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New Rulebook


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I thought the board was just recently voting on the final final version of the new rules. Haven't heard a peep. It seems pretty clear that we won't be seeing the actual books for a while, but when will the new final final rules be published on the HQ website?

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From the NROI Website

New Rules

The new 2008 Handgun Rules are at the printer and will be posted to the USPSA website after the last area match of the year. This is to ensure there is no confusion regarding which rules are currently in place and accurate.

October 15, 2007

So they should be getting posted in the near future


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I recieved a copy of the new 2008 rule book at RO class. 93 pages, all of the IPSC references are gone, just USPSA. All the units are in US standards, not metric. Seems more straight forward than reading a rule only to get to the part where it says (US 8.7.1 Not Applicable) in 04' version. For those of you who don't know what stong hand only means, there is a more detailed glossary and appendices. I am sure it will be posted any day now.

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I just posted the 2008 rulebook - we had been holding off until the last area championship of 2007.

USPSA had a small pre-production of the new (2008, dark blue cover) rulebook made and distributed to directors and NROI for a final check to make sure we were satisfied with the product before giving the go-ahead for the production run. The "bulk printing" has not yet been completed, so USPSA is not sitting on a vast supply of rulebooks. It is the current plan to have these printed and mailed to members by the January 1, 2008.

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This was on the table at the Nov BOD meeting right? Any word Rob?

The nationals location and date is, under the bylaws, the sole responsibility of the president.

Although the president does brief the board on ongoing negotiations, USPSA does not announce a nationals date/location until there is final contract in place. Once that happens, I do not expect that there will be any delay in notifying the membership.

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There was a PDF on the differences between the old rulebook and the proposed rulebook. With some changes having been made in that proposed book, is there any chance to get a nice summary of changes from the Old Approved Rulebook (14) to the upcoming New Approved Rulebook (15).

Would make it nice to get that out to RO's, CRO's, MD's and the like.

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There is no list.

Just about any gun sans optics, comp or barrel weight is legal in L and L10

The new rules have this wording:

Special conditions:

— Any complete handgun or components with a minimum production of 500

units by a factory and available to the general public.

— A complete handgun may be approved for USPSA Limited Division after

the NROI Manufacturer’s Declaration form stating that a minimum of 500

have been manufactured and available to the general public has been submitted

and NROI has inspected the handgun for compliance.

This seems to imply that there is an approval process and I presumed that there might end up being a list of what's been approved.

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There is no list.

Just about any gun sans optics, comp or barrel weight is legal in L and L10

The new rules have this wording:

Special conditions:

— Any complete handgun or components with a minimum production of 500

units by a factory and available to the general public.

— A complete handgun may be approved for USPSA Limited Division after

the NROI Manufacturer’s Declaration form stating that a minimum of 500

have been manufactured and available to the general public has been submitted

and NROI has inspected the handgun for compliance.

This seems to imply that there is an approval process and I presumed that there might end up being a list of what's been approved.

I believe that line of thnking may have missed the boat.

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I'm really, really looking forward to the "differences" list too ...

"There was a PDF on the differences between the old rulebook and the proposed rulebook. With some changes having been made in that proposed book, is there any chance to get a nice summary of changes from the Old Approved Rulebook (14) to the upcoming New Approved Rulebook (15)."

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From what I remember of those documents USPSA posted one and Linda Chico compiled another (and it was very nicely done, Linda! :wub: ). Considering the number of changes made after these guides were created, I'm not sure they would be of much use without significant revisions.

Link to Linda's version.

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I was intrigued by one item while reading the new rule book: “Long Courses” in Level III or higher matches must not require

more than 32 rounds to complete....

Has there been a great demand for a COF with more than 32 rounds at the local level?

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I was intrigued by one item while reading the new rule book: “Long Courses” in Level III or higher matches must not require

more than 32 rounds to complete....

Has there been a great demand for a COF with more than 32 rounds at the local level?

Shot one last month...grins and giggles and I shoot production. I wouldn't mind seeing more!

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In the 2004 rulebook there was an exception (that was exploited) allowing level 1 matches some variance in the use of free fire zones and round count limitations.

In the 2008 rule book any allowed exception has been limited to the specific rule(s) for level 1 matches.

The reasoning behind the round count greater than 32 (as I understand it) was there were clubs that had a limited number of bays and this allows them to increase the round count for the level 1 match.


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It may be a regional thing, but in this area there is a large demand for courses with more than 32 rounds.

I see lots of big matches w/ 8-10 stages advertising 230-250+ round counts. It's hard to maintain that kind of count AND keep a good balance of short, medium, long courses w/out pushing 32 here or there and people are drawn to the higher round count matches because we're all here to shoot. Those same high round count stages trickle down to local matches. We try not to have too many of them because we don't want anyone to not be able to shoot the stage w/ the mags/moons they have but we have done it on occasion. Someone gets designated to reload the first dropped mag to be handed back to the shooter later in the course when they need it.

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Rob, will it eventually be searchable like the current one?

Actually, it currently IS searchable, I just haven't written in a table of contents yet (I HAVE started on it, though) and cross-linked references to other rules. I'm also cropping the pages down to the avenel marks for improved appearance.

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