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Major/minor at nationals

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There's no doubt this match favored the 8-shot, but not as much as everybody is making it sound.

It would seem like a no-brain'r to run an 8-shot at the Revo match following the SS Nats...a match known to be very 8-shot friendly?

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I agree, although reluctantly as usual with Carmoney. How different is this years top 20 from last years? Without looking I'm gonna bet mostly same players in different positions?

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Looks like this will work out well for Smith & Wesson.

They definitely stand to be the big winner. Too bad they have completely botched the 929 roll out.

How so? I haven't heard anything about it.

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Looks like this will work out well for Smith & Wesson.

They definitely stand to be the big winner. Too bad they have completely botched the 929 roll out.

How so? I haven't heard anything about it.

The 929 is unobtanium, while S&W has been busy cranking out the 7-shot 9mm guns, which may very well be the most useless revolver ever made. :angry2:

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No major guns in the Top 20. Looks like capacity rules.

Have any of you guys considered the possibility that it's the Top 20 shooters who rule? ;)

If you forced the Top 20 shooters to compete with 625s, and let everybody else shoot their 8-shots, how many of them do you think would drop out of the Top 20?

There's no doubt this match favored the 8-shot, but not as much as everybody is making it sound.

I dont disagree. After re-reading my comment, I could have phrased is differently.

All I meant was it appears that the top guys are choosing to go with minor guns with more capacity.

I would have put my money on Rob, if he shot a J Frame, but the fact that there was not a single Major shooter in the top 20 tells me that there is a decided advantage to capacity.

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FWIW Here's a breakdown of my Moon Clips after the match. I shot 8 shot Minor.

Total Clips used 43

Total Rounds shot 271 (266 was the maximum scored round count and I shot at everything BUT 6 shots on the standards)

Of those Moon Clips I used here is the breakdown

8 rounds shot 10 clips

7 rounds shot 10 clips

6 rounds shot 14 clips

5 rounds shot 6 clips

3 rounds shot 2 clips

1 round shot 1 clip (short stroked after being attacked by the Clam Shell and reloaded rather than take a chance.)

So 20 moon clips had more than 6 rounds fired and 22 had 6 or less. Close to a 50% wash. There were a few spots where the 8 shot was an advantage, but even then there were options. Where it did show up was on Steel, the 8 shot allowed you to press the shots, knowing you had a bit of fudge room.

I enjoy shooting and handling my 6 shots N Frames, they're traditional. But my 627 is just a better individual gun and is fun, not work, to shoot.

And my hand and thumb didn't hurt after the match.

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FWIW Here's a breakdown of my Moon Clips after the match. I shot 8 shot Minor.

Total Clips used 43

Total Rounds shot 271 (266 was the maximum scored round count and I shot at everything BUT 6 shots on the standards)

Of those Moon Clips I used here is the breakdown

8 rounds shot 10 clips

7 rounds shot 10 clips

6 rounds shot 14 clips

5 rounds shot 6 clips

3 rounds shot 2 clips

1 round shot 1 clip (short stroked after being attacked by the Clam Shell and reloaded rather than take a chance.)

So 20 moon clips had more than 6 rounds fired and 22 had 6 or less. Close to a 50% wash. There were a few spots where the 8 shot was an advantage, but even then there were options. Where it did show up was on Steel, the 8 shot allowed you to press the shots, knowing you had a bit of fudge room.

I enjoy shooting and handling my 6 shots N Frames, they're traditional. But my 627 is just a better individual gun and is fun, not work, to shoot.

And my hand and thumb didn't hurt after the match.

That is some good information. Thanks for sharing.

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The 6 shooter is dead for sure. If you want to be competitive anyway.

I do take pride in being the highest finisher at nationals that shot a 'real' revolver however! :goof:

Cliff Walsh was nice enough to loan me his 38 purple passion but I didn't have time to load ammo for it so I went with my trusty 625. Had a fun match and shot ok, just way too slow. I certainly wouldn't have been in the hunt for a title if I had shot minor but I guarantee I would have finished higher. Probably had 5 flat footed reloads that I wouldn't have had if 8 rounds. You cannot over come that 15 seconds or whatever it works out to. (my reloads suck)

On one hand I'm sorry to see the classic 6 shooter become obsolete, but on the other two hands I don't really care as I don't shoot the division and if it grows the division then it is worth it. I guess we'll see.

Thanks to all involved in putting on the match. We had a great squad and a fun time.

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You may be right about the 6 major Smitty

But, If growing the division is the goal we need to consider allowing the following. Open major 8, Minor 8, Major 6, Minor 6 as well as mooned and un-mooned as classes within revolver. Than no matter what revo a person has they could compete. And

The division's national match has to stay separate from all others to survive. Wouldn't you think?

What a great job they did with the match!

Squad 3 was great fun! we had a lot of laughs, well maybe it was more guffawing ----

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I may be off base but I think if we left it at 6 major and 8 minor and run what you bring it would have minimal effect. Compensators and optics would have less effect than 6 shot vs 8 shot. It will boil down to stage plan and execution. Also I'm not so sure it would bring enough shooters to matter. If it did you could still have four revolver shooters first and last at the local level. Hope I am wrong. We need more revolver independent matches and higher levels of competition in revolver to gain interest.

Congratulations Rob. Hell of a race at the end!


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I don't mean to be argumentative; heck, I suspect you guys are correct.

But as I see the results, of nine GM shooters, only one shot Major, and he reportedly had gun problems so that renders his placement overall rather meaningless.

Of 14 M class shooters, only two shot Major, and one made the top twenty (at 13th place overall) and the other was 25th. Seems like a good showing (and who knows what other factors were involved, such as having a "bad day", etc.)

Within M class, one Major shooter came in 5th and one came in 10th of the 14 shooters. Being a small sample, and given the vagaries of how they were shooting that day, etc, it seems difficult to make a judgment call.

Again, I suspect you are correct. But it seems like such a small sampling.

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So I just finished unloading my moonclips (and Sam's) from the match yesterday.....and I have a question:

If this match favored the 8-shooters so dramatically, why did so many of my spent moonclips still have 2 loaded rounds left in them?

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So I just finished unloading my moonclips (and Sam's) from the match yesterday.....and I have a question:

If this match favored the 8-shooters so dramatically, why did so many of my spent moonclips still have 2 loaded rounds left in them?

It doesn't matter. What matters is would 6 have had you higher in the results.

How many of your's had 1 or none, each is a 3 second reload. Do you still land in the same spot in the overall?

And yeah, the math is not really that simplistic...

Edited by seanc
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So I just finished unloading my moonclips (and Sam's) from the match yesterday.....and I have a question:

If this match favored the 8-shooters so dramatically, why did so many of my spent moonclips still have 2 loaded rounds left in them?

That is a little vague. And does every one that doesn't mean a reload was saved?

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Listen to Rob, put all else aside and focus on what we have now. If we can get decent numbers up at the local and major match level, consistently. Then there are options, if not it will die.

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Having not been at the match and not having an 8 shot revolver yet I don't have much of a dog in this fight. But for the guys who shot 8 minor and found a lot of moon clips with 2 rounds or more left, would you have shot the same speed if shooting major all day? I know I can run my minor loads faster than my major loads with about the same accuracy. The extra points lost hurt more with the minor, but if I am keeping the majority in the A zone and still shooting faster I would go with that gun.

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