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Things I hate, and shot


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I stole the topic idea from Flexmoney.  Thanks Flex.  I really deeply hated my motherboard.  It was an old Biostar MB8500TEC and it just wouldn't take a bios update (and it wasn't working right) so I took out into the desert and attempted to blow it to bits with my Springfield .45.  It was a total let down.  The board just sat there mutely growing perfect little holes where the lead went through.  No chunks flew off.  Nothing.  It made me hate it even more.

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I had the pleasure of blasting a small snowman this winter with a 10mm. I derived a good deal of pleasure from this (it does not snow very often in Atlanta). It blasted pretty well. First, I took off its head, then its arms and finally the body. Worked off some snow hate...

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Ok funny story...back when I first started shooting, I was out with a buddy practicing. Nearby, we found a couple of jugs of water left over from a fun shoot. My friend at the time was shooting a single stack commander with a Clark comp.... .45 of course. So being a big .45 fan he decided to show me and my Glock 17 what power factor was all about. At about 10 yds he shot one jug, which gave a bit of a splash cracked open a bit and fell forward...looked fairly impressive...Now he said, it was my turn. So I loaded my Glock, lined up the sights and blew the remaining jug all over the back stop....When I turned around, his jaw was on the ground, he could not believe what my wimpy little 9mm had done...it was then that I introduced him to the Glaser Safety Slug....Ok so I cheated a bit, but it was worth it to baffle a big bore fan for a bit.


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Never underestimate the little bullets.  Speaking of little bullets I have another story.  My boss was laid off during one of those Monday morning massacres that happen around tech companies lately and he had a bit of anger to work out.  I gathered up his company awards which are acrylic cubes measuring 4" per side.  We sat one of these babies about 20 yards down range and shot it with an AR15.  This was a very bad thing to do.  It literally exploded in a starburst pattern that had to be 15 yards in every direction with large chunks flying everywhere.  We all just gaped stupidly at the spot where the cube used to be then checked ourselves for shrapnel.  Fortunately we were unharmed.  I deeply respect little, fast bullets.

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This was something my friend shot one night..... I'm embaressed just relating this story.

It was one of those pre-match nights, and @ 3 or 4 of  had been working on practicing draws and dry fires until we were pretty bleary eyed. My buddy (R.S.) had a P14 and a safety mag he had been practicing his reloads with.....  about a foot from where he had a fully loaded mag (he had also been trying to work on a feeding issue early that night). All night long he had been drawing, taking aim on this REALLY ugly lamp in the corner of the room and dry firing - he made the comment more than once he  really hated that lamp :)

Well you can see where this is going......  R.S. "finished" practice, and started putting his gear away. At the last second, he picked up his gun , racked it and holstered saying "beep me" for one last supersonic draw; my other buddy hit the timer - BEEEP, R.S. drew, and pulled the trigger .. BOOOM!    Lights out! The lamp was in about 5 pieces. Dead Center hit, fluke (for him) sub 1 second draw (we had the timer, remember?). R.S. was in shock - the look on his face was unforgetable. He never can remember how he got the loaded mag in his gun. VERY BAD.  

Not a good example of gun handling, and any A.D. is bad.... but after the shock wore off, and we all relalized no one had any holes in them they didn't already have, it was one of those moments that you'll never forget. Luckily it turn out to be humorous moment, not a bad one.

And as the gun handling rules state, don't ever let your muzzle cover anything you're not willing to destroy..... evidently R.S. didn't have any qualms about destroying that lamp.  Try having the nickname "Lamp Master".

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A couple years ago gophers were really abundant and had been ravaging the ground at the Sportsmans Club.

It was our IDPA match day and I was the primary RO in our squad. We had a couple of whiner types that I was fed up with that day so I asked another shooter to take over so I could take a little break. I had said little to the whiners but my friends all felt the frustration level. Well They continued the stage as I walked uprange to where the President of the Sportsman Club and our IDPA clubs President stood talking. As we stood there a gopher poked his head up through yet ANOTHER hole in our range about 10 yards away in a safe direction from us. Both club Presidents asked me to shoot the gopher so in one motion I loaded, aimed and fired killing the gopher with a shot to the neck.

Back on the stage everyone freaked at the unannounced shot I had fired and turned in time to see the club President hold the gopher up by the tail

After I returned to the squad the whining ceased


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A long while ago, some folks in the Microsoft Gun Club decided to test the ballistic resistance of the lucite 'Ship-It' awards they used to give out prodigiously.  Some kindred soul sent me the results and the 1" thick chunks of plastic did OK against pistol fire.  Rifles and SG slugs weren't fazed,  but supposedly there was still a large increase in award interest by the folks "on the sharp end of the customer relationship".

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[Thread Drift Mode ON]

One of the funny stories I heard about the Microsoft Shooting Team is that they had team shirts with their name and logo on the front.  Underneath the logo in small print it read:  "Point and Click Technology"


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...actually, they say "the ultimate point-and-click interface"  ;-)

The *really* cool [Microsoft gun club] shirts haven't been printed in a few years, though.  On the front, the nice logo, with the little "point and click" line.  

On the back, a nice photo of a race gun laying on top of a pile of software CDs, with a tag-line across the bottom that says "how did you *think* the holes got in them?"


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By the way (attempting to undo the thread drift, at least a little).

Shooting "stuff" out in the desert is what got me into guns.  Went camping with a couple of buddies, and (at that point) had never been in proximity to a gun - I grew up in a very anti-gun family, and was trained to believe that guns actually do jump off shelves and kill babies all by themselves.

Well, so, we're out there camping, and these guys go off into a canyon to shoot stuff, and I politely decline, not wanting to be anywhere near such awful things.  But after a while, started hearing some interesting sounds.  Bang...whoooompf!  Had to go see what that was about.

Turns out it was the sounds of a can of hairspray exploding.  They'd put a small thing of kerosene downrange, light it, put a can of hairspray next to it, step back maybe 25 yards, and plink away.  When they got it, it made a very satisfying little fireball.  Well, needless to say, I *had* to try that.  

That was 15 years, and maybe 100,000 rounds ago.  My family is *still* not amused  ;-)


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The Propane Shoot involves a large number of out of date and leaky propane cylinders, up to the size suitable for a house, and a machinegun.  Lots of flames.  To add excitement, Richard Davis would scatter cans of gasoline, sticks of dynamite and anything else that would burn or explode downrange.

Two incidents stick in my memory.  The second year, we're on the Propane firing platform (400 yards uphill) and the weather sucks.  Cold, drizzly, no wind.  Richard loads up his FN-MAG-58 and hoses the tanks.  Doesn't ignite anything, but nicks one of the tanks, which begins to leak.  He unloads the '58 and loads up his 50 cal with a mixed belt of tracer, incindiary, spotter and ball.  Meanwhile the nicked tank has outgassed, and the range area is shrouded in a propane fog.  The third or forth round down into the fog of propane ignites something, which sets off all the dynamite and gasoline, and a moment later, ingnites all the other propane tanks in the explosion.  The heat and shock fromt he fireball almost knock us off the platform.  A moment later, someone in the crowd shouts out "Cool!  Do that again!"

Another time, Richard brings one of the dealers and the dealers girlfriend out to do some shooting on the back Range.  They run a couple of propane tanks downrange, but since we're firing on the back range at this time, and it had just rained, they can only get the tanks 50 yards out.  The girlfriend starts with a burst from the .50, and nicks a tank on the end.  The pressure jet starts the tank spinning, with flames jetting out.  Spinning towards us!  Richard body blocks her off the gun, and hammers it with a burst, but nicks the other tank in the exact same way, and it begins spinning.  He has to hammer that one into submission as well.  Me, I'm standign ont he steps leading up to the MG platform, trying to decide which way to dive for cover if either of the spinning tanks makes it to us.

I shoot explosive or flammable stuff from a respectable distance, thank you.

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My first series organic chemistry book.  I took this class years ago and hated it so much I kept the book for years planning its demise. Once I learned about the bill drill I knew I'd found the answer. I ran bill drills on each of its 532 pages. Heh, that class finally paid off. I got my bill drills consistantly under 2 secs :-)

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Patrick, that sounded like a party!

"..The third or forth round down into the fog of propane ignites something, which sets off all the dynamite and gasoline, and a moment later, ingnites all the other propane tanks in the explosion.  The heat and shock fromt he fireball almost knock us off the platform.  A moment later, someone in the crowd shouts out "Cool!  Do that again!"


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  • 4 months later...
  • 8 years later...

My Calc III book from college. I was picturing the instructor's head at the time.

I shot it with a .357 mag but the holes were too small. I ended up using a .50 cal muzzle loader. That did the trick. :devil:

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  • 2 weeks later...

One Frozen January 1st, a couple of us had the idea of celebrating the new year by waking up the neighbors with .50BMG rifle fire........On Frozen Bowling Balls since they are very nefarious and bring their henchmen known as Bowling Pins with them. 10 phone calls on the way out to the range and we had 3 different .50BMG's and 25 people come out to the range. A 720 grain V-Max bullet hitting a frozen fiberglass bowling ball at 100 yards will actually send pieces of the ball back up range a good 40-50 yards. We have pictures and videos of the event (Carl Provan has them on his laptop). We were allways going to do it again but never got around to it. Hmmm...........maybe a new event at a Armor Express/Second Chance reunion match? Wouldn't that be fun?

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I had a portable B & W TV with me working outdoors one day (trying to get some work done but still see what was to me an important football game). The picture would disappear and the sound would shut off for no apparent reason..... I'd get up from my hands and knees and walk over to the set. The moment I got within 4 or 5 feet from the set the picture & sound would come would come back on. So I'd go back to the spot in the garden I was working and get back on my knees.

About 6 seconds after I got down on all fours the damn TV would turn off again.

I did this about 6 or 8 times...... Finally when the set went out.... I drew my J frame pocket revolver and walked over to the set. I stood there for about 10 seconds.... and the damn thing came back on.

That was the last straw and I dumped 5 semi-wad cutters in that set in just a matter of seconds.

My wife ran into the yard and asked what happened. I told her our portable TV committed suicide.

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