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Cold Weather


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-2 this morning. -12 tomorrow morning.


And please don't give me your sob stories about how that's warm where you live. If you are dumb enough to stay in upper Minnesota, or Fargo, or wherever your whole life, that's your problem! :roflol:

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-2 this morning. -12 tomorrow morning.


And please don't give me your sob stories about how that's warm where you live. If you are dumb enough to stay in upper Minnesota, or Fargo, or wherever your whole life, that's your problem! :roflol:

WAAAA WAAAA! :roflol:


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Amen brother. It's -3 right now with a windchill of -24. Negatives for the HIGH. That really sucks. At least it will be in the 40's by the end of the week and early next. Heat wave tomorrow with a high of 17 where I am. :goof:

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Ah yes nothing like going outside when it is -14 and taking a big deep breath, freezing your throat, lungs and triggering a coughing attack that causes you to expel your lungs. Oh yes I cherish what a beautiful time of the year it is.

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This past Sunday morning one of the guys I waterfowl hunt with said "we really have to be dumb to actually hunt today." Nothing like getting out at 6 in the morning and setting up 18 dozen decoys when it's -20 below out... It was an awesome day, 8 man limit by 9am is always a good thing.

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Totally HATE the weather patterns here. Teens and below all last week. 55 today (which was good since the 12" of snow melted) then headed to the teens tomorrow again.

Can't win. Do I out the shorts away or NOT :surprise:

Depends on how good looking your legs are. :roflol:

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Totally HATE the weather patterns here. Teens and below all last week. 55 today (which was good since the 12" of snow melted) then headed to the teens tomorrow again.

Can't win. Do I out the shorts away or NOT :surprise:

Depends on how good looking your legs are. :roflol:

Need to add you to my avoid list. Can't have you staring :devil:

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-2 this morning. -12 tomorrow morning.


And please don't give me your sob stories about how that's warm where you live. If you are dumb enough to stay in upper Minnesota, or Fargo, or wherever your whole life, that's your problem! :roflol:

I not only woke up to -18 this morning it only made it up to -15 this afternoon. Waiting for -21 tonight. to top it off we have 15-20 mph winds. And yes I'm really dumb because I can experience all this in the "PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF ILLINOIS"!!!!!!! :angry2:

Thanks I feel a little warmer now.

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So far so good I guess. I am keeping an eye on the hot tub and it is circulating about every two hours. I walked out on my deck and it sounded like the boards were shattering under my feet. I have a wood working project going so I am running heaters in the garage. Thank goodness I had the foresight to have insulated doors put in. Still, I can only get it to top at a little over 40.

Indeed, in a few days when it's 30 it will be welcome!

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