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Everything posted by cking

  1. It the law of supply and demand. They will keep raising the price until the consumption drops. Then the price will fall to get the consumption back up. So if rest of world keeps buying at the high prices, and consumption keeps rising the price will never fall. What would you do if you had a commodity that when you were in full production people are willing to pay more for it. Raise your price. We all seen this happen with guns, if demand outstrip capacity prices keep raising. When capacity can meets demand, prices fall to a level that can sustain production and reasonable profit. I wish I had bought oil stocks at the beginning of the war, should have learned that a long time ago!!! Duh!
  2. My caspian slide is not that hard. my springfield slide is. My Colt and Para slides fall somewhere in between the two. The caspian is one I'm considering lightening. I hate to admit but nothing fancy just drill holes. I noticed Leatham had holes in his at rear of slide in the extractor area and up front behind the bushing area. I like the ones like Benny does, looks good, but that needs a mill. I shoot Wolf 45, even though I have a Dillion 650.
  3. IF you don't have a muzzle devices it ain't bad, just try and keep muzzle outside the vehicle. If you've got a muzzle devices, it WILL BE LOUD and you will dirty up or worse the inside of vehicle. It will also ruin paint
  4. Had a block break with about 20K on it, hasn't broken since the new one with over 20K on it.
  5. CLE is slow because of the camp perry shoot. Normal delivery time is 2/3 weeks. got my custom 18" mid length gas port, 3/4 diameter barrel in that time frame. By mid August they will be back on schedule.
  6. cking

    Shok Buff

    CP nice and tuff! Wilson's too soft.
  7. Some may disagree with this, when barrel is down and back I like the edges of the ramp to be flush with frame in that area. Having the ramp stick out past the frame changes the timing of the round release from magazine. You want mag to release the round just after the nose starts up the ramp. That way the angle of round feeding to barrel doesn't get to great and the round is release to come up under the extractor. This get me to another point fitting the extractor on standard style 45. most people just bend them in an arc to pick up tension. I think this is not the best. IMHO the bump in middle of the extractor should be fitted so that it controls how far in toward center firing pin hole that extractor is allowed. It should allow the first part of the rim to come up under it with no tension. The bend for tension should be behind the bump and towards rear end where firing pin stop secures it. You set bend to provide tension so as round comes up it lifts the extractor bump off the sidewall in the extractor hole in the slide. Old John was pretty smart, he knew that slide hole might drift some and precise location of the extractor is critical for feeding and extraction. That hump in middle provides that control. Agree disagree?
  8. The space program went the way all goverment programs go, to H@ll! Anytime goverment gets involved you get a D- performance for A+ price tag. Look at welfare, education, law enforcement. Like the old joke I"m from goverment and I'm here to help you! Research is good however, yes the hubble has been replaced by land based systems that are better. But that technology came from the Star wars project. We just don't need goverment to run it, just give tax breaks in area that we need development. Getting to Mars is a joke, we don't have any vehicles that can lift the payload needed with our current propulsions systesms. So we would have to stage it off Moon or space station not much chance of that happening. Unmanned is way to go, then follow up with manned flights. Lets not talk about welfare, I see it doing far less good, than the bad it does. It has produced a whole generation of helpless people who believe they are entitled to it. We are still paying the dregs to breed! They ain't going to stop with one either. Geeh I feel better now, THank you
  9. Mine is a caspian with a bomar I'll weight it and post it.
  10. Ok I like the looks of the slot cut lightened slides, but I noticed Leathem gun in handgunner and looks like he just took a mill to his. Some cut the recoil spring area, looks to thin in that area to bother with. Most take it off between the breach and muzzle. Can I just drill some holes in that area and radius them to prevent cracks? At rear of slide, I see some with some holes drilled through the extractor pin area, other than missing area that extractor rest on, anybody know good size and location. Benny recommend the 12/13 oz range and that's where I heading, Just want to know if taking off front and rear helps balance or doesn't matter. Thanks in advance. Some I guess what I'am asking is can I do this in my drill press, looks aint important to me. I just don't want to invite slide cracking.
  11. For those that use bifocals. I got so I couldn't see the front sight sharp anymore without looking through the bifocal part of my lenses. I tried all kinds of different setups. I'll skip that I'm trying to forget how much money I wasted. So here's what works for me. I was a close one eye shooter. Got my glasses made so my dominant eye is focused on front sight, so essential the whole lenses is a bifocal power. The other eye is focused on infinity, or distant focus. Now I shoot both eyes open, takes a while to train the brain. So now I can see my front sights, and if I need to I can look at the targets and see my holes also. My shooting is back on course again, and this also works fine with my iron sights AR.
  12. does production all more than 10 rounds?
  13. AS Al Bundy said " It aint the dress that makes you look fat .. It's the Fat that makes you look fat". I could quote tripping the Rif but that would be blocked.
  14. Feamster in his book/tests show that all bullets weights work just fine as long as you don't push your velocity to the roof. So stay below 2900 fps and all bullets will hang together. Start getting over 3000 and some bullets will just go puff. Supposedly for three gun the ticket is a light bullet with just enough velocity to make minor and you got a no recoil, flat shooting gun. May have trouble on steel beyond 200 yards.
  15. USe the stuff that divers use on their face masks. Drop on each lenses on both sides rub in let dry then buff out. Will last long enough for one match. One bottle will last forever.
  16. I believe Sierra makes a 69 boatail, it will buck the wind OK has good BC and weight over 55 makes plate knock down solid. It doesn't have a problem with overall length that the 77/80 have.
  17. My call would be range malfunction, however the RO should call and the shooter should continue and when finished as for a reshoot for range malfunction.
  18. From your pic you do have a small bump in feed ramp mag area. Check all mags to see if the height is same on all of them. Then you could extend your ramp down a hair. Right at the area you circled.
  19. A 12.5 pound spring should be just fine.
  20. That sounds good, how about copper flashing, lots of surface area, easy to come buy. Solder on a some lead for weight and let hang in the water.
  21. I had compass lake make me a 18 barrel mid length gas tube that is .750 for hole length. Reason for bringing .750 forward was in case I decide to mount a forward mounted sight. I've listed the weights of my uppers. Although they are complete uppers with bolts. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25278
  22. Brownells sells drill rod, air and oil hardened. When you get them they are soft. Cut and clean up the ends, then harden it and put it in with loctite retainer in the far side sight hole, just a little. Or you could take the sight apart my Bomar had a slightly larger hole in adjust site part then base part. So I just flatten the end of new rod a small amount. Drove it in so flat part went in last.
  23. Since all discussion, I say you have a ground loop problem because of the soil and limestone. So no matter what you do the grounded dock has got some potential. Why not try taking a piece of bare copper ground wire attach to dock and toss in the water. Since copper corrision is conductive it shouldn't lose it usefullness over time. Out in country where we don't have three phase. Just the hot line and the ground line. Every pole is tied to ground line and every step down transformer is tied to the ground line, and my house neutral is tied to the ground line.
  24. Thank you Benny!!!! I know you've had the chance to experiment around with this. I'll check out my slide weight and see.
  25. Cool factor That's one point Reload is too much time, I thought that lightening the slide changed the felt recoil impulse. Kinda like changing the recoil spring weight changes how the gun feels during recoil. Is it the fact that I'm throwing 230grainers versus 115gr that I need more slide weight? I love to see someone good at inertia and kinetic energy, springs etc equations figure out the weight of the slide and recoil interaction with the recoil impulse. Do the classic equation if the slide had no mass, so would that be a first degree differential equation, with constant representing the slide mass? Come on guys we've got some engineers, rocket science types that remember all that math? Don't we?
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