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World Shoot XIV Information

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Do it in advance. I live near a Port, so I went to the customs office at the port. An airport is OK too, but I am not really interested in carrying my guns into an airport these days!!!!!!

So, NOW you know, you HAVE to take the firearm with you to the US Customs office to get the proper paperwork done.

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I take mine to the Customs office at one of my local airports. It's really easy, and they're very helpful. Once you fill out the card, you're good to go for any abroad visit, as long as you always take the same gun(s). There's no expiration date on them. I'd still be using the one from the World Shoot if I didn't get a new gun.

The only real issue is the ammo. I plan to ship 500 rounds there, and bring 300 in my bag, and 300 in my wife's bag. That should take care of the ammo, now if I just knew what address to ship it to! The hotel's???


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I just reserved a room at the WXIV Headquarters Hotel (Hilton) in Guayaquil for 14 nights. Grand total: $2467.60 :o:o:o And that was only if you paid all at once on the arrival date! Otherwise, it was $185 USD per night...for a total of 3159.8 after 22% taxes!

Holy crap!! I sure hope there will be a LARGE block of rooms for World Shoot Competitors at a better rate than 145 - 225 USD.

How could anyone afford to go?

I performed a search for the Oro Verde Hotel, and they actually had a link for World Shoot Attendees, but then required an attendee code, and a group code, which I didn't have. I'm really getting concerned. I've got a feeling USPSA isn't going to come off of $2000-$3000 per US team member JUST to cover the hotel!

The ammo problem is starting to move to the back seat!

Has anyone else looked into the room situation yet?

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As I understand it you need "the official code" which is on, or provided to you

after the slot is returned. Check with MV.

From the FAQ:

Q: I would like to start booking a room or 2 of us that are coming to the World Match. We do not seem to be able to book hotel rooms at this time. What do we have to do?

A: Hotel rooms with preferential rates are blocked for booking only to those competitors already registered in the Match. In order to access the special rates you must register your entry form and payment with your Regional Director.


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The official website lists a bunch of hotels ranging from $35 to $90. There are blocks of rooms set aside, but in the FAQ, it says that until you get a confirmation number from your RD, you can not access one of those room. That way they don't get booked by someone "hoping" for a slot.

the WS rate seems to be about 20% better than I was finding on the various travel sites.


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It wouild be nice if we knew who is going to be rewarded slots. I am trying to make arrangements for BJ, my wife, and I but time is beginning to run short to get things organized. Passports must be valid for 6 mo to enter Ecuador and that is another appx $300 expense for the three of us that I don't have to spend if BJ doesn't have a slot.

The frustration factor is beginning to set in.

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From talking to Mike, we have a problem not encoutered before: a big mis-match between requests and known slots. (There are always slots that come back, unused, from other regions, that bump up the US total)

I don't recall the exact numbers, but where in the past he had to squeeze 10-20% more shooters in than there were initial slots, the numbers are something like two to one for this World Shoot.

Be polite, but ask.

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Write or call Michael Voigt for your slots.

Light a little fire.



Here's the deal. BJ has wanted to try to take care of this himself. He figures he is the shooter and as a parent I think it is important to let him take some responsibility.

BJ emailed Mike at 12:08 AM Jan 1 requesting a slot. He has tried for the last two weeks to call and has left several messages, but no calls have been returned. He has emailed, but no answer. It is frustrating to a Jr shooter who is trying to take care of his own business to be blown off.

How much fire do I need to light? My next option is to call our Area Director and try that route.

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It is frustrating to a Jr. shooter who is trying to take care of his own business to be blown off.

I have not met your son but am proud to read of his character, understand his frustration and would suggest to him that Michael has the logistical problem of individually dealing with everyone and not to "take it personally".

All involved in the match wished the details were sewn up but some items are seemingly just beyond reach – but they will be resolved. As many matches as I’ve done in some, er, exotic locations the matches always do happen!

Positive attitude and continually working the lines of communication is good advice.


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I "shotgunned" a request to the entire USPSA.org staff at 12:00:01 (my time), and received a confirmation thanks to My Hero (John Amidon) relaying the email to an account of Mike's that actually works.

I received confirmation of my request at 4pm (Mike's time) on the 1st; but have heard nothing since. :(

My passport is in order, though, and thanks to membership in the Air Force Frequent Deployment Club (sigh) my shots are up to date for pretty much anywhere on Earth :)


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Hurry, you've got a few days! But the State dept. will never get your passport together in that time. Just give me your slot. :) Maybe you can contact the consulate and see if you can get a waiver or a visa or something.

Damn I just realized I won't have my passport in time for the six month cut-off.

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I did a little web research and I think there might have been something lost in translation.

On a lot of Ecuador-related sites, you'll see this text that has us worried:

Valid passport for more than 6 months.

But the embassy of Ecuador in Washington, D.C. has better news:

Visitors that are allowed to enter Ecuador without a visa must bring a valid passport for at least the next six months

So the problem is not for those of us with new passports, but those of you with old passports.

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Visitors that are allowed to enter Ecuador without a visa must bring a valid passport for at least the next six months

What that sounds like is as long as you have a valid US passport, you are allowed to enter. Sounds like in the future, they may require you to get a visa.

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Fresh info from Victor:

ARMSCOR, the official ammo supplier for WSXIV will

provide the following calibers for competitors:

.357 FMJ 158 gr. US$238.oo (1000 rounds)

.38 Spcl LRN 158 gr. US$206.oo (1000 rounds)

.38 Super FMJ IPSC Load 130 gr. US$258.oo (1000 rounds)

9 mm FMJ 124 gr. US$205.oo (1000 rounds)

.40 S&W TFMJ IPSC Load 180 gr. US$287.oo (1000 rounds)

.45 ACP FMJ 230 gr. US$276.oo (1000 rounds)

The prices are cost plus shipping/handling and local duties. Ammo is not a profit center.

In order to prepare the ammo shipment he needs all Regions to place their orders by March 31 at the latest. Orders will come from Regional Directors so he has to deal with (say) 50 people rather than hundreds of individuals.

Cut off date for orders is March 31! Also, any previous orders need to be (re)placed through RDs.

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I still haven't found a reasonable rate for the match hotel. The best I've found is $175/night. I really can't justify paying $2500 for a room in a third world country just because there's an event going on that week. Has anyone managed to find a way to stay in the Hilton Colon without taking out a 2nd mortgage? If so, please feel free to share in a personal message.



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Phil, did you check the official WS site? There's a "hotel rates" link in the left menu bar. It says the Hilton will cost $90 during the WS for shooters. I'd try to contact the Hilton and ask them directly (referring to the WS site). Do you HAVE to stay in the Hilton? Lots of people will stay in the Sheraton for $70 a night. Sounds good enough for me :)

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I really don't HAVE to stay at the Hilton. I just figured since that was the HQ hotel, that would be the best choice.

I checked the link for the Seraton, and after attempting to book a room there, the rates were very high, as well. I must be doing something wrong. I may find someone with that magic touch, and have them book the room for Denielle and I. Then I can just pay them back later.

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The world shoot US teams according to JoJo:

National Teams consist of the following individuals:

Open Max Michel Jr., Chris Tilley, JJ Racaza and JoJo Vidanes

Standard Taran Butler, Phil Strader, Michael Voigt and Emanuel Bragg

Production Dave Sevigny, David Olhasso, Bruce Gray and John Flentz

Ladies Open Kay Clark Miculek, Athena Lee, Julie Goloski and Sheryl Cruz

Junior Open KC Eusebio, Brad Balsley, Jake Hicks and Jack Carraher

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