. As wonderful as the Memphis match has been, I suspect the real idea behind running a dedicated Revo Nationals behind the SS Nationals is to encourage cross-over participation. We will have a "captive audience" of 300+ shooters who are already in town for the SS--including many top shooters who have never really had a practical opportunity to compete in a Revo Nationals. What a great opportunity to give Revo a moment in the sun.

So to those who feel the need to come on here and bitch about their own little selfish scheduling issues--it's time to cut the whining, man up, and bring your Revolver stuff and shoot both matches! That's what I will be doing! ;)

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My bet is both matches will fill up. Sadly bringing a dedicated revolver nationals will be over shadowed by the belly aching of a few fella that think their division is better than the other.


Finally, for once, USPSA (or more accurately, our new president!) has taken a step that has the potential to really make our smallest division grow and flourish. As wonderful as the Memphis match has been, I suspect the real idea behind running a dedicated Revo Nationals behind the SS Nationals is to encourage cross-over participation. We will have a "captive audience" of 300+ shooters who are already in town for the SS--including many top shooters who have never really had a practical opportunity to compete in a Revo Nationals. What a great opportunity to give Revo a moment in the sun.

So to those who feel the need to come on here and bitch about their own little selfish scheduling issues--it's time to cut the whining, man up, and bring your Revolver stuff and shoot both matches! That's what I will be doing! ;)

No good deed goes unpunished :wacko:

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My bet is both matches will fill up. Sadly bringing a dedicated revolver nationals will be over shadowed by the belly aching of a few fella that think their division is better than the other.


Finally, for once, USPSA (or more accurately, our new president!) has taken a step that has the potential to really make our smallest division grow and flourish. As wonderful as the Memphis match has been, I suspect the real idea behind running a dedicated Revo Nationals behind the SS Nationals is to encourage cross-over participation. We will have a "captive audience" of 300+ shooters who are already in town for the SS--including many top shooters who have never really had a practical opportunity to compete in a Revo Nationals. What a great opportunity to give Revo a moment in the sun.

So to those who feel the need to come on here and bitch about their own little selfish scheduling issues--it's time to cut the whining, man up, and bring your Revolver stuff and shoot both matches! That's what I will be doing! ;)

I'm certainly not whining, or being selfish...maybe others are, but I don't see it. In fact, I'm pointing out how it's selfish to favor the smallest division at the expense of the ONLY reason this particular match is even held. Giving the most people the better date just makes sense. This has turned the SS Nats into the Revolver (and also SS) Nats.

To be blunt, I'm pointing out the stupidity of providing artificial life support (which is exactly what it is) to a division that has almost no participation, at the expense of one that's extremely popular. In the two majors I've shot this year where Rev was an option, there were 649 competitors, and all of 16 opted for Revolver. That's not even 2.5%!

Yeah, some people will stick around and shoot Rev, just because they're already there, but if Rev has any real appeal, those same folks would show up to shoot the match a day earlier, wouldn't they? No, most wouldn't....you know it, I know it, we all know it....

Edit to add: funny how two comments (factual in nature) bring out the whining and man up comments. You do realize that not everybody owns their own business and has the flexibility to schedule their work however they please, right?

Edited by G-ManBart
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I think both will still fill up. I think both will still be great matches. I know Phil wants Robbie and Todd and Taran to be there and shoot revo against the revo gods to see what would happen and I think its all a great idea. What I also think is some of us CAN'T tell our secretary to block off 3 days of so we can go play. Those of us NOT whining will just have to decide if what little vacation we have available will be used for matches or our family's.

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You guys think that because you have a captive audience that people are going to rush out and buy revovler gear and revolvers to shoot a stand alone match?

The last 5 years when it has been combined with it has not drawn more than 33 people for the last 5 years. You had a captive audience then with the Production, Limited, Open Shooters, why were they not buying revovlers and gear and bringing it and shooting then, less competition.

So if I am understanding this we now are thinking that shooters are going to spend

$200 entry fee for SS Nationals, plus have to burn an extra vacation day

$200 entry fee for Revovler, and now spend an extra night and hotel expense

(plus buy the gear to grow the division)

$250 for Production Nationals, plus travel to Tulsa

$250 for Open/L10 Plus travel to Utah

$250 for Limited

That is if they want to shoot 5 of them, which is the idea of splitting them up right?

Previous years shooters had the choice of 3 nationals, adding two in different locations and the expense doesn't mean you have a captive audience.

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Finally, for once, USPSA (or more accurately, our new president!) has taken a step that has the potential to really make our smallest division grow and flourish.

I don't know how affective this plan will be.

How many new shooters go straight to a major match without shooting at least a few local club matches? If someone was going to try out a new division, I don't think entering a $200 match is the way they go about it.


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From a match production perspective, if you have a one day match and a three day match and want people to shoot both. It doesn't make any sense to put the one day one at the beginning. People will be less likely to shoot both since they'd have to shoot the one day, then stick around three more days for awards. With this you can show up Thursday night, shoot Fri and Sat and head home on Sunday. Other way around you'd shoot Wed, then Thurs, Fri or Sat but still have to wait around till Sat for awards. And for most people it would require addtional days off work.

It's one year. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. I'm okay with letting the guy who was voted into the office do what he thinks is right. If you don't like it you can always vote him out in the next election. I know Phil didn't take the decision lightly and he's a smart enough guy to have realized there would be issues with doing it this way. Unfortunately since he only took the helm 8 months ago there wasn't time to get the schedule a 100% right. I'm willing to give it a shot in 2013 and see what happens.

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Is this really about scheduling and vacation days?

Let's not forget that only a fixed number of shooters have been able to shoot the SSN on Saturday in past years anyway--everybody else has had to shoot on Thursday or Friday. And one year in the recent past the SS match was shot over a two-day format. Remember that?

How about the guys who work weekends--won't this make it easier for them?

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You do realize that not everybody owns their own business and has the flexibility to schedule their work however they please, right?

Many self-employed people work 7 days a week, most weeks out of the year. They may sometimes have more "flexibility" in scheduling, but there are also times when they have to miss matches entirely because of business or professional commitments that have to take precedence.

I will admit that I don't really relate to the concept of "vacation days." There is no such thing in my world. My work never stops. If I take time off to travel and shoot, I pay the price before I leave and after I get back home.

That said, I do want to apologize to anybody I offended with my previous comments. I recognize that there are different ways of looking at this issue. Several people who have a differing viewpoint are people here whom I know, like, and respect.

I really hope the new format works out well for everybody. When I first heard about the change, I was excited that the Revo Nats was going to be a dedicated match held on "the Sunday after the Single Stack." It's unfortunate that PASA couldn't accommodate that. (Which I find somewhat frustrating--what could be so important that PASA couldn't let us have the frickin' range on Sunday??)

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Mike they probably have a sass shoot in Sunday... Or at least that's what we always hear from our local club

Makes perfect sense. Who'd want to inconvenience a few of the local guys who shoot every week for 80-100 of the world's best revolver shooters, a national championship, and international attention?

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My bet is both matches will fill up. Sadly bringing a dedicated revolver nationals will be over shadowed by the belly aching of a few fella that think their division is better than the other.


Finally, for once, USPSA (or more accurately, our new president!) has taken a step that has the potential to really make our smallest division grow and flourish. As wonderful as the Memphis match has been, I suspect the real idea behind running a dedicated Revo Nationals behind the SS Nationals is to encourage cross-over participation. We will have a "captive audience" of 300+ shooters who are already in town for the SS--including many top shooters who have never really had a practical opportunity to compete in a Revo Nationals. What a great opportunity to give Revo a moment in the sun.

So to those who feel the need to come on here and bitch about their own little selfish scheduling issues--it's time to cut the whining, man up, and bring your Revolver stuff and shoot both matches! That's what I will be doing! ;)

I'm certainly not whining, or being selfish...maybe others are, but I don't see it. In fact, I'm pointing out how it's selfish to favor the smallest division at the expense of the ONLY reason this particular match is even held. Giving the most people the better date just makes sense. This has turned the SS Nats into the Revolver (and also SS) Nats.

To be blunt, I'm pointing out the stupidity of providing artificial life support (which is exactly what it is) to a division that has almost no participation, at the expense of one that's extremely popular. In the two majors I've shot this year where Rev was an option, there were 649 competitors, and all of 16 opted for Revolver. That's not even 2.5%!

Yeah, some people will stick around and shoot Rev, just because they're already there, but if Rev has any real appeal, those same folks would show up to shoot the match a day earlier, wouldn't they? No, most wouldn't....you know it, I know it, we all know it....

Edit to add: funny how two comments (factual in nature) bring out the whining and man up comments. You do realize that not everybody owns their own business and has the flexibility to schedule their work however they please, right?

First, I have no dog in this fight. I've never shot SSN and won't next either. But I have to agree with this statement. It is the Single Stack Nationals. It really makes no sense to make them change their schedule for ANY divison. Plus from a logical stand point, from the 5 Area matches that have already concluded this year, there's only been 32 Revolver competitors; that's 1.8% of competitors in those Area matches. I'm sorry that Revolver guys think they're always an after thought. But with those numbers, you should be happy your a thought at all.

Edited by jrbet83
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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope that I'm speaking out of "turn" here, but the scheduling conflict is a major media event that has taken place the last 6-7 years at PASA. It has nothing to do with SASS. I've worked the match for the last 17 years, and I'm not thrilled with the change, but I'll continue to be there and support (work) the match. I hope to see all the regular guys again next year.

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I personally really like the change. I live in Alaska, and don't really have funds to go to many major matches. This year's SS Nats was my first. This way, I get to go to two nationals, almost for the price of one! After all, the airfare etc is the real expense, not the match fees. With major matches being so rare for me, it's unlikely I would have chosen to shoot my revolver in one of them, but this way I get to!

If I can get a slot, that is. Maybe some of you will skip it this year so I can get in.

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I believe it is always in Illinois because it beganas the Single Stack Classic (Heinie and Cluver) and the USPSA came in and made it a Nationals match once the SS division became a reality. The match is basically done for free (or next to free) for the USPSA. To move it someplace else they would have to take it over and pay all the bills. They will be doing that for the Revolver Nationals and will have more of a presence due to that.

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slight thread drift...

Since Illinois is a non-CCW state, if some of the folks here are going to shoot both SS and revo nat's, that means bringing at least two guns with you. A lot of guys bring a back up gun, so that will be 4 guns. From a logistics/security perspective, how do you keep 1 to 4 guns from getting stolen (since you can't CCW one or two of them)?

Also, I have always been curious about the scheduling of this match at basically the start of the shooting season for a lot of people. Why not in September or October so people get a full shooting season in to improve?

Are the gnats that bad? How about after the first frost?

Edited by Chills1994
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Revolver is hardly a huge division at the moment; There are two options to move forward, either ignore it or promote it. The idea of a dedicated Revolver Nationals has been floated for a long time, and now its going to be a reality. The schedule will not suit everyone, but its the first pass at this so there will be a learning curve. If there is to be a second Revolver Nationals then we need to get behind this and make it work in 2013.

I've covered (but not shot) the SS Nationals the past two years, to stay behind another day to cover the Revolver Nationals means taking Mon/Tue off as well for travel time and recuperation afterwards. I'm prepared to do that (assuming USPSA wants me to do the coverage in 2013) to give some coverage to the wheel-gunners to help grow the sport.

If you can't get into the SS match then just do the Revolver portion then arrive a day early to watch some of the best shooters in the country battle it out with 1911's.

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