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Acceptable accuracy

Just Thinkin

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depends on the shooter. Some people get pretty anal about the accuracy of their loads. Others, 2 1/2 inches at 10 yards is good enough.

For me, if it groups in the size of a softball in the middle of the A zone at 25 yds off a bench, then it's acceptably accurate enough.

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I prefer a baseball size group at 25 yards, but I would really like a golf ball size group.

Bottom line, if the load allows you to call your shot, then it has "acceptable accuracy"

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Most people try to get their loads to a PF. Most of the time when that is achieved the accuracy is good enough. You could probably work the load to get better accuracy out of it though. With minor there is more room for this. With major your already trying to get a softer load to start with.

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For a Limited gun I'd want to get at least a 2-2.5" group at 25yds with a normal (non-machine) rest. If it'll do that it'll handle anything we do just fine. I like it to be half of that, but we don't normally need 1" at 25yds accuracy in this game. R,

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I like to have enough accuracy so that I KNOW when I miss an alpha it was ME and not the gun! I'm good with a 3-4" group at 25 yds freestyle slow fire. I've learned never to blame my gun! ^_^

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I love the guys who claim 1-2" groups at 25 yds with STEEL sights (dots are the exception)...

The front sight blade is 4-6" "wide" at 25 yards, and I have 15/20 vision...

I'd love to see what my M&P PRO would do past 15 yards for accuracy, but I don't have a dot or laser to fit it...


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I sight all my pistols in at 20 yards.

Off of a sandbag, anything under 1" with a dot is acceptable. Anything under 2" with iron sights off a bag is also acceptable because I honestly can't tell if I'm aiming at the same exact spot each time.

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I love the guys who claim 1-2" groups at 25 yds with STEEL sights (dots are the exception)...

I can shoot 2" at 25yds with iron sights on a good day, or at least I could in college when I was practicing twice a week. And if I can do it, and there are plenty of better shooters than I, it's not so implausible a claim.

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I've seen guys shoot 10 shot 1.5" groups at 50 yards with iron sighted 1911's with my own two eyes. I used to have access to a guy that could do it on demand and had him group the pistols I was building to see what they will really do, really good bullseye shooters are handy LOL. I have to really work at it to shoot 3" at 50 with a gun that will do 1", and there are days that I just cannot get it done.....

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I hacksawed a gun, and it still put 5 into 1.3" at 25 with carry sights. Witnessed by Steel12 even. Anything smaller than 2 at 25 is acceptable for me. I don't shoot at 50, but I need to before Pro-am...

I don't know that I can see well enough at 50 for a 3" group, but I'll make that my goal.

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