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Didn't know where else to put this, so here goes. I emailed Kim@uspsa.org about future sites of Nationals (O/L/L10/P/R). Does anyone know if they will continue to be held in Las Vegas or are there any plans to switch up locations? Maybe a Midwest/East/Southeast/West rotation?

Just wondering because I am sure there are a lot of people (including me) who would like to shoot in these matches, but can't afford $1000+ to get to LV.

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I think your estimate of getting to Nationals is a high. We came 2000 kilometres (1250 miles). we gases up 3 times at $40 a pop so $120 plus gas when we got there so lets say $160. I flew back as my buddy stayed for the limited match and it cost me $150. As for staying in Vegas it was cheap. my share of the room for thursday to wednesday was just over $200. i spend more then that going to most qualifiers. Usually I figure anytime i can get a decent room for under a $100 at a qualifier i am doing good. I don't think you could get that kind of room rates at other venues.

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I think your estimate of getting to Nationals is a high. We came 2000 kilometres (1250 miles). we gases up 3 times at $40 a pop so $120 plus gas when we got there so lets say $160. I flew back as my buddy stayed for the limited match and it cost me $150. As for staying in Vegas it was cheap. my share of the room for thursday to wednesday was just over $200. i spend more then that going to most qualifiers. Usually I figure anytime i can get a decent room for under a $100 at a qualifier i am doing good. I don't think you could get that kind of room rates at other venues.

I think I spent only a hair over $1000 and that included match fee, flights, hotel, food, share of rental car and gas. I've gone to other Nationals includinig back in the day at Quincy and we'd spend at least that between gas, hotels (which are much more expensive) etc.

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Keep in mind that uspsa can't just put the Nationals anywhere we want. It requires a range that wants to take it on. If you know of such a range contact Michael Voigt. Next year is in Vegas.

Not just a range that wants it, but one that is capable (props, shooting bays for 16+ stages, facilities, space for parking and vendor tent) IMO opinion Vegas is one of the best venues right now for what we get at the price we get it (as a shooter)

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Sure seems like Frostproof, FL is gearing up to

be a contender:) :):)

They must have 20 or more bays at this point.

I'd sure love to see the Nationals in Florida.

Indeed, but not in Aug/Sept.

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if you dont mind flying, Vegas is probably the most dirtcheap place in the country to fly into. Hotel/ flight/ car packages, I went in 09 booked in advance, I am pretty sure my tab was $600 for plane, room at the Orleans, and a rental car.

id like to see it move closer though. Simply because I dont ever want fly again. But overall for everyone concerned Vegas is a great location, The membership agrees, just look at how many are on the waiting lists. Compared to matches before that didnt fill up.

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Hello: I wonder if they will ever split the nationals up? Say Open/Limted in one place and Limited10/Production and Revolver in another place. I think it would be a great thing to do. Also have it at different times of the year. That way they could get people to shoot from different parts of the country. The only problem I see is staffing the match but that could be left up to the host club? Just thinking out loud :D Thanks, Eric

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Well you have 105 degrees, no humidity and Las Vegas entertainment.....or

Frostproof, FL in late September 98 degrees and 95% humidity, possibility of a hurricane, and the entertainment of downtown Frostproof until 8:00PM.......Dinner closes.

Now how is girl to choose between dinning out in Frostproof and nightlife in Vegas????


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I hope they keep it in Vegas, I never get tired of that place and I'm not even a gambler. I was there for 9 nights when I shot the Open and Limited matches at this past Nats and it didnt even cost me that much, relatively speaking.

If they move it hopefully it will be someplace in the middle of the country.

Edited by blaster113
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Ive traveled to quite a few different locations around the country to shoot and so far there are two places the wife wanted to come with me to, R&R in Alabany and the Nationals in Vegas.

Vegas is one of the cheapest places to fly to, cheap hotels, cheap rental cars, plenty of food and entertainment options, no rain/mud/lightning/tornadoes. Sure, it might get a little hot, but I'll take that over higher prices, wet gear and delays any day.

As for other locations, I probably wouldnt mind Phoenix.

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Las Vegas would be good for me (again) or somewhere in the southwest where it's warm.

I gotta get me a slot first then figure out how to get there. If it's not Las Vegas, my better half will be going so I'll have to save my pennies starting now :roflol:

Being in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, everywhere is far for us.


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I'd like to see a return to Tulsa...if the time of year is right with little or no chance of rain. I understand that the grass is more established than it was at our last visit and it is a fantastic range.

I'd be up for Tulsa.

Yeah, I was there with the mud but saw the potential for the place. If the landscape has matured since my last visit, it should be awesome.

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We've got the World Shooting Complex here in Sparta, IL. For now, 12 bays all nicely lined up with more bays/berms to come. Supposedly, the state has plans to build a couple 100 yard bays, maybe a couple of 200 or 300 bays, and then a 500 yard bay.

Me? Personally? Other than having a Nat's close to me... I'm just an RO. I have no interest in running a major match or pursuing a CRO or RM credentials. I'd just rather focus on shooting.

The CAS'ers are having a match around 9-11-2012 that they suspect will bring in over 1,000 shooters. If a CAS'er had won a state level match or higher in 2011 or early 2012, then the state is paying their match fee for the 9-11 match.

Normally, the state just charges us $3 per shooter per day as like a range fee.

Some of our IL DNR folks will be at the SHOT show in January looking to market the World Shooting Complex to other organizations/venues.

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Florida any time. More non gambling things to do, more family friendly.

Dude, have you been to Frostproof??

Zero quality hotels. Zero near-by entertainment. Not even close to being as nice a destination as Vegas! Sure, you can drive to Orlando...but you have to DRIVE to Orlando. In Vegas, you walk outside your hotel and you are IN VEGAS!

Mid-Oct to mid-Mar offer near PERFECT weather in Florida. But there are already several matches going on at Universal Shooting Academy during those months.

Edited by remoandiris
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Just as a point of curiosity...how many shooters have had their guns stolen out in Vegas?

I have heard of one, but I am ASSuming there might be more.

Not that thievery is just a Vegas problem, but an everywhere problem

Like I said, just curious....

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