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Everything posted by cking

  1. The plastic pipe they use for underground fiber lines is same stuff as that newbold. It will soak up hits from anything, I've shot it from 6/8 feet with everything I had including slugs. So if you need a activator you could use that stuff.
  2. I've heard that Microsoft has best, 6 weeks paid, and father get 3 weeks paid.
  3. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...&st=0&p=291702&
  4. I got hooked on the 22lr conversion awhile back and bought a Accuracy speaks barrel and built one on air force 22lr conversion kit. Derricks book on building a AR has whole section on the different models of kits available. Mine runs fine so long as it clean but by time I get to 300 rounds it is starting to have a little failure to close bolt completely no and then. I'm waiting for a new barrel from Compass lake and I doing a major rebuild on all my ar topends. New barrel contours, new scopes, etc. I try polishing out the chamber with some jb to see if that helps. I think is all that wax on ammo that builds up quick. They will dirty up your lower faster than regular shooting. I love being able to shoot in afternoon after work on my range. Got two steel plates out at 100 yards a 6 sq and 8 circle about 10 feet apart. I work at shooting offhand at them. Got a little 4 power scope on 22 upper. They ring when hit just enough to hear them if I leave one ear plug a little loose and they wobble. When I get to about 80% or high hit rate at rapid fire alternating between the two targets are know I ready to for a match. I usually burn between 200/300 rounds per session and it so cheap and nothing to pickup. It is just so relaxing!
  5. cking


    I like the baby stroller conversion route, where is a good place to buy straps, clips, and cloth so I can stitch up custom pouches, bags etc. Thanks
  6. Glasses won't always protect you, I been welding with full hood, and glasses and still got a hot splatter in my eye, Grinding with full face shield and glasses. If it hurts like hel1 every time you blink get to eye doctor he'll remove it and give you eye drops to numb the eye and have some antibodic in it. They heal pretty fast. Even had small thorn get stuck there from mowing with brush hog. Worst was girlfriend that scratch my eye with a fingernail during some energic play. It was worth it!
  7. I was re reading Feamster book. He remarked that with Federal primers he was getting a crater face. Switch to Winchester and problem went away. Also I would deprime some of brass and inspect primer pocket. Causes are loose pockets, crud in pocket, and hard primer skirts.
  8. IF I was 86 and getting some 20's something. Who cares. I be greatfull that for what I had. OR think I had.
  9. OK will take day or two, have to bring digital camera home, then back to office to post them. I live so far out that 26.4Kbs is all I can get for internet access, but at work I'm on 10Gigabyte network with 3 different internet access pops.
  10. Are sure you not compressing your springs till they reach the solid stack point. Remove recoil spring leave the shock buff in. Move slide all the way to rear. take pencil and make mark on slide and frame. Now put the spring back in and see if the slide comes as far back. If not, then your problem is too long of springs. Plus compressing that much shortens there life. I have to trim most of my recoil springs, and I trim one extra turn off so there is some room for rebound. When spring goes solid the gun has a different feel than when it stops like it supposed to do. Just my WAG {wild ass guess}
  11. I had a fun one, couple years ago, heavy rain had collected, and puddled in the grass at the corner of range. You had to run about 20 feet to clear a visual obstruction. The finish off the three targets that appeared. I put the sprint on but when I went to stop the feet kept going. I started to slide like a kid on one of lawn vinyls you wet with water. Legs were spread about 40 degrees evenly apart. Kept the muzzle pointed level. Slide like 8/10 feet to just in front of the targets. The mud had been flying up from between my legs and covered my chest, face, glasses. Used my shoulder to clear a spot on my glasses and finished off the last three targets. The gun was mud covered also. I did the unload and show clear from sitting position in mud. The RO's were laughing so hard, I had to wait for the range safe command. My holster was full of mud also. Went and found a hose and cleaned up. Thank goodness it was the last stage. I still carry cleats with me since then.
  12. I had a Kings modified. HAd a longer wider rest and shield added and a small allen screw drill and tapped into the frame to take the downward pressure. Over 30,000 rounds of full house 45 and it still there. I really put pressure on it. I believe it one reason my split times are close to guys using 40's on heavy sti frames. One other I recommend for lefties is to rework the safety plunger grooves. Setup the safety so it won't stop between the two positions. By that I mean when you depress the right side lever as soon as it has enough tension to over come the pin pressure it pops to off position. With a little patience and fitting, you get a great positive safety. I used set of needle files and then polished with dremel.
  13. cking


    Never too old or fat to dream!
  14. I ordered from them and they were slow but it did show up.
  15. cking

    Pencil Job

    I would not require the candles or bud to leave work!
  16. heres one place found with google search http://www.steelfiles.com/appendix1.html#hand second file down has safe edge.
  17. The rules for slugs is a DQ if fired on steel at less than 40 meters a 131.23 feet rule 10.4.7 www.uspsa.com/rules under shotgun
  18. I think he looking for canned ammo. What your seeing is not unusual with those brands. I call it a flyer per group. To see what gun can do. Scrub the bore clean. and shoot a little federal match. Then you will probably be the limiting factor.
  19. Buy high quality mill file with safe side. Might be hard to find at lowes. Take same amount of both sides. Use a blue magic marker to keep track that you are taking it off evenly. Any cold blue will work. Just clean with brake clean and don't touch with fingers or oily rag Use clean paper towels.
  20. Nope that should be about perfect. I went with a GG&G rail and same height rings as you mention and cheek weld is great. Same with eye relief.
  21. Hello we are a established IPSC Pistol club, www.ncfps.no-ip.com in Marion County Florida We've got a big beautiful range and nice equipment. So if you interested in Pistol check out our web site and come join us. No membership dues. Just some info and your ready to go. However we would like to host a successfull multigun/3gun match and have not been able to get enough interest yet. All we need is small group [less than dozen] that are dedicated to showing up. We have a range day reserved already the 4 fourth saturday of each month. The range has three huge bays one is 100 yards by 100 yards great 30 foot berms. The web page has aerial pic of place, we are surrounded by woods and close to major highways, 75, 301, 441, 40. again the web site has a map. So if you or somebody you know is interested feel free to forward or repost this notice. You can contact me at threegun@att.net Claude
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