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I managed 3 hrs sleep but unfortuatley when I awoke it was not a bad dream......Just shot Area 6 today, all 12 stages, fairly well...for me anyways....clean with 5 deltas.....Got back to the hotel at 8:12pm eastern (still daylight) and was in a hurry to get cleaned up to meet some friends for dinner....I ALWAYS take everything out of the car at night which I would have, but since I was coming right back I THOUGHT it would be safe in the truck....WRONG..came back down stairs at 8:48 (36 FREEKIN MINUTES) get to the car and noticed the glove box open with the contents on the seat and the back passanger seat folded down......I pop the trunk and my shooting bag is GONE......My 100% reliable Benny Hill Open gun, you know the one with the yellow on it, 4 big sticks and 5 140mm mags (all that have ran perfectly for almost 5 years), enough spare parts minus the frame and slide to build a new open gun as well as my AR parts GONE..all my tools GONE, my red techwear shirt, GONE, my Oakley case with 2 pairs of Rudy Projects GONE...I almost threw up/cried right there.....I still can't believe it.....I'm still in shock....I honestly do not want to go through the hassel of replacing everything....this setup ran flawless........

There is now a open gun with about 200 rounds on the streets of Atlanta...they scum has no idea what they have just stolen....I wonder what type of ammo they will try to run through it once they burn through whats in the bag...

Soooo If anyone sees notices a STI with yellow highlights let me know PLEASE...think I will go throw up again...THIS SUCKS.....still hard to believe it really happened........

Edited by DrawandDuck
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That's terrible. Having lived in Atlanta area in the past I am not surprised. They were watching for you. Probably someone who knows there is a range nearby and the shooting game. I am sure you reported to police, but it unfortunately it will not be a priority for them-unless there was a whole bunch of this type theft that night. Maybe it will turn up.

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Keep the card you got from the Police. Check in with them periodically, nicely. Be a polite pain. Ask them who will get the case after the Uniform Officer takes the intial report. Find out if they have a Firearms recovery section. If you have photos, get it to them ASAP. This way they can circulate in house and in the area LE community the whole package of gear, what the bag looks like, etc, so when a Newbie street cop stumbles across this on a consent search or an impound due to a misdemeanor they know to look further and check stuff out. That is how it will be found unless these mopes are uber dumb.......Good luck!

Good advice to us all as I am leaving for a week long trip at the PSA.

I always put my guns in a case, and take them with me when I stay somewhere. That way if the gear and mags get hit, I still have the guns....not being critical at all here ;) , I just had a friend get ripped off in Colorado years ago like this and don't want the same fate.

Make sure you have the cash when they find your gun and gear and have to buy it back from the Insurance Co. when you get re-geared up...(happy thoughts here!)


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Wow, that sucks....

I had a break in at my house, they just kicked in the door from the carport, splintering the door frame but not the door. Dumbasses obviously didn't see my sign out front stating the house is equipped with an alarm. Well, the only thing they got was the case for my Witness Limited that contained one mag and the original wooden grips. That was aggravating , so I can only imagine losing an Open gun like that..

Edited by pivoproseem
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i feel your pain. last year at the Canadian Nationals in Halifax Nova Scotia i got all of my gear stolen from the rental vehicle. fortunately i had taken the guns inside but left the gear in the suitcase in the trunk. $6000 later i got almost everything replaced but ran out of time with the insurance company. i wasn't the only one either. they hit another 3 cars at the match hotel and hit 4 cars at the alternate hotel across the freeway.

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If your contact info ever changes, be sure to get the original theft report case file updated. When a PD turns up a hit when running an NCIC stolen gun check, they will generally contact the PD that originally reported the gun to NCIC which may (or may not, depending on the PD) contact the victim.

A friend had an Ed Brown stolen from his condo in MA. It's a long story, but it took two years and he got the gun and one of the mags back, along with the death certificate for the person who got perforated while out on bail for an illegal carry charge.

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Had a similar thing happen to a co-worker while he was working in Atlanta. He was staying at the Sheraton, in a lighted lot, with security, when he checked in and went upstairs to drop his bags, he left the company laptop in his van. By the time he got back down to get it, someone had broken out his window and got it. Crappy part is, he had left the door unlocked, so all they really had to do was open the door, but instead, he's got to pay for a window....

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I am so sorry for your situation.

I have been the "victim" of theft in the recent past and it just really messes with your whole life.

The monetary loss, the legal ramifications and the feeling of being violated can be overwhelming!

Hope and pray you find the clear mind to take care of business.

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Alot of thieves hit up the large shoots. I know when I shot skeet, the world shoot in San Antonio had vehicles broken into every year. There were actually people that would place stickers on the bumpers they were saying and hit the cars up later at the restaurants, hotels etc. We had a college shoot down there as well and 2 schools got theire vehicles broken into. One they tore the lock out of a brand new school SUV, the other they tore a trailer apart(didnt just cut the locK) but tore the door apart. Hopefully it will turn up. Usually the more custom, or more expensive the gun the harder it is to move. You could dump a glock, xd etc off realy quick and easy. Your open gun, the Krieghoffs/Kolars they got in san antonio its much harder to move especially if they don't know what they have or the value

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Years ago, at a local club match, a competitor's son broke into another competitor's truck and stole his IPSC Modified gun (one of about only 5 in the country at the time). The thief (turns out he was an addict) attempted to sell it at a pawn shop and the pawn store owner had the good sense to realize that the gun was probably stolen and called the cops. Gun was recovered and the thief went to jail.

I really hope you get your stuff back.

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There is now a open gun with about 200 rounds on the streets of Atlanta...they scum has no idea what they have just stolen

I agree.

I hope that the thief will attempt to sell your Open gun because those things aren't just floating around Georgia and are very easy to identify.

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Here are some pics....the officer called me back to double check the make because he was trying to enter it into NCIC and STI would not pull up under manufacturer. I confirmed that it was a STI. Apparently there were 4 more break ins all with locked doors...3 at the match hotel and one at Olive Garden....shooting bags were all taken....Just a brief lapse of judgement (thinking a LOCKED TRUNK would be safe for 30-40 minutes....a VERY HARD $6,000 lesson :angry2::angry2: I am still amazed/puzzled at this entire event....were they waiting for me, did they follow me, was it just random, how did they know to look in the trunk as there was nothing in the interior of the car? The Hilton Garden is at Exit 75 (I am pretty sure I was the only shooter at that hotel) and the match hotel is 7 miles up the interstate at exit 82...there are 4 hotels in a row including the Hyatt Place, Fairfield Inn and I believe a Hampton inn....Guess I was just lucky....It was a damn fine gun...It will get another one running perfectly as this one along with 10 mags that all function, even harder will be to instill the 4 years of confidence I had in the gun...It was COMFORTABLE to me....





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Randal I am sorry-I know you feel bad. This is organized crime, not random, probably you were spotted and indicated somehow. If it is any consolation, the FBI had 4 sniper rifles stolen from their van at the Superbowl in Jacksonville in 2005. Your is probably a solvable crime, but would require great resources.

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