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Paul-the new guy

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I hate all the people down here (I am in Florida) that crash when it rains even the smallest amount and mess up traffic for everyone else... All of these same people will blame Florida drivers and will be sure an tell you "I learned to drive up north in the ice and snow" Well 1) get 20 people together and ask them where they are from you may get 1 from Florida... 2) I have friends "up north" it seems very common to wreck up there... Maybe since they learned to drive in the ice and snow they think when the roads get a little slick you are supposed to spin in circles... lol this is all in fun.... kind of ;-)

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Took a class with Manny Bragg last year between Christmas and NYE. Got on I-95 where it intersects I-26 just north of Charleston. From there until well past Jacksonville, the roads were jammed with cars from every state on the East coast all heading south...most of them with Blue Hairs behind the wheel.

Just to keep this within the I Hate guidelines.....I HATE when these Blue Hairs sit in the Left lane and drive 55 MPH. Unfortunately they can't see past their BluBlockers to see the road signs that say the speed limit is 65-70!!!

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I blame it on the eye doctors. Like the guy that told my Mother she would be all set driving as long as it was a bright sunny day. Yup, Florida Doctor.

EDIT TO ADD: I thought this was going to be a NY vs Boston Hate rant.

Well EXCUSE me. :roflol:

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I grew up in ND and now live in MN. For the last 20+ years on the day of the first snow that stays on the ground I will not leave my house unless I HAVE to go to work. Most drivers out there (doen't matter where you are) are terrible drivers at their best. :goof:

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I further hate people who don't get up to speed on the on ramp and then sometimes even stop at the end!!! I also hate people who stop 3 car lengths back from the car in front of them at a light... if the would all pull up I could get into the left turn lane instead of just sitting there wishing...

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I further hate people who don't get up to speed on the on ramp and then sometimes even stop at the end!!!

Thank you!! This absolutely drives me nuts. It's called an "Acceleration Lane" for a G-D reason. I get it when the on ramp is super short, but when there is a 1/4 mile long on ramp, you need to be going at least 55 when you hit the end. Damn I hate how people drive!

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Ya'll should live and work in the Atlanta area - all of the "left lane bandits" pass through Atlanta whether they are heading north or heading south. We have 12 lanes across in some areas and they still block all the lanes...........

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Paul, there are places in America with stoplights at the end of the on-ramps. I won't name names, but some folks just can't merge without help ...

FWIW, I absolutely love Winter in Montana. Like snertly Jon said, the first day or two of decent snow, there are expensive cars on their roofs on every paved road. A week or two later, they've all found their way back to I-15 and headed south! Buh-bye! Never trust anyone whose windshield isn't cracked.


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there are places in America with stoplights at the end of the on-ramps. I won't name names, but some folks just can't merge without help ...

I've driven in some of those places. One of them is a state very far away from me, and I hate every time I have to visit there. I want to run the red light every time I come to those on ramps. What a joke. Here are simple step by step instructions on how to merge onto a highway. Step 1: Remove your head from your ass. Step 2: Accelerate up to highway speed. Step 3: Merge.

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there are places in America with stoplights at the end of the on-ramps. I won't name names, but some folks just can't merge without help ...

I've driven in some of those places. One of them is a state very far away from me, and I hate every time I have to visit there. I want to run the red light every time I come to those on ramps. What a joke. Here are simple step by step instructions on how to merge onto a highway. Step 1: Remove your head from your ass. Step 2: Accelerate up to highway speed. Step 3: Merge.

You forgot to signal your intentions! Yep it's the law but I heard a comedian one time ask, "Where the hell do they think you are going to go at the end of the ramp?" :goof:

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Paul, I need to know your definition of Yankee. In south Mississippi a Yankee is anyonethat lives north of I-10. A dam Yankee lives north of the Manson-Nixon Line.

In florida a damn yankee is one who comes down for the winter and never leaves...

Those lights at the end are messed up they flash red green red green sometimes you dont have time to stop

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1. Those that say "that's how we did it up North" or "up North we couldn't drive on the beach like down here, we should ban driving on it here" even though they moved here and it's what put us on the map.

2. If you live here now, don't try to make it like where you left, just go back. Problem solved.

3. Yes, the wages Suck down here, and they aren't like back home. So why did you move here?

3. If you like it here, we love to have you as part of the family, if not I-95 goes northbound as well.

Edited by lora
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