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I have. First time I was picked to serve Federal in September. My wife and I had already paid for a trip to Cabo - I luckily got a deferment, then excused (I am the primary breadwinner and I do not get sick or vacation pay). The next year, we moved to another county and sure enough, I got a summons to the County Court, where I just moved from. I was excused from that because I no longer live there. I have a feeling they will contact my new Clerk of Court and I will get another jury summons soon.

I would not mind serving, but I would loose too much money by being out of work the amount of time they require..

Edited by prreed10
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In North Carolina, they send them out with a Juror Number. You call in on Sunday and the recording will say "Jurors A to B are excused. Jurors B to C are delayed until Tuesday. Jurors C to D will report on Monday morning." My wife always get a Juror Number above 300 and gets excused. I always get a Juror Number under 50! But the lawyers always want me off the jury for some reason!

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Twice in two years. Nothing for the 20+ years before that. I have to admit, they make it as painless as possible here in Albuquerque. Call the "pool" number the night before. If you are called in for possible jury selection the paid parking is within 100 yards of the courthouse. Would be nice if they would pick me up at home and feed me breakfast before I went but...



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"Sir can you keep an open mind about this case"

"Absolutely! Now git things going and bring in the guilty *****!"



In Florida they do not send the jury duty notices certified mail. If you get one down here you just don't show up. There is nothing they can do because they have no proof of reciept.

True, but I work internationally, and have to delay it quite often, and have had some rather unfriendly exchanges with the clerk of court in the past

But the lawyers always want me off the jury for some reason!

Same here, imagine that

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if you have a shirt from the ironman match, just wear it-you'll get excused 4 sure.

maybe I could borrow a SOF shirt? That should do it! :rolleyes:

Let me make something clear: I am not just talking getting called in for Jury Duty, I am talking being assigned to a case two times in a row! last one was criminal, this one is civil.

The process here is easy: you check a web page for a ~week and if you don't get get called, you are free. If you have to go in they have a 1-day, 1-trial. If you go in and you don't get picked, you are free at Miller Time. If you get picked, you may wind up sitting next to me.

Oh well,


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Twice in th elast three years.

Last time got two trials. First one settled in 2 days, one day off and back for another. Also settled in side 2 days. Prosecutor won by a landslide in both. He had a good week because of us.

If you think it's bad being on a jury consider the convicted........................................... sorry only joking :roflol:

Edited by gm iprod
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Best jury duty excuse t-shirt was one that featured a picture of the electric chair with the words "Regular or extra crispy?" under it.

Guy never made it into the box.

See ya and thanks for coming!


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Last December I got Jury summons for Federal Court. I filled out the appropriate paper work and sent it back. Two days later, I got notice of jury duty for the local curcuit court. I called the county, and they said the Feds would throw me in jail if I did not show, and they were not so strict so they excused me. Two weeks later, the Feds said that all the cases had plead out, or were deferred, so I did not have to go.

Including those two sommons, I have had 5 in the last 6 years. Been the foreman for a fed drug case (convicted) and for a local Liability case (not guilty).

I like it most of the time.


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My county seems to like sending me stuff back to back. Every time I go, I almost always get another summons less than a year later. Since my state only requires you to go once every 3 years, I wonder how bad their bookkeeping is.

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When I was single, I always seemed to get seated on the jury. Now that I am married, I have not been seated once. Worse was the rape case I sat as the Jury Foreman for. I knew exactly what the vote would be when we walked in the Jury Room. Telling the Judge the jury was hung was a lot of fun too.

Personally, I think Jury's should be able to find "Not Guilty and the Prosecuter gets 30 days", as some of the cases I sat thru were so paper thin or down right unwinnable it was a waste of money.

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Luckily for me I am exempt..

That would not fly in my county. Yes, I am a police officer and I was called for jury duty and the only reason that I was let off was because I was on the witness list.

Our Judge doesn't care what your job is, if you can be open minded you are good to go.

Rick Dahly

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I bit the bullet a few months back and served on day long trial. My hope/plan is I'll get a pass or two over the next year plus but...

I just got tired of the summonses every six months. Seem like the more I got out of jury duty the more requests I got.


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Here in our area of Rverside County (CA) with the non-resident population and all, it is not uncommon to get a summons annually. I just got my yearly summons Friday.``I would say cheer up, but you know it is what it is. :mellow:

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My biz partner sat on a jury two week ago. I went this Mon. for selection. I was selcted for the panel which was basically a lottery but not selected for the jury.

I took my 6 bucks and bought lunch on the way back to my office. My first time ever. Wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. Actually thought it would be interesting to be selected but i really didn't want to sit there all day for a couple of days. Regardless i was 100% honest and there to do my civil duty, ready to serve.

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