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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Not to sound critical, but it looks like the point of aim is 4" above the bore line on that thing! Personally, I would rather have the lowest scope possible, which I suspect would be a sideways mounted C-More.
  2. Is there a finish reamer commercially available for 9mm revolver chamber? Just wondering.....
  3. Here you go, Chris: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=187983&page=2
  4. I agree. And I think it's very possible to design good, fun, challenging stages that can be shot equally well with a 8-shot or a 6-shot gun, without creating a robotic obedience to nothing but 6-shot paper arrays (5 shots on steel). At our Midwest Regional last year, I managed to put together some good field courses that didn't screw the 6-shot guys, but still left some options. That said, I must admit there was one stage where I screwed up and left one target available from a second location where it allowed the 8-shot guys to avoid running 6-8 steps to finish the course of fire. That was a mistake I should have caught and corrected during the pre-match de-bugging process. It does take effort to honor the spirit of 6-shot neutral while preserving some freestyle aspect. But it can be done.
  5. We are planning to host the 2015 Midwest Regional Championship at the Ankeny Ikes range near Elkhart (near Des Moines), Iowa the weekend of OCTOBER 9-11, 2015. This has been approved by the match series director but is not yet on the ICORE website calendar. The match format has not yet been finalized, but right now we are looking at running an epic THREE DAYS OF REVOLVER event, with a rimfire steel match on Friday October 9, the ICORE Midwest Regional on Saturday October 10, and a USPSA event on Sunday October 11. We may include a special bonus match for 625/610s only--note this is still in the discussion phase at this time. Mark your calendars now. There is no doubt this will be one of the key revolver events during the 2015 shooting season. Those of you who have attended our special revolver matches in Iowa over the years will attest to the fact that we always have fun and put on a good show!
  6. Blechh!!! (Reminds me of a frisky chick Jay Tappe's age.)
  7. Quick pro tip #2: If you think you need a longer hammer nose, simply remove the stock hammer nose, grind down the hammer face slightly, then replace the stock hammer nose. Voila.
  8. Quick pro tip: The hardened pointed tip of the Brownell's vice-grip-style 1911 plunger tube staking tool works perfectly to expand S&W hammer nose rivets. A quick squeeze from both sides makes a perfect crimp!
  9. I shoot revolvers with the distal joint of my index finger, and for that reason I prefer smooth narrow triggers. I am probably with the majority on this. But keep in mind there are some excellent revolver shooters, including Miculek, who contact the trigger with the pad. Those shooters generally prefer serrated triggers. My point: There is no one "correct" way to do it. In the action shooting sports, the goal is to pull and reset the trigger quickly without unreasonably disturbing the sight picture. If you can achieve that task, the means are sorta irrelevant.
  10. I shoot a lot of SS and Prod, and enjoy them equally.
  11. If you stoned the single action cocking notch on the hammer, you are going to have trouble. That is the one spot to avoid stoning.
  12. Can somebody describe how to delete PMs using the mobile app? My in-box is full, and I can't find the delete button.
  13. The only question that really matters to me is this: Will a rule change, or a new division, truly add more competitors to the ICORE game? If so, I would probably favor it. But I am not yet convinced.
  14. Could somebody please provide me with the name and address of the FFL dealer who handled the prize gun transfers this year? Thanks.
  15. Bill might have played it wrong with all the discussion about making the match "8-round hostile" and all that stuff.
  16. Agreed. It wasn't Memphis that made it special, nor was it the charity aspect. It was Sam Keen's effort in organizing and building those matches. Time for some other folks to step up! It would be great to have a series of similar Revo-only matches around the country.
  17. MCCs were great matches, and attracted 60+ shooters, but the 3-day Nats never drew those numbers. You take it to a 3-day format and the number of people willing to commit to attending seems to drop off sharply. I have mixed feelings about the current Nationals. And I agree that a single-day match is not the same as a multi-day championship. But the numbers are there, and it's hard to argue with the fact that we jumped from 17 to 115 shooters. It may have saved Revo as a distinct division. Many people don't understand how precarious things had become in USPSA Revo. Many people in power would have been content to let us become extinct.
  18. I would personally like that too, Jon. But realistically, it's probably not viable. We would get the 17 hardcore wheelgunners who shot the last 3-day revolver nationals (in Vegas) and maybe a few more because it would be a stand-alone event. In order to attract a larger mix of shooters, including the international revolver guys and the GMs from other divisions who don't normally shoot revolver, somebody would need to put up real money and prizes like the Bianchi Cup, or the 3GN stuff that is all the craze right now. What if the USPSA National Revolver Champion were awarded $20,000, with appropriately scaled prize money for the top five or ten finishers, plus a meaningful prize table for everybody else? Jerry would be back. Rob would be there, too. Ricky and Sascha would fly in. Bjorn and Nils would dust off their wheels again. And Matt would actually practice. Nobody in the revolver community would willingly miss a big event like that. But it's just not going to happen the way things are currently structured, where we mostly shoot for plaques and door prizes and charity kudos. What we are doing now does not encourage real high-level competition. I think it is inconsistent to recall the Memphis Charity Challenge, which drew in the hundreds as a stand alone event , and say that a stand alone match at the same venue and time would draw only 20 shooters if it was called the Revolver Nationals. That makes no sense to me.What also doesn't make sense to me is to travel to, for me, a remote destination to shoot a one day match on a limited course that some, but not all, competitors had the opportunity to run the two days prior and call that the revolver national championship. We can agree to disagree There just aren't that many people who are interested in shooting a 3-day Revo Nats. We know that from past experience in Vegas, Tulsa, and Barry.
  19. I would personally like that too, Jon. But realistically, it's probably not viable. We would get the 17 hardcore wheelgunners who shot the last 3-day revolver nationals (in Vegas) and maybe a few more because it would be a stand-alone event. In order to attract a larger mix of shooters, including the international revolver guys and the GMs from other divisions who don't normally shoot revolver, somebody would need to put up real money and prizes like the Bianchi Cup, or the 3GN stuff that is all the craze right now. What if the USPSA National Revolver Champion were awarded $20,000, with appropriately scaled prize money for the top five or ten finishers, plus a meaningful prize table for everybody else? Jerry would be back. Rob would be there, too. Ricky and Sascha would fly in. Bjorn and Nils would dust off their wheels again. And Matt would actually practice. Nobody in the revolver community would willingly miss a big event like that. But it's just not going to happen the way things are currently structured, where we mostly shoot for plaques and door prizes and charity kudos. What we are doing now does not encourage real high-level competition.
  20. If you're not having notch peening problems with the stock cylinder, spend your money on primers instead!
  21. Yes--and despite how quick and easy the moons pop into your hand, it's almost impossible to lose moons from the NM holder.
  22. Having tried most of the available options at some point along the way, I'm still a big believer in the original North Mountain product. I don't think there is anything quicker or more secure, and the NM is virtually immune to disasters.
  23. You can take out the IL without needing any kind of shim or spacer. Actually, the benefit of the Apex hammer over simply cutting a stock hammer is that Randy designed it to allow the IL to remain functional. This is an issue for those in shooting disciplines which require all factory safety-related mechanisms to remain fully functional.
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