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Weelllppp...shot a USPSA match in Revo devision


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Like the title says...I shot in revolver devision with the new 929 this last Sat. Pretty pitiful outcome. I had a buddy videoing me, and watching is even more painful then the shooting was.

I also found that the rear sight just does not work well for me. For whatever reason, I just keep loosing it at speed.

I do know my eyes are crappy, but I got a new prescription about 9 months ago so I don't think that is it. I just think the rear sight on the 929 is just not that great. So I will probably try and find something else to try on it.

We had 26 shooters in the match, and I placed 21st I believe....hard to imagine that anyone with a auto could shoot worse then I did with the wheel gun.

I plan on just keeping on it and hope for some kind of improvement. It was fun, but also a bit aggravating as well. Going from a dedicated limited race gun to the revo is VERY humbling.

Oh....and I was the only revolver shooter at the match.

Edited by BigBamBoo
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Congratulations, the first match is the hardest. Don't try to go fast, make sure you are seeing the sight and in a few matches you will not have any more problems

LPS makes a real nice sight. Cost about $150. You can also get a Weigand blade to replace the one on your sight. Both options are good.

Check out RevolverSupply.com

Edited by AzShooter
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Congrats on your first match!

Keep it up... You will be surprised how much it will help when you switch back to that limited gun!!!

I couldn't agree more. When you can shoot the DA revolver well that race gun will start shooting itself. I've become better on all my other platforms after shooting nothing but REV division this year. Keep at it with the reloads, go only as fast as you can hit the A zone, and remember you only get 8 shots. I had a lot of clicks on my 7th trigger pull when I first switched over.

As for the rear sight, if you can find one the Bowen units are the best out there. The Weigand and Brownell's factory style replacements are a good bet. As mentioned above the LP sights are another option, I haven't seen them in person but they look to be pretty nice.

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LPA fiber optic rear sight is on both my 627's. Makes it very easy to pick up while moving. Don't give up, it will come. And like others said, it makes you a lot better bottom feeder shooter.

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The speed will come from never missing. Its kinda fun to clean a star in 5 shots as fast as you can run a revo.

Practice your reloads. Just like with a bottom feeder, hand speed is what makes the reload fast. You need to watch everything you do during a reload. While you're watching the moon clear the cylinder, your hand needs to get to you moonclip fast. Done right, the moonclip is waiting for the gun to get under it.

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If If I gave you a .38 special and loose ammo, which hand would you use to put the rounds into the cylinder? I feel that's the hand most people feel most comfortable loading moonclips with too.

I switch hands to reload. It has always felt more natural to me to load ammo with my right hand. I only see one way for lefties to run a revo, but it looks faster than what I do.

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Pat, do you recommend a strong hand or weak hand reload? I've been experimenting with both and can't decide which I prefer.

Do the one that works for you. From the people I've asked, their speed is about the same either way, but are more consistent one way than the other.

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I tried weak hand after loading strong hand for years and found it was a wash for the most part but a certain percentage of times I had issues re-acquiring my grip on the SH reload which made the shot to shot time longer because I had to readjust. I noticed Jerry talked about why he likes his grips is because he can squirm them to adjust his grip while shooting and he can't do that with a rubber type grip.

With the WH reload I never have issue with my grip so the WH reload is way more consistent for me so that is what I do now.

Neal in AZ

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Pat, do you recommend a strong hand or weak hand reload? I've been experimenting with both and can't decide which I prefer.

Put your Revo on a table, moon clip next to it and then pick them up and load. That's the most natural and most likely the one you would revert to when things aren't going to plan.

Practice both though. I've used both in matches, on the same day. Some courses lend themselves to one or the other.

Each have a weak point and advantages, both have been used by the top competitors.

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I switched years ago from switching hands to keeping the gun in my strong hand the whole time, and I have never looked back. You can make an argument that switching hands may create the potential for slightly more speed--as Jerry says, you can keep both hands workin' that way.

However, other than raw speed (if you hit it perfectly), there is no other advantage to switching hands. Every other possible edge goes in favor of keeping the gun in the strong hand.

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I have switched to weakhand loading for the eight shot 929 after burning myself on a hot day switching hands with titegroup. I have found that I can open the cylinder and eject as I shift my eyes to the next moonclip on the belt. I draw it as the gun comes to meet my eyes and then insert it while staring at the gun that just showed up at my belt. I am constantly comparing the two and find that until I can make shelf do two three things at once, the swap reload will never be faster for me.

I really believe that it is a more efficient technique and also that the fastest way to operate a revolver may well be left handed with a swap reload. I have not committed to that switch....yet, but I have learned to hold and fire a single action in each hand.

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I have switched to weakhand loading for the eight shot 929 after burning myself on a hot day switching hands with titegroup.

I tape the middle finger on my left hand to keep from burning myself. Just a strip of clear medical tape between the two middle knuckles.

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I practiced a little bit and it seems the only benefit to reloading with the strong hand is if you're forced to reload in a position that would make it hard to keep the cyinder swung out or you need to reload from behind the holster (as is required in IDPA). I think I'm going to practice the weak hand and use it exclusively in my next match.

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HELL yeah. Good on you OP.

I weak hand reload with moons because I use aggressively textured grips on everything. If there are loosies involved I strong hand load, but (1) my 327 won't accept them anymore because of headspacing, and (2) my 625 won't accept them in the first place so it's a non-issue. I dig not having to break grip for my reloads as well.

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I have a different issue; neuropathy of the hands. I tend to hang onto the cylinder too long when I do strong hand and get blisters all over the weak hand. That's also why I changed my competition load to Clays instead of Titegroup; LOTS cooler. I've found that the cheap synthetic golf gloves (leather is too slick for my likes) on both hands work well and now I do all the heavy lifting with the weak hand. At 68 I ain't very fast at anything anymore but I don't blister my hands and can still beat the occasional 12 year old phenom and most of the certified criminally insane. YRMV (^_^)


NRA Life


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