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Simpson found guilty


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O.J.'s been living the leisure life for too long if he really did kill his ex and her boyfriend. But that's another story.

At least this time they were able to have an honest trial and find him guilty of all crimes commited. He may get from 15 years to life. Probably won't get that much but I'm glad they at least say he is guilty.

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With the evidence as presented at his murder trial, they really couldn't find him guilty, imho. This time they had a good case and presented it well.

That being said, I can't help feeling... not sad, but disgusted, I guess... at watching someone self-destruct.

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It's nice to see that there is still some justice in the world. He was found guilty in this instance and will now have to pay the piper. It will be interesting to see what length of sentence he receives and where he gets to do his time.

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He won't get out on bail and faces a minimum of two years behind bars. I am curious as to where they are going to make him serve time. I'm thinking less Martha Stewart Country Club "detention facility" and more Charlie Manson "I'll be selling your ass for a pack of smokes" dungeon.

Assuming of course the conviction does not get overturned on appeal.

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He won't get out on bail and faces a minimum of two years behind bars. I am curious as to where they are going to make him serve time. I'm thinking less Martha Stewart Country Club "detention facility" and more Charlie Manson "I'll be selling your ass for a pack of smokes" dungeon.

Assuming of course the conviction does not get overturned on appeal.

I'm thinking it's going to be a Country Club somewhere - too high profile to be left to rot with regular criminals. But then there is the question about the per capita incarceration rate in the US compared to anywhere else , the highest in the world - for another thread, I suppose.

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Well...I see this different than most. Whether he actually did kill is ex or not, he stood his day in court and was found not guilty. Given how unpopular that was, could he ever really get a fair trial ever again? Probably not. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if an appeal comes down with this exact argument, especially given the jury make up in this case.


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Well...I see this different than most. Whether he actually did kill is ex or not, he stood his day in court and was found not guilty. Given how unpopular that was, could he ever really get a fair trial ever again? Probably not. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if an appeal comes down with this exact argument, especially given the jury make up in this case.


Indeed you do view it differently than most...regardless of the makeup of the jury pool in this trial or any possible agenda they might have had...OJ just could not stay under the radar and go about getting on with things...he still thought he had that Heisman/actor persona that would get him out of trouble, regardless of how stupidly he acted..well, the sins of the past have finally caught up with him and now he will finally serve some pennance for the things he skated on with the murder trial...looks like good old fashion justice finally caught up with him...and I am sure he will appeal this till he runs out of $$...that is to be expected, but just as Baretta use to say: If you can't do the time, don't do the crime....

I like this outcome.

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And right on cue, the jurors have come out and said that they had a bias in place. Mistrial/an appeal is eminent.


With his history I doubt there is a man or woman in the US that would be truly unbiased. In this case I would make the argument that no jury pool would not have bias and therefore the verdict should be upheld. The appeal was always going to happen, but I don't think it will be granted, and even if it is, refer to first sentence. :D He's doing time, one can only hope he "falls" a lot while in stir.

Edited by ima45dv8
Edited to remove suggestion of violence against his person
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Regardless of what we think of the first verdict (and without going in to details, I have my own insight on events), he IS entitled to his right to a fair trial from an unbiased jury. I'm sure we would want the same thing for someone (anyone) standing before a judge & jury for anything firearms related. He is due the same.

I agree that there is little chance of ever having an unbiased jury, but that's not his fault. That is ours as a society and again, right or wrong, he is entitled to a fair trial.

And for those that ask if I would feel the same way about anything related to someone comitting a crime against me or a family member...yes I would, 'cause I've been there.


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And right on cue, the jurors have come out and said that they had a bias in place. Mistrial/an appeal is eminent.

What bias? The jurors said that they discounted the witness testimony and relied upon the other evidence, such as the tape recordings.

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Nothing like losing the integrity of our judicial system. Juror questionaires, interviews last week and this week have stated that facts and testimonies provided in this case would almost be immaterial as in their view, the not guilty finding in '96 overrides their decision and that they were looking to make up for that decision.

Again, putting aside what we feel...EVERYONE in this country, that's lawfully here, is entitled to a fair trial by the same Constitution that grants our right to own firearms and defend ourselves.


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