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2005 Kentucky Section(State) Match

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Just got home from the range and it was a great match! Jerry, next time you are short on people let me know ahead of time so I can plan on working the whole match if need be! Had a great time working the last half yesterday and even better time shooting again today for the first time in 11 years! Met alot of great ppl and saw some old folks from before as well. Shot a gun I hadn't shot yet as well and all went fine! And just to let some of you who may be curious know, that value pack 165 gr .40 winchester ammo from Walmart made Major out of my stock barreled Para P16, 171+. And the squad I requested to shoot with....well, that's another story! It was great as well, I picked that 1 because ofthe ppl I knew on it! Looking forward to actually getting classified in Limited now, so I am actually competing within a class, not as unclassified! Anybody shooting any classifiers locally at the Silver Creek Range coming up please let me know! Can't wait till Area 5 so I can shoot another major match!

Thanks folks for the great re-entry to the sport! Now on to 3 Gunning! ;)

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Got to the range around 7:00 on Saturday morning. Was probably a perfect day for shooting with lots of sun and just enough of a breeze as to where it wasn't uncomforatable.

Right around 8:30 we got to our first stage...stage 1.

Stage 1: Radarish 2

18 rounds...basically start on either side, run to the middle, and hose em all down. Targets were spread across from the left to the right of the bay. A few people decided to shoot on the move on the way to the targets, I decided to just sprint and get into position as I didn't think the time savings would be worth the potential number of points to be dropped. Shot 7.07 with 2 C for 5th on the stage...A little slow but a good start to the match.

Stage 2: Big Brown Truck

Interesting stage with a lot of small ports to shoot through...positioning is very important. At the beep got off the chair and shot the first port near perfectly...run to the right side of the truck for the final shooting position. Everything was going great...I was mowing the targets down with great points...I knew I was having a GREAT run on the stage. Apparently the shooting gods deemed that what I was thinking was hubris because as I was on the 2nd to last target I jam up. My first reaction was WTF....I rack the slide...still doesn't go into battery. Dump the mag, reload, rack the slide and it finally worked. Finished the stage with a lot of swearing. Cost a good 3-4 seconds....which is a life time on a 10.7 hit factor (HHF) stage. That little beauty set me back a good 35 match points. Wonderful...here we go again.

After the stage I grabbed my big stick...took it apart (still swearing I might add) to figure out why my most reliable mag was BOHICAing me. Take the guts out and inspect it. Look at the feed lips and find a huge freaking burr on the inside of one. Just wonderful....my only big stick is out of commission for the match on the second stage. I ran over to Dan Bedell who was on the next stage and told him about it and the saint of a man gave me a few of his 170s I could use for the match which worked perfectly. Thanks again Dan!

Stage 3: Close Quarter Standards

Quaint little fixed time stage worth 90 points. I had set this up in practice and knew I could get all the shots off without a problem so I wasn't really worried at all. First string was 2 on 2 targets, reload, and 2 on the head target. No problem. Draw to 4 perfect A's...nail the reload...and CRUNCH the first shot down into the hardcover. I called it so I made the shot up with about a .15 split. Great makeup....unfortunantly this is a virginia count stage. Yeah that was nice watching 10 match points going down the drain for the extra shot. 2nd string got all the shots off no problem with all A's. 3rd string...draw to 4 A's again, reload and go to weakhand..pull the trigger and nothing happens. Why?....oh it's because I managed to knock the safety on when I changed grips...ok no problem I'll just crunch down on the ambi safety and then finish....it ain't budging because a nice chunk of my flesh was wedged up there. End result: A lot of pain...and losing 10 more match points...did I mention the swearing?

Stage 4: Room With A View

Now I'm gettin pissed. I'm last up on this stage...which is one of the only stages in the match which my strengths really played a huge part. Seated table draw...port on the left, port on the right, port in the middle. At the beep take off like a bat out of hell (out running half my mags in the process). Run the stage very fast...but drop about 13 points. First stage win of the day so I know I'm not out of it.

Stage 5: Diefenbach's Cafe

This stage also played big time to my strengths. After shooting the first 10 rounds I was coming into the first window...indexed on the target and mowed through them (2 paper and 1 popper). Once again folks...let me digress. There is a universal truth I wish to relay to you. When the dot is not on the target, and you pull the trigger anyway, you will not hit the target. Yes that is right...about 5 extra shots on a full popper and a mike on a full target 7 yards away. Wasted a good 3 seconds. Anyway...take off after the first window....coming into the second window, actually see the dot, and mow through the final targets with all A's...

Stage 6: Forty Miles Of Bad Road

Very long stage and one of the biggest of the match. I thought the way I had figured to shoot it was the best way....I was very wrong. Hindsight is 20/20 eh? Anyways shot this stage a good 3 seconds off the pace and dropped too many points. If I could reshoot it I would have shot it a totally different way...Lost about 25 match points on this stage because of my crappy planning...Not really much more to say about this one.

Stage 7: Darth Yeker

Had a way I wanted to shoot this stage...but after the debacle that was the previous stage I decided to shoot it the way everyone else was. This plan required taking the first 5 targets strong hand only....then finishing everything up freestyle. Planned on reloading right after the port but changed my mind to do it after the 3 targets in the middle. Shoot the stage. First 5 targets go great...kinda fumble putting the activator in the hole then shoot the 3 targets. After which I grab a mag. While moving to where the next array of targets was I actually look at the mag in my hand and ask WTF am I doing. So then I take these 3 hard cover targets strong hand only while moving. Yes that's right folks I took 16 out of the 30 shots required in this stage strong hand only. I think I may need to go in for a freakin cat scan because that was ridiculous. Ended up still having a great time but I should have been a good second faster.

Stage 8: Quit Moving

Interesting stage with a lot of activators which included a clamshell, dropping no shoot target (covering most of one and revealing another) and a 2 target slider with a no shoot in between. Shot this stage very solid dropping 5 points for my 2nd stage win of the day.

Stage 9: Bleak House

Real fast stage...4 poppers at the beginning then 3 arrays of 2 targets at spitting distance. Come out of the box...take 2 extra shots at one popper and double another, wasting a ton of time. Finish the stage off with 3 down and still one of the best times of the match. Have no clue how my time ended up being good with all the extra shots, but I'll take it.

Stage 10: Save My Baby

Last stage of the match. I know I am pretty much screwed by now so I decide just to shoot the stage and take my aggression out on the fake baby you had to move to activate 2 of the targets...I had serious thoughts of sending the baby over the side berm. Anyways...shoot the stage with a real good time and dropping 4 points for my last stage win of the match.

Final Results (as of shortly ago)

1st Brad Balsley 100%

2nd BJ Norris 99.21%

3rd Jake Di Vita 97.99%

Overall the match was fantastic. Great stages, and a really great staff. I will definetely be back next year. As for my shooting...ugh. ;) I figure I dropped about 100 points in stupid mistakes throughout the match...a good chunk of those was from my death jam on stage 2. I also think I shot a little bit too loose with 92.5% of the possible points....maybe I was pushing too hard...who knows. Back to practice I guess.

One thing I want to mention also. Cameron (from the forums) shot one of his best matches to date...although he had a few melt downs he really stepped up and hit his goal of shooting 75% at the match. Great job bud!

Oh yes...one more thing. Brad Balsley is an exceptional rapper. Just get him going with some Vanilla Ice and you will be laughing for hours. He is the whitest man I have ever met. :lol::lol::lol:

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I enjoyed reading your match report bro - its good that you remember your mistakes, and therefore learn from them. don't get too down on yourself, cuz man - with your determination and hard work you'll be winning matches more than just 1% or 2%

by the way, illustrations would have been nice :D

good job bro - knock em down @ the next one

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Thanks Kevin! When I saw there was only 2 Ladies (Chuck didn't really count!), I left thinking that it wouldn't get awarded. That's what I get for thinking again DOH!

It was good to finally meet some people I've been chatting with, and thanks ya'll for the warm welcome to the Kentucky Family! Needless to say, our lives have been a little hectic lately and it was nice to relax at the range for a day!

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i had a great time at this match. the props were excellent this year with a tremendous amount of detail especially the café. the ro staff was top notch and extremely friendly. i was finally able to meet shooter grrl and a few other be'ers. the weather was perfect for shooting as long as you remembered to put on your sun block because sunny was on the menu. i wish i had shot a little better, there were two stages that sucker punched me and nabbed a bunch of match points.

for all the staff, thanks for putting on a great match.

see you next year

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this was an awesome match@ props were top notch and the staff was great. My hat is off to all that worked this weekend, it takes great help like you guuys to make a match run that good. wish i could have shot it twice!

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Thanks to all the staff that put on a fantastic match! Seems that every visit I make to Sellersburg, the matches continue to get better and better.

Crashed hard on a couple of stages, but I am happy with my overall performance.

Thanks Jake for the honorable mention! Without the help of coach Jake, I would not have done as well as I did.

Congrats to all the division winners, as well as John B placing first D L10, Joe R. for first C Open, and not to mention Dave Mellon (Newbie) for shooting a nice C class score while riding in D class Open!!

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This was a great match. Well run with interesting stages. Lee, Jerry and all the staff did an excellent job.

We had four times the revolver shooters as last year! Congrats to Phil Griggs on a great job winning wheelgun. Redmist 10 and wlktheduk came in and shot a fine match also.

I caught great grief at the chrono as Zookeeper was running at 203 PF, Mrs. Airedale at 180 PF and I made major fully at 165.1! It's time to change that load.

Met many BE members-too many to mention. Visited with Jake DiVita at Big Brown Truck stage. Nice guy and great potential for a revolver shooter :D

Great fun,


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Great match. It was fun, friendly and ran well. I had a great time shooting with a couple World and National Champions and a bunch of first time big match shooters from my club(two won a plaque!!). Wish I had done better in placement, I had a couple big problems but shot the rest of the match ok.

Great job by staff and shooters.

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Had a great time, the stafff was outstanding. Best part was shooting in Jake's and Brad's squad and watching those guy blaze away.....amazing speed and talent. Taped some of Jake and Brad shooting, great to go back and watch......It is amazing to compare my lard butt humping through a stage to how those guys just "glide" into a shooting position......

Managed to pull a plaque out 6th overall L10, 3rd C Class......

Looking forward to the Area 5 in September........

Great job to everyone involved

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Just got in from our yearly Iron Man Match Tour this weekend at 3:30 this morning,

It was great shooting the KY state on Friday and the 2 AR state matches sat and sun, Thanks to all of the match staff at both matches for putting on great matches.

And keeping the rain away!!


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Congrats to Eric Siepp for winning limited A .

What is that SCURVY DAWG doing with an "A" card still. :angry:

Hven't heard from him in a while, how's he doing?

Eric is a regular at our club. He asked me at the last second to go to KY with him, but I got stuck working this weekend. Anyway, we give him as much Sh!t as possible about still being an A class shooter. His son, Kyle, is now a "C" class in L-10, and is progressing nicely. We will all be going out to the IA sectional this weekend, and it looks like Eric will be bringing his (Pun inteneded) "A" game.

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Great match. Thanks to all the staff. BJ & I had a great squad to shoot with. Tom & Cameron, it is always a pleasure to be squadded with you guys. Dave, congrats on a great finish with your new Brazos Pro SX.

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A great match with fun challenging stages and great props. Many people put "ALOT" of work into this match especially Jerry, Lee and John.

THANKS GUYS and GALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a great time with my squad mates, although it was sometimes tiring having to push the bullets from Airdale's "major" loads out of the targets after they got stuck!!!!!! Sorry Dave but I could'nt resist. Although I must utterly respect the way you abuse your better half and get away with it!!! There's definitely something for us married men to learn from this!!!!!

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Did she get those shorts clean after the Chrono stage? hehehe Good thing the wind was blowing while we all watched, literally, those bullets going thru the chrono, otherwise you never would have made that 165.1 PF ! :ph34r: hehehe Looking forward to shooting with you again! You guys are shooting the Area 5 this year, right?


When did you shoot? I was there workin the Dark Veker stage after lunch Saturday. Shot with Airedale and the crew Sunday, great time for my re-introduction to shooting again! Hope to make the 3Gun match in June, we will see what happens.

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Just wanted to add my appreciation to the match staff for a job well done and congratulations as well. The friendly atmosphere and great stages made the drive from Atlanta well worth it. :)

This is our second year coming up and hope bring a few more folks next year.

Thanks again.


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