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Everything posted by cking

  1. I'm a whiskey man. Makers Mark is OK but I like W L Wellers 107 Antique. It is hard to find, but I put it up against any straight bourbon Whiskey.
  2. cking

    Drunk Girl

    You guys are tough crowd, I'll admit in my younger days of finding myself praying at the porcelain Alter more than once. In fact I remember waking up to a strange smell and after I finally got my eyes to focus I was staring at one of those deordorizers than hang on rim of toilet. Seemed to take the longest time for all my senses to come back into focus. To this day that smell gives me the shivers. Show me a man that won't admit to making an A$$ of himself once in a while, and I'll show you a man thats an A$$ all the time.
  3. See there is a reason mom told you to wear clean underwear!
  4. Tell me more, do you think there is enough plastic on standard holster to make it around the light. No sure the light could take the heat of forming the holster.
  5. cking

    Stingerjg Links

    That's more than most of my students can accomplish!!!!
  6. Oops! I thought everybody had an old slab side laying around collecting dust. Wait till you try and find a holster for one with light. Safarland has one but wants way too much, just to be called tactical.
  7. There are so many factors at play here, that you could say all the responses are correct. Chrome lined barrel, just shoot and clean. Run of mill production barrels, breakin with some moly and JB will smooth up the bore fast and provide a bore that won't foul as fast, and will clean up easier. Top quality lapped custom barrels after extreme accuracy. Shoot and clean when accuracy drops off just a little. How many rounds will depend alot on many variables like how hot your loading. How you seat your bullets, like touching the rifling or not. They all control pressures. Which controls buildup in rifle throat area, which is where most wear occurs. MOR barrels, when shot out can be cut rechamber and live again. Most smiths will tell you they see few shot out barrels, usually throat rings from not cleaning well. Simply brush and solvent often times isn't good enough. and Muzzle dings. Whats great about the AR is just clean it and dry patch it and walk out into the sun and look down the bore. You'll be able to see the crud spots. For those with unlimited budgets buy yourself a bore scope, then you'll know for sure.
  8. You can take your old single stack and silver solder on a rail, I think caspain is where I bought my from. My my beside gun has light! Rail was only $30.00 M3 light was $99 but fits all my rifles also.
  9. THe Hi-def and Tivo doesn't play well together unless you buy the box from the Sat company. The interfaces for Hi-def keeps changing. I wanted Hi-def out of Sat box, Hi-def out of my DVD, Patched through my surround sound receiver to pump my projector and my Klipsch 5 speaker surround sound. No luck without spending a fortune and replacing everything but the speakers and projector. Tivo is great, use the search feature and timers record what you want. Then when you get home, watch it an skip all the commericals. Even with a one channel receiver you can record and watch a prerecorded one at the same time. Now your typical 1 hour show only takes about 42 minutes to watch. Plus the slow motion is wonderful, frame by frame is perfectly sharp. I may never watch another TV Ad.
  10. Too much to explain here, buy the Jerry Kurtsinger spelling. Books on how to build a 45. Full of detail pics and shows tools necessary. You can ruin a good barrel fast.
  11. I did the Dish TIVO receiver box. Bought the model that doesn't charge you anything per month to have. $265.00 holds 80 hours. I love it.
  12. Ithaca 37, ejects out of bottom and safety is reversible
  13. Saw the add, was thinking about doing over one of my rifles. Anybody have any first hand news, reports etc would be appreciated. Also has anybody tried the new JP safety that's ambi? Quality fit etc.
  14. The laser grip panels don't work for lefties, thumb gets in the way. Lasers do work good for poaching animals in the dark. They don'tknow enough to run away. So if you like to shoot dillers at night they are great.
  15. pointing your finger is about your allowed now. Can I say bang!?
  16. cking

    Stingerjg Links

    Don't tease us, what is the ultimate secret. I may be too old to use it but I could rest in piece.
  17. IF you bought the gun used it may have been modified to run on light loads. Gas port size or spring. Use a drill to measure the port size and somebody can probably tell ya the default size.
  18. That's like tactical saying a 20 inch barrel but my tube can extend past it. Then why can't my barrel be longer. Same doors it has to fit through! Open should be open, and darn then you want to shoot that is safe.
  19. IF you have access to a range buy a couple of AR500 plates I bought a 8 inch round and 6 inch square rifle hard plates. I made up a two stands that hold the plates but let them rock. Then I bought a 22lr topend. You can hear the hits on the plates. Stand and practice. Once your up to say 80% hits move back to the 223 and work on it. I place the plates about 15 feet apart and practice movement between the plates and multiple hits on the plates. Then you can practice using something to lean on, like tree, broom handle, stepladder whatever is available. 22lr at 200 yards is little too far. That way I can burn 300/400 hundred rounds of 22lr as a warmup for 100 rounds of 223. If where your shooting doesn't go past 200 yards, and wind is less than gusting don't bother with wind dopping, or for that matter drop. Tubbs comments help me the most, he said don't wait for sights to settle on the plate get the hang of pushing the gun to the plate and learning when to let the trigger break.
  20. You might be right, Check brownells, I used the one in middle. Whatever size that was.
  21. cking

    Getting Older

    Geeh I resemble those remarks! Now what was I mad about????
  22. I'm using a Yamaha DTS but it doesn't have mutliple speaker outs, just the main five set, plus a extra bass unamped out. Lots of inputs, including the fiber for the sound 5+1. Drives my Klipsch OK, but for plain stereo records I turn all the effects off. The surrond sound from my DVD, and Dish Tivo all via the fiber sounds great. Alot depends on the Movie, Jurassic park 2 is great. My water glass ripples like the movies. Remotes are all IF instead of RF. My dish reciever TIVo box has RF. Still can't feed HD through a DTS box and out to my projector yet like I'd like to. There is some new wiz bang dvi out with sound all in one plug but all the reciever I looked at are still too expensive. I'll upgrade again when My Dish box, DTS, and Projector all can have the same plugs and support pass through HDTV. Same problem with a PC home entertain center.
  23. I ordered all three sizes from brownells then picked the one I liked the best. Which turned out to be the .05. Someone had mentioned getting it low enough. I had a little trouble fitting The site link pin was a little fatter, so I cleaned up the hole in sight and polished up the site link pin until it would go the full travel without binding. Then I had no trouble with zeroing. Then I filled the hole with grease and stuck the pin and spring in. IT doesn't flare for me in bright sun. But I'm in the over 50 group and have moved on to the bifocal stage. I'm a lefty so my left lense is focused at the front site distance. I can see fuzz again that clings to sights. The right eye is focus at infinity and I now shoot both eyes open. Takes the brain a little while to adjust. So maybe younger eyes might prefer a different size. the smallest size to me didn't have enough of a glow to bother with.
  24. Are those custom safeties, Nice thumb shield and wide!
  25. The suspense is killing us, open one, then if you don't post anymore we'll klnow it was bad stuff.
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