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Unelected President?


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Both the President and the Executive Director can be held accountable. I don't understand why when something bad happens, people assume it is a system or structure. It is the PEOPLE that make or break any organization. Voting for the President and ADs should be on platform and performance to grow and run the organization, not just their classification.

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Correct. Being a "name" does not mean you can run something. Even if you have yer own business. I know 2 D shooters that have more experience running large, multi faceted, orgs than the last 2 presidents.

Hire someone from 3 gun nation....maybe USPSA will catch up with the times then.

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It's an imperfectly worded poll; the implication is that we hold an elected official more accountable than a hired one. Some counties, for example, elect rather than appoint Sheriffs.

Mostly trying to provoke some discussion/thought on the subject.

Edited by konkapot
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Answers to direct questions-Nope

Executive sessions-Yup

Things handled hush hush-Yup.

Want accountability? Be able to fire any position with a vote of no confidence. Or majority of AD's vote. Like any other board.

Never happen though.

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The problem that I see with our current and past President is that they have chosen to keep their job outside of USPSA. This IMO is a conflict of interest that negatively impacts their performance within the organization. Whether hired or elected, we should have a person who is 100% committed to their position within USPSA, not a part-time President.

Oh and, if we do it, can we also make it term-limited? Otherwise we'll just end up with another lifer like the NROI Director.

Edited by Cy Soto
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Oh. How many presidents have appointed him?

Wonder what quals needed for that? Truly don't know. Not being an ass.

There you go. It's in the bylaws.

16.4 Director of National Range Officer Institute:

The Director of the National Range Officer Institute shall have general and active supervision over all

operations and affairs of the National Range Officer Institute (NROI), shall hold a current NROI Range

Master Instructor (RMI) certification and must be a Life Member. In the event the Director does not hold

RMI certification when selected for office, he shall seek and obtain such certification within twelve

months of that date of selection, failing which he may be terminated by the Board.

Candidates for the position of Director of NROI shall be knowledgeable of practical shooting, principles

and rules, must have experience in National Championship officiating, and must hold the minimum of a

current NROI Range Master certification. The Director shall be selected from a pool of applicants by

majority vote of the Board of Directors and may be removed at any time, with or without cause, only by

the Board of Directors, with a written 30-day notice.

In addition to the other provisions of these bylaws, the Director of NROI shall


Enforce the principles, ideals, rules and guidelines, as set forth by the Board of

Directors and officers of the organization.


attend and participate in Board meetings, but does so without vote,


inform the Board of Directors and the President of all NROI and International Range

Officers Association (IROA) matters affecting the corporation.

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The problem you will run into with a full time CEO will be similar to that of a well known national firearms organization, the CEO will cement himself in that position for life leaving the elected president nothing more than a figure head.

The current system within USPSA is not broken, don't keep fixing it until it is.

Edited by retarmyaviator
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Its a Catch-22.

No one is going to leave a solid paying job to take on a four-year position, especially if that position doesn't pay as well and there is no guarentee of more than four years or work after four year. So you would likely get a retiree if you demanded fulltime.

On the other hand, a full time CEO would need to be strictly limited and with a well laid out recall process. We the shooters are not USPSA employees but its shareholders.

So I am not sure that either would give us anything better than what we have. So I agree that at this point its a matter of electing someone who we each think will do the best job.

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It's an imperfectly worded poll; the implication is that we hold an elected official more accountable than a hired one. Some counties, for example, elect rather than appoint Sheriffs.

Actually, I think MOST Sheriffs are elected, not appointed, and that is a good thing. I think having an appointed leader, (appointed by who?), lessens accountability to the members.

The way it currently is, EVERYONE on the BOD is accountable to the members.

Look at it this way, would you like to only elect your representatives and senators, (your area directors, ie, the BOD), and allow THEM to select the U.S. President?

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Executive Director needs to be a Business Position.

USPSA President has to be there due to a passion for the sport.


I feel we've been very fortunate to have had good men in the tough position of USPSA President. I haven't agreed with all of their decisions by a long shot, but we still have a dynamic, thriving sport. And an election this year isn't it?

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I have known Mike, Phil and Kim for a while now. Personally, I like them. My bona fides are that I am a former manager with one of the largest accounting and consulting firms in the world doing operations improvement and information technology work. I have worked for state and federal government as well as the largest and second largest healthcare companies in the states.

USPSA is one of the most inefficient, parochial organizations I have ever experienced. I beg to differ with the opinion that it is a thriving sport. Membership has grown at a snail's pace. With regards to 3gun, USPSA was slow to embrace it and adapt to its character.

Are things done in a hush just manner, perhaps e.g. the steel challenge purchase, commitments to PASA for a National match.

I am not knocking KIm, she took over an organization from Dave. She has made some changes for the better. It is hard to make incremental changes in an organization that is slow to embrace change. The BOD, President and Executive Director need to map out a mission/vision with strategic initiatives and action plans (re: Porter). This is fundamental.

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My sixth sense tells me that as more and more people wise up to the shenanigans and/or start paying attention and in turn call for more transparency, USPSA will get spun down and a newer version that is specifically for profit will get spun up in its place.

USPSA.org will cease to exist before the classifier HHF's are officially revealed, or how some of them were ever derived...err...divined in the first place.

The past two weeks have been quite entertaining, for me at least. Well worth the $75 I paid for "my" USPSA and steel challenge clubs to renew its dues (charter?) with Sedro back in 2012.

I had a funny feeling back then that at some point things would unravel. Pretty good business model, eh? Pay a select few from money collected on a per capita tax system from local matches and a "secret" classifier system, while relying on volunteer labor to give up both their time and money at the club level.

I am left wondering why more clubs/ranges don't go outlaw??? My club certainly didn't get any discounts on steel targets or props once it became affiliated with USPSA/SC.

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