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Everything posted by cking

  1. you got it right. Sometimes the last round when extracted has dimple on it.
  2. First place I would look is barrel lugs, see where slide stop is hitting the lugs. Most likely it is too far forward. If you picture the center of the slide stop hole as the center of the clock. The slide stop should contact the lugs around the 4:30 to 5 o'clock. if it is hitting sooner it makes the whole reloading cycle hessitate when lugs, abruptly stop moving forward and try to go up. The barrel ramp angle is pretty fixed, moving the ramp forward changes the guns timing of round release from mag. linkup should be a very smooth process. Getting the lug length for tight lockup, then selecting a link length, then fiiting the lug ramp contact angle are three steps I follow.
  3. The current grooved trigger is ok, but grooves are very rounded. Nothing like the old cut ones. Somebody still cuts them because friend paid like $50.00 to have one grooved by a smith. Wish I had a name for ya but I don't.
  4. For hype and advertising George summed it pretty well, it sucks. You would think they would get the interfaces working so this stuff would plug together. IT is a small fortune to try an get a switcher/upscaler, a Satellite, DVD, and PVR functions to work together. I'm not buying until they do.
  5. My 625-8 started to fail to fire. Everybody looked the gun over and said seems fine. Timed good, nice and tight hum??????? I had replaced the hand with powers oversized, plus I had change the hand spring. The combination of fitting the hand to the window, and lower the spring pressure caused the hand when the gun got dirty to fail to pick up the cylinder. A combo of dirt, tight fitting hand, low spring pressure. So a little more play on hand in window and back to the orginal hand spring. Just in case anybody else runs into this.
  6. A improved AR-10 style with lots of improvements. Plus it functions with a suppressor. Deliver .65moa. I really like there ambi mag release. Seems KAC is really taking a leadership position. I find it interesting that will all the submissions that military went with same gas system.
  7. I paid particular attention to the VT guys video. I'm sure it did find a home with lots of youth today. Just like the movie scarface has become a theme to gang bangers. So which role model stereotypes are dominant today?
  8. I've been told that I was a barker, or a yeller when ROing. My personal take on this was that when you are ROing. Range safety is your responsibility. People are talking and generally not paying attention, and we are dealing with a potentially dangerous situation. So I'm in favor of the Marine Drill Instuctor style. Loud commanding things like Clear the Range, and Range is Hot, are to wake the people up focus their attention. But as it turned out I was turning people off and offending them. Whiners. So I stopped doing it, results people are happier but the squad moves much slower. Is it less safe? Not really but it takes me longer to run the shooter, getting the range cleared, getting people back behind the line etc. I guess it is all perception, I like Ro's that take control, so that's what I emulated, but I've been accused of having lousy taste.
  9. This one is going to get me in trouble but here goes. We are transitioning from a patriarchal to a martriarchal society. Single parent households, and silly concept that your suppose to be friends with your children. So these crazy concepts of being held accountable for your actions, and that someone will actually evaluate your efforts just isn't there. Here another one.... if you can't train a dog to behave don't have kids! We are also totally lacking in role models, hero's. The role models we have are lying, sleaze balls we call Politicans. Who only shame is getting caught. So what does the average guy emulate? The sleaze who seems to always come out on top, or good guy who get down trodded and ignored in todays society. I'm sure there are plenty of hero's in the war, but does our press praise them? We just hear bad news. Why because a matriarchal society can't deal with violence, they are just misunderstood. Go back and read Lord of Flies. Men are violent creatures who uses aggression to dominate, if your ignore this, your solution will fail. We need moral hero's who set a tone for society to emulate. Young males need to be around strong moral men, but the patriarchal society has just removed them and made their only purpose.... to pay the bills. I'm sure I've offended some, but stick and stones..........
  10. Your looking at the wrong part of the lug for locking. Your just seeing wear marks from sliding along inside the slide. Ignore it. The amount of lockup is on the shoulder at 90" to where you photo'ed it. The check for amount of lockup is measured from depth the lugs lock in the slide. Which is a combination of slide/frame/bottom lug cuts. If when barrel is locked, is there any play for and aft is called addon headspace. I don't see any signs of peening which would indicate a timing problem.
  11. The guys at precision shooting even reloaded the stuff and said that works ok too.
  12. For a local match write down first time string in string 2 box give one procedural. No big deal, don't chase off customers!!!!
  13. pics, source, cost?????????
  14. This is an Operating system glitch. It doesn't know how to prioritize data and buss is not fast enough switch. Vista has provisions to fix it. Alot depends on your motherboard, PCI bridges, RAM speed etc. What it amounts to is that the firewire is a high priority interrupt and it interferes with the streaming from the other drive. Try playing a video from firewire drive.
  15. I've got old para frame kit. and my slot is a little low, not as much as you've stated. Let us know how the Dawson spring works. Maybe it will be long and you can then fit it.
  16. http://forums.thedieselstop.com/ubbthreads/ This web site has all the details. DP Tuner is best route. The 99 changed alot in mid year will make a big difference in what's available. Look the DP tuner folks up call them and give them your VIN tell them what you want and he'll do a customer progam for you. Also if you want just send him your PCM and he'll reprogram it for $75.00 and express it back to you. Everybody raves about the guy.
  17. eyes ears nose and throat. They all can affect the other. Stay after it. My son had constant ear infections and it disolved the little bones in ear. Then infection went into that spongy material behind ear. They had to mostly remove the ear, scrap out the bony material, make new bone piece and then replace the ear. Not something you want to go through. They got 80% of his hearing back for him.
  18. if the hammer falls and no bang then check the firing pin hole for primer crud in it. Also check fired brass to see if the firing pin is elongated in the brass. Usually means firing pin return spring is weak.
  19. randly lee hammer only works on frame mounted firing pin guns.
  20. anybody know what this button does. Ambi Mag dump should be put on all AR lowers, esp STAG!
  21. I finally did notice that were guns involved
  22. Buy a squirt gun with nice front site. Spray paint the sights black, NOT the whole gun. Go to eye glass store that has rig that lets them dial up the strength you need. Big thing sit on your face and has lots of dials. Dominant eye focus on front sight. Other eye on Infinity. Buy the cheap plastic lenses like $35.00 put them in old frame. Bifocal and progressive make you do the head bobbing try to find the sweet spot and you lose time. This only works for iron sights. For scopes need lenses that are focus at infinity. Also Decot shooting glasses are best frames and lenses. The ones that let you put a scrip behind the outer have lots of glare and reflection problems. Trust me I've spends hundreds of dollars only to find the cheap solution was the best. I had my bifocal put at the top and bottom of lenses etc. All a waste of money.
  23. I remember that next time I'm squirting a viscous liquid!!!!
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