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Everything posted by LilBunniFuFu

  1. This is good and if you do end up running the gun dry you can grab a round off the top of a used mag. or just keep a few spares in your pocket. Glad to hear you just picket up an extra mag but the R.O. are usually more than accommodating and will let you quickly fill up that last mag if need be.
  2. Good luck in convincing her for whichever you decide. But as others have said, have her shoot different guns and let her pick which she feels most comfortable with.
  3. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. Welcome to the addiction.
  4. Safety first, score later. You have many years to be a classified competitor with a custom gun. Just be safe and enjoy it, you are going to learn quite a bit.
  5. If she is comfortable shooting .40 out of your G23 then why not go straight into limited. Then you can load the same ammo for SS major and LIM major. Same reloading ammo. That is what quite a few of the local guys do. Granted you need a 1911 in .40 so if you don't have one already it's an excuse to buy a new gun. Win-Win all around.
  6. The Port Authority Dry zone hats that were given to the R.O.s at the 2013 Area 6 Have held up great, are moisture wicking material, and very comfortable.
  7. To make the most gas you usually want the slowest burning powder and the lightest bullet. See where your powders line up in on a burn rate and try those out. A different way to look at it is charge weight, the heavier the charge the more gas gets made. Good luck.
  8. Bad ass color. Congratulations on the most comfortable shooting shoes I have ever worn. For any one who is thinking about getting one, do it.
  9. Many use and do very well with that grip. Personally I use it on the Tupperware guns but not on 19/2011 style.
  10. Another vote for a FA tumbler. Thing won't die.
  11. The frame weight thumb rest bolts on to the weight and in a bushing drilled through the frame. I believe that the SJC Dowel type thumb rest does not require drilling and just replaces your trigger pin. Link here. Depends on your preference.
  12. The SJC thumbrest requires you to drill your frame in the same spot as their cmore mount. Just putting that out there.
  13. Stock enough for GSSF is pretty much stock, you can swap out the sights but not much else unless you want to compete in unlimited. For HD I would put a set of night sights that you are accurate and that's about it. I made "master" with a stock G26 and ameriglo night sights.
  14. You can do it in the safe area or with an RO but not elsewhere. You are still handling the gun even if it is still in the holster.
  15. Specifically 5.2.1 Carry and Storage – Except when within the boundaries of a safety area, or when under the supervision and direct command of a Range Officer, competitors must carry their handguns unloaded in a gun case, gun bag or in a holster securely attached to a belt on their person (see Rule 10.5.1). A competitor who, while not at a safety area or under RO supervision, removes their holster or their equipment belt with their handgun still in the holster, shall be considered to be in violation of Rule 5.2.1 and subject to disqualification from the match.
  16. I would take Atlas' word on this, I think he knows a thing or two about Tangfolios.
  17. Pretty much what everyone is saying, it takes too much time to check every target as you are shooting. Learning to call your shots is somewhat hard to do at speed but it is a great skill to have. In USPSA scoring is based off of Hit Factor which is points over time. Then you use stage HF for figuring stage points. Add all of your stage points up and see how that compares to the top score and you get your match %. example 3 stage match. stage 1 120 points, high HF 5.0, your HF 4.0, 80% of top, your stage points 96 Stage 2 60 points, high HF 8.0, your HF 4.0, 50% of top, your stage points 30 Stage 3 100 points, high HF 4.0, your HF 3.0, 75% of top, your stage points 75 Your match points are 201. If one guy won all the stages then he has 280 match points. you shot a 71.78% in your division. Now for overall you do that same but the open guys usually skew the HF and that where you can get the swapping of placement in your division.
  18. Depends on how you are built around the waist. Shimming the lower bolt to get within the two inches is usually required for the more slender shooters.
  19. A U die should clear that issue up. Good luck in your reloading endeavors. I highly recommend chamber checking your rounds especially before a major. You want to minimize Murphy's influence as much as possible.
  20. I thought CR Speeds were not legal for IDPA? As long as it passes the dowel test for you and you don't have the giant tension knob on the outer face of the carrier it "shouldn't" be illegal. That being said, it is all up to your match officials though. If I ever had a problem I would not hesitate to go back to my bladetechs.
  21. I've used red for as long as I can remember but I just picked up an new gun with a green tube and I feel like I pick it up faster. Maybe it is just novel but we will see how it pans out.
  22. If you are having setback then I would recommend getting a U die, EGW and LEE are pretty much identical, pick whichever you prefer to give patronage. But the "Glock bulge" should be too far down to influence that as long as you are resizing correctly. When actually load do you run the brass through the resizing die again or is it an open spot in the press? Again, do you chamber check or have a case gauge? Have you had any problems yet? Using the FCD should pretty much cover all of your bases if it is set up right.
  23. Building my Glock for limited in order of importance. 1. Mag extensions. 2. Sights. 3. Trigger work. 4. Magwell. 5. Weight i.e. guide rod, SJC frame weight, Brass plugs. Most importantly is practice. You can spend quite a bit of money but if you don't know how to use your equipment then what was the point?
  24. As some one who started with cheap Velcro pouches and progressed through most of the kydex pouches I ended up with CR speed pouches. Saying that I only ended up with them because I was able to get them on a deal. That being said. Most of the big name companies make a fine product, and more often than not, will not hold you back in this game.
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