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Friday Flame War!!!!


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I hate shooters, or RO's, who live to find fault with other shooters. It gets so bad with some of them that I won't even go onto the stage if I see them there. And I am not talking about my shooting they find fault with I am talking about EVERYBODY that they see. They always have a snide comment and a crappy attitude. Take that crap to little league where it belongs and leave the rest of us ALONE!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:


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I hated driving 120 miles a day to get to work. I hated the unhealthy air quality in the big city. I hated the big corporation attitude. I hated it enough that last week I quit my new job (4 months) and got a job that is 20 miles from home and for a family owned business.

I hate that after a week off I have to go back to work on Tuesday.


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I hate that I have to miss nationals this year after earning my slot.

I hate that my wife has been out of work for the past 8 weeks.

I hate that we have to worry about money so much in our lifetime.

I hate that it is 75 degrees, partly cloudy, my guns and ammo are in truck and am stuck in the office for another six hours.

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I hate a Kissass, person.

I hate someone who doesn't have the strength of character to say what they mean and mean what they say, all based on their own conviction, and then waffle when asked to explain what they mean.

I hate having to build and pay for 3 new sports stadiums, with bond money.

I hate the pro sports salaries.

I hate it when people just want to talk about fixing the problem instead of taking action to remedy the problem.

I hate biased news reporting.

I hate celebrities/politicians who exploit every photo opp.

I hate having to visit someone you love in the hospital.

I hate that we the public have let the politicians make it nearly impossible to remove them from office quickly and easily if they don't do their job.

I hate that the US doesn't tell Iraq that if they don't cease hostilities ASAP toward our troops, we will leave the next day, and give Sadam 25 million to come back.

I hate that we are still trying to be the World's Policeman.

I hate that we can't/won't see that we can't fix the problem in the Middle East, and stay the hell out of it.

Glad I could get this out instead of seeing a therapist.

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My only chronic little 'hate' for the moment is:

The local indoor range owners have taken to closing down the range on all holiday weekends now. Like, isn't a holiday weekend a good time to go and shoot, for cryin' out loud??!! Not all of us can just scoot over there conveniently on a weekday, you know. Not even ME who does occasionally have weekday time to spare... but which often gets used up doing OTHER mundane things like taking photos of rich people's houses for low wages.


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I hate having two 3-day classes when the coolest day was 91 in the shade (of course we were in the sun!) and very humid.

I hate allergies.

I hate being stupid enough to choose to not wear sunscreen on the last thinking I didn't need it anymore.

I hate brass burns. I hate that when you're sweaty, hot .223 brass sticks to your skin like white on rice.

I hate that I probably won't get to do it again until next year! :P

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I hate people who piss and moan at every avalible oppertunity, but i like these friday things, even though this is the first time I've thought that. Keep it up. :P

all right I have a couple to get off my chest.

I hate stubing my toe.

I hate that some ass left a shopping cart on my front lawn. :angry:

Edited by davecutts
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I started out today in a damn good mood. I am now in a very bad mood. Not because something hugely bad happened but rather a bunch of petty crap.

First my wead eater crapped out on me for the 20th time.( RYOBI SUCKS!!!!!!!!!)

Next after I bought a new weedeater I get stung IN THE EAR by a bee.

THen I go to get my jeep checked for emmision and it fails because there is no rubber between the tailpipe and the mounting bracket(It is not like the talipipe connects to a metal engine block)

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I hate that this isn't a 4 day weekend. ;)

I hate that the air is so full of smoke from forest fires and field burning that I am developing asthma because of it.

I hate that this same smoke is obscuring the views of mars and I have to wait a gazillion years and many lifetimes before this will happen again...come on reincarnation!

I hate the bastards that wrote Blaster, SoBig, etc. May they burn in the firey pits of hell for all eternity.

I hate that they probably won't change the name of this script kiddie they caught that wrote the LoveSan virus to "Ben Dover" and send him to a prison for 20 to life to be responsible for picking up all the soap dropped in the shower. They will probably just slap his hands and tell him to not do it again.

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Gotta agree with kimel on the forest-fire-fallout over HERE, TOO!!! Cripes! my sinuses are on red-alert and I can't see across the blinkin' street!!! Aerial photos...?! Ha! Not THIS wretched weekend!!! :angry:

I think I'll go be a fortune-cookie writer. <_<

My reloaded ammo worked splendidly today, however. B)

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I hate the bastards that wrote Blaster, SoBig, etc. May they burn in the firey pits of hell for all eternity.

I hate that they probably won't change the name of this script kiddie they caught that wrote the LoveSan virus to "Ben Dover" and send him to a prison for 20 to life to be responsible for picking up all the soap dropped in the shower. They will probably just slap his hands and tell him to not do it again.

Fear not, if I ever get my hands on that SOB, there's gonna be a pair of 'nads in a mason jar on my desk. I lost over 6 hours of my life because of that prick and I will have my vengeance.

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I love that they caught one on the little bastard over the Blaster virus.

He is going to hate having his rear resized by Bubba in the big house. I love that thought.

I hate kids birthday parties. My house will be filled by a dozen squeaking 8 year old girls. But I will hide in the gun room and make ammo until the pain goes away. I have the flu and I am a grouch.

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Actually, Richard, the little bastard is only under "house arrest".....he's facing 10 years in the can, but they'll probably work some stupid plea bargain, which will end with the US Government hiring him to be a Internet Crime Consultant and pay him a big-ass salary to jerk off all day long. And I REALLY hate that!!!!

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I hate the fact that the rest of the country calls $1.75/gallon high priced gasoline while I just drove by a 1/2 dozen stations here in the San Francisco Bay Area that offered low test unleaded @ $2.35/gallon.

Remember the movie Network.

Everyone needs to open up a (browser) window & type in "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore."


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george, welcome to my world, we've been pay close to that for nearly 2 years. right now reg. unleaded is 2.37, super is at 2.59 a gallon. :angry:

and the bitch is I live on maui, the big island of hawaii, which is 100 miles farther from the refinerey is 10 less a gallon, wth.

oh yea, also there's a hurricane that coming our way, it suppose to pass 60 miles south of the state, but the weather forcaster haven't got anything right this year.

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george, welcome to my world, we've been pay close to that for nearly 2 years

Sympathy is definitely in order here. But look on the bright side, at least you don't have to drive 200 plus miles just to get out of the urban clutter of the big cities. Heck, the round trip to my local range is 85 miles in some of the most gridlocked traffic in these parts.

I am also envious of the natural scenery you have over there in tropical paradise (can you say bikini's & sunsuits).

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