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I know a bunch of you guys are veterans of the military. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for serving this great nation! :cheers:

You should be very proud of your service. So get out there this Memorial Day and take in a parade. Or better yet go participate in one as I am going to do. I still have an old Cavalry stetson that I'm going to sport!


Where did you serve?

1979-1981 Fort Carson, Colorado PVT Scout Platoon 2-88 Armor

1981-1983 Erlanger, Germany SGT Scout Platoon 2-37 Armor

1983-1985 Fort Knox, Kentucky SGT Instructor 1st Training Brigade

1985-1988 Bamberg, Germany SSG Scout Platoon 1-54 Infantry

1988-1992 Fort Knox, Kentucky SFC Drill Sergeant 1st Training Brigade

1992-1996 Fort Bliss, Texas(Kuwait)SFC Platoon SGT 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment

1996-1998 Fort Carson, Colorado 1SG First Sergeant 2-68 Armor

1998-1999 Korea 1SG First Sergeant 4-7th Cavalry (DMZ)

1999-2000 Fort Knox, Kentucky 1SG First Sergeant National Guard Evaluator

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+1 to all who serve or have served.

1976-1977 MCAS(H) Santa Ana, HMH-363 "Red Lions"

1977-1979 MCAS Quantico, Va, HMX-1, White House support, CH53 Crew Chief

1979-1981 NAS Willow Grove, PA. MAG-49, HMH-772 "Hustlers". CH53 Crew Chief

1981-1983 MCAH(H) Santa Ana (Tustin), Ca HMT-301 "Windwalkers", CH53 Crew Chief

1984-1985 NAS Willow Grove, PA. MAG-49, HMH-772 "Hustlers". CH53 Crew Chief

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1984-1988 Bergstrom AFB, TX, 67th Medical Group

1988-1989 Kunsan AB, ROK, 8th Medical Group

1989-1990 MacDill AFB, FL, 56th Medical Group

1990-1991 Riyadh AB, SA, Command Surgeon General

1991-1994 MacDill AFB, FL, 56th Medical Group

1996-1999 Stout Field, IN, 38th Military Police

1999-2003 Grissom ARB, IN, 434th Security Forces

patriot.gif Thank you Veterans!

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1985 - 1988 Ft. Riley, Kansas

1988 - 1989 Camp Humphreys, Korea

1989 - 1990 Ft. Hood, Tx

1990 - 1991 K-16 Air Base, Korea

1992 - 1995 Ft. Hood, Texas

1995 - 1999 Kaiserslautern, Germany

1999 - 2004 Ft. Jackson, SC

2004 - 2005 Dexheim, Germany

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1986-1991 2-114 Field Artillery (155 SP), 155th Armored BDE (MSARNG)

1991-1992 1-114 Field Artillery (155 SP), (MSARNG)

1992-1996 1-12 Field Artillery (MLRS), Fort Sill, OK

1996-1997 4-7 Cavalry, Camp Garry Owen, Korea

1997-1998 2-18 Field Artillery (MLRS), Fort Sill, OK

1998-2000 2-5 Field Artillery (Paladin), Fort Sill, OK

2000-2002 1-290 Field Artilery (TSBn), Fort Sill, OK

2002-2003 Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS

2003-2004 4th Infantry Division Artillery, Fort Hood, TX (Tour in Iraq)

2004-2006 4-42 Field Artillery (Paladin), Fort Hood, TX (Tour in Iraq)

2006-2010 4th Fires Brigade / 41st Fires Brigade, Fort Hood, TX

2010-Present III Armored Corps, Fort Hood, TX

Hey Sarge - looks like we missed each other by about one year in 4-7 CAV. I was Squadron FSO from APR 96-APR 97. Which Troop did you have as 1SG? Was LTC Sweeney still the SCO?

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1963-64 -- Basic Training, Ft. Ord, CA

1964 -- Medic OJT, Walson Army Hosp., Ft. Dix, NJ

1964-65 -- 1 BN 35 AR 4 Armor Div, Erlangen, Germany

1965-67 -- 385th Evac Hosp, USAR

1967-72 -- 6333rd SMU RTU (11B4H,light weapons instructor) USAR

1972-74 -- 104th Div, USAR, Training NCO

1974-97 -- Wash. Air National Guard, Base Marksmanship Coordinator, Fairchild AFB, WA

Thanks to all that have or are serving.

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Sept 71 Basic Fort Ord C-1-1

Nov. AIT Fort Knox

Jan. 72 Germany, Daley Barracks F Troop 2/14th ACR Later Redesignated F Troop 2/ 11th ACR until Feb 75. Patroled the Menningan Gap for three years.

I could teach the Army no more. So I went home.

Thanks to all that have served and are still serving. rdd

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1970 - Basic Training, Fort Ord, CA

1971 - 1972 - Student, Medical Lab School, Fort Sam Houston, TX

1972 - 1974 - Instructor, Medical Lab School, Fort Sam Houston, TX

1974 - 1976 - Training NCO, 7th Combat Support Hospital, Darmstadt Germany

1976 - 1977 - Lab NCO, Armed Forces Drug Testing Lab, Wiesbaden Germany

1978 - 1982 - Lab NCO, US Army Hospital, Fort Jackson, SC

1983 - 1985 - Section Supervisor, Medical Lab School, Fort Sam Houston, TX

1985 - 1988 - Lab NCO, US Army Hospital, Frankfurt Germany

1988 - 1990 - Assistant to the Director, Armed Services Blood Program Office, Washington, DC

I was fortunate to have spent 20 years without being sent to a combat zone. I was even luckier to have avoided two Red Army Faction bombings in Frankfurt, one by a few days and one by a few minutes. The first of those destroyed a part of the barracks I had recently moved out of and the second one was at the PX complex I had just left, no doubt driving right by the car that blew up. Two friends of mine were not so lucky - injured but not killed.

No one who has not been in combat can ever imagine what it must be like. I feel fortunate to have only had a brief taste.

I also feel that it's important not to forget the families of our Armed Forces members. The phrase, "They also serve who only stand and wait" has rarely had as much meaning as it has had in the past few years as families have watched their love ones going into combat zones for second, third, and even forth deployments.

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Hey Sarge - looks like we missed each other by about one year in 4-7 CAV. I was Squadron FSO from APR 96-APR 97. Which Troop did you have as 1SG? Was LTC Sweeney still the SCO?

I was at GO from May 98-May 99. LTC Sweeney had just left. I served with LTC Formica. I was C Troop 1SG for less than a month before taking over HHT from 1SG Ridling.

CSM Jones was still there. :cheers:

Small World!

Thanks For your service.

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Troops both active and retired thank you for our freedom! :cheers:

Military Bratt - me!

1960 - 62 Ft. Meade, Maryland (Based here, those in the know know my father's field)

1962 - 64 Yokohama, Japan

1964 - 67 Washington, DC

1967 - 69 Yokosuka, Japan

1969 - 70 Corpus Christi, TX (just in time for the Hurricane Camille, storm of the century)

1970 - 74 Okinawa, Japan (when the U.S. turned control back over to the Japanese)

1974 - 76 Guam, USA (just in time for Super Typhoon Pamela, storm of the century and the Ellis Island of Vietnam as Siagon falls)

1976 - 78 Pensacola, FL

off to college

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Hey Sarge - looks like we missed each other by about one year in 4-7 CAV. I was Squadron FSO from APR 96-APR 97. Which Troop did you have as 1SG? Was LTC Sweeney still the SCO?

I was at GO from May 98-May 99. LTC Sweeney had just left. I served with LTC Formica. I was C Troop 1SG for less than a month before taking over HHT from 1SG Ridling.

CSM Jones was still there. :cheers:

Small World!

Thanks For your service.


Thanks for your service as well! :cheers:

Riding with the Cav at GO was one of the best years of my life. When I was there, C Troop CDR was CPT Pad Clark; HHT was CPT Jeff Ruffenacht(sp).

I was there when the North Korean mini-sub ran ashore on the East Coast. The NK SOF team lined up their sub crew and shot them in the head; then fanned out and started killing people. The ROKs engaged in running gun-battles with the NK SOF for the next several weeks until they finally killed them all. Elements of our Air Troops deployed to the area and helped track down the NK SOF.

Never forget the S2 inbrief at Camp GO - "Where we sit right now, the North can hit us with over 3200 mortars, artillery tubes, and MRLs". Remember the Squadron Alerts where walking (instead of running) was punishable by UCMJ?

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2002- Basic, Btry D, 1/19 FA, Ft. Sill, OK

2002-2003 - AIT, Btry C, 1/56 ADA, Ft. Bliss, TX

2003-2005 - Btry G, 2/202 ADA, 30th HSB, IL ARNG

Oh, and no need for thanks. IT WAS MY PLEASURE. And I wish I could go back (injury).

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Thank you all and thank you to my grandfather who passed away in 1993. He served with the 90th during WWII. He saw action in Normandy as well as the Battle of the Bulge. He was and will always be one of the two greatest men I have ever known, the other being my father. Thank you veterans!

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The Area 5 Staff would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all our service men and woman, past, present, and future. Thanks for keeping us safe.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

-John 15:13

Though I never wish your sacrifices forgotten, I pray some day you exist only in an old mans heart, and that of history.

-Jim Thompson

Until that time comes, I know you will be there, standing a post, watching over us. It warms my heart you are there for us and especially for people whom you don't even know. I know a lot of us would make the sacrifice for friends and family, but to do so for strangers is something ultra special.

You men and woman are our guardians and my heroes. From the bottom on my heart, I thank you all.

God Bless You and Keep You From Harm.


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USAF 2001-2009 - Louisiana, Okinawa JP, Diego Garcia, New Mexico with deployments at Iraq, beautiful Krygyzstan, and other places that brought new friends and fond memories. Much respect for those active, guard/reserve, and retired. Also much respect to our fellow allies who I see everyday serving right alongside our US troops. :cheers:

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1982 - 2002 US Navy. But... my pride and joy is my son - 2nd Lt Josh "Sparky" Thomas, USMC. He leaves for Afghanville in a few months then returns for flight school. Puts a whole new perspective on things for me and mamma.

God Bless ALL of our troops...Past and present. Your true patriots! :cheers:

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