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Grrl okay after surgery

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Hey y'all. I'm back! Yesterday is a bit hazy still, maybe someday I'll remember, but with the pain I'm in now, it's probably a good thing I don't remember much!!!

So anyways, there is already a marked improvement in mobility... 113° from hip out and I got a whopping 175° on the "upswing". Both are supposed to be 180°

I have also, barely, survived my first physical therapy session this morning.

Vicodin is a good thing, nuff said :wub:

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Good grief, what was it you had done...?  Shoulder....?

Here's what Dr. Dunn wrote when I asked him what to expect...

A MUA (manipulation under anesthesia) is typically done for the diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). Frozen shoulder is basically a super stiff/ultra sore combination. If it fails to respond to PT/Steroid injection, a MUA is the next step. I do mine under general anesthesia. Once the patient is asleep we take the shoulder to the limit of external rotation (say it stops at 45 degrees) then gradually apply more force to achieve as much range as we can (looking for 90 degrees). Sometimes it takes a heck of a lot of force, most time you can hear the adhesions around the joint capsule as they tear. I always warn patients that we will pushing hard enough that broken bones have been reported in the literature. So far I have been lucky and haven't broken anything yet, of course we don't push as hard with elderly osteoporotic shoulders. Then you rinse and repeat for internal rotation and the other planes of motion.

It is a fairly brutal procedure, you can expect a couple of rough days afterward as far as pain control is concerned. I typically have the anesthesiologists do a block that lasts 12-24 hours to get my patients through the worst part. It is imperative that therapy be instituted right away to keep the motion you gained from the manipulation, otherwise the adhesions can come back worse than before.

I personally had no problems whatsoever with the Anesthesia. I was sitting up and asking for coffee and a cigarette about 15 mins after he finished. Dr. Hennessey says he's gonna make me his "Manipulation Poster Child: >)

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Yuck. My wife also had a frozen shoulder, and chose to go the non-MUA path... basically, physical therapy until it "un-froze". Did *not* look like fun, and took a *long* time to get better.

Glad to hear you're so much better already!


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Two years ago I got shoulder dislocation. The shoulder was immobilised by 3 months. A year passed, but I still could not raised my hand up. The doctor said that I must have surgery to free the joint! :o

My friend then referred me to Chinese Medication for acupuncture and special manipulation.Now my joint is completely recover. :P

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When a kindly motorist suddenly changed lanes and I (and motorcycle) hit the pavement, I landed on my right shoulder. I didn't go to the doctor, but I couldn't raise my arm above shoulder high for months. I guess I got lucky because I gradually worked it back to "normal" except it makes grinding noises and hurts sometimes.

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"...Sometimes it takes a heck of a lot of force, most time you can hear the adhesions around the joint capsule as they tear..."

Excuse me, I think I'm going to be ill.....

Me too. Where's that air-sick bag I've been saving for a time like this.

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That's exactly the diagnosis my wife has. She's been taking the long slow PT route, so your opinion of this procedure a month down the road would be appreciated.

I hope you have a speedy and complete recovery!


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I saw a MUA on video (cable probably) once. That was enough to convince me that that the "A" part of the equation is absolutely necessary. I can watch just about anything surgery-wise on TV and even a couple times in real life and not have any problems but the sounds during the MUA procedure made my skin crawl. Ewwwww....

Glad it worked well for you Grrl. Recover soon! That yard is gonna need mowing any day now. ;):P:D

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