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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Most of the wear to the strain screw tip can be avoided by not cranking them in and out constantly. Set 'em, loctite 'em, and leave 'em alone!
  2. DON'T lube the chambers. That will only exacerbate the stickiness and create abnormal pressures.
  3. "Everybody's talking at me.....I don't hear a word they're saying.....only the echoes of my mind....." (Lose the spurs, Hoss.)
  4. Mine was the same way. It's the extractor--take it out and mildly relieve the star with a dremel tool.
  5. That's a virtual dead heat, isn't it? Obviously, that only applies at this particular match, where there was an obvious effort to bring the two platforms closer to parity. But it shows that with good stage design, that goal can be accomplished if desired.
  6. Nice open set-up. The C-More and sideways mount is tough to beat.
  7. OK folks, the registration link is active. This match will definitely be one of the better revolver matches of the 2015 season, for an entry fee of only $60! The ICORE Regional on Saturday and the USPSA bonus match on Sunday are a definite go--the Friday steel match is still tentative at this time, but I'm working on making it happen. Stay tuned on that. http://www.ankenyikes.org/threads/2015-icore-midwest-regional-revolver-championship-open-registration.449/
  8. I must have missed the survey that showed that the majority of the 100ish shooters at Nationals dislike 8 shot guns and are only shooting them to be competitive. Strangely enough, everyone I know has more fun shooting 8 shot minor, even the 6 shot diehards who finally tried it out of curiosity. It is not a question of dislike, in order to win you must shoot and 8 shot gun. It is not a level playing field period.I would also like to point out to those people who were accusing Jerry of being the driving force behind this 8 shot minor rules change, that he has not shot a major revolver match since the change. If the 8 shot minor was to increase revolver participation at major matches has it succeeded? If going by the nationals numbers no. 2013 First stand alone revolver match(no 8 shot minor) 119 participants 2014 Second stand alone revolver match(8 shot minor) 113 participants 2015 Third stand alone revolver match(8 shot minor) 106 participants If it was to increase it at the local level has it done that? Based on classifier scores 3% or so, http://uspsa.org/doc...nualReport.pdf If you look closely at the stages from 2015 Nats you will notice they were designed to make 6-shot major an entirely viable option. Most of my "empty" moon clips still have 2 live rounds in them.
  9. I think it's possible that our next president could decide to hold Revo Nats (probably with SS Nats) at different venues in future years. I think it's also possible that the 1911 Society guys could hold a back-to-back major match in Barry regardless of what USPSA decides to do. I think it would be great to have multiple major Revo matches in different parts of the country every year. (Sam bringing back the Memphis match is a great start!) To be taken seriously, these would need to be major events, with real sponsor support and real prizes on the line.
  10. I have never been a big fan of trigger stops for DA shooting. I don't want the trigger hitting the stop while the bullet is still in the barrel.
  11. The peening/skipping problem is almost exclusively an issue with stainless steel cylinders.
  12. To at least some extent, the peening problems can be prevented by handling the gun more gently. Over the years I have noticed that several of my friends who have gone through multiple cylinders happen to be the same guys who SLAM the cylinder shut really aggressively with a flat palm. Listen to Jerry on this--he says there is no reason to slam the gun open and shut, and nobody reloads faster than Jerry.
  13. Just for the record--most 627s shoot perfectly fine with 38 short colts.
  14. Dean, remember that time you, Steve Thornton, Cliff, and I were having dinner in Morro Bay and Jack LaLanne stopped by our table and said, "Look at this bunch of sex gods!"--remember that?
  15. I just had my friend's 929 opened up last weekend, and I thought it was nice and smooth inside, and well-fitted. I only shot factory ammo through it, but moonclips dropped right in and extracted fine.
  16. Be careful getting too aggressive--remember the cylinder is turned by the hand pushing on the extractor ratchet lugs. You can goof up the timing if you take away too much of the engagement between the cylinder and the extractor star points. No need to get carried away with it. My own competition guns have substantially less chamfer than what is shown in some of the photos here.
  17. There is a school of thought that if you can hide a speeddloader, you can probably hide another snub just about as easily!
  18. Mine are all around 6 to 6.5. (It's pretty hard to accurately measure a DA pull, though.)
  19. I always chamfer Ti cylinders with my dremel and a conical stone. Throws bluish-white sparks and makes a funny smell, but it cuts the Ti just fine.
  20. Sanded, dremeled and tweaked? Damn, I might just get back in business doing action tuning on moonclips!
  21. Sights suck on stainless fixed-sight S&Ws. Find a blue one, unless you want to run around with a carbide lamp.
  22. I'm just glad I stuck with my 627s, and didn't get caught up in the frenzy. All this hassle just to shoot 9mm? Pass.
  23. If they are reintroducing something, it should be a British Bulldog. With modern metallurgy, they should be able to chamber it in .45 ACP. That would be a great little beast of a pocket gun. Nice catch on the 100-year Model, mcb!
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